What's the gayest thing you've done?

what's the gayest thing you've done?
why aren't you openly bisexual?
reply or your mom gets cancer

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Sexually molested via an illegal emp burst from a satelite within Australia against my cock, made it wiggle. This has happened at least a hundred times.


youre gay and autistic arent you?

Bisexual. Maybe slightly autistic though.

took a dick in the butt

prolly sucked a dick
i am openly bisexual



masturbated with a man, sucked some dick, fucked with some trap. Openly straight. Probably i'm gay af

You're bisexual.

^^^he's right you know

tried to suck my own dick
just not into guys

I don't remember what the absolute gayest thing was. I bought some squishy mechanical pencils for the sole purpose of shoving them in my ass a couple years back; that was kinda gay.

My bisexuality isn't really a secret, but I do have homophobic friends, so I don't discuss it much.

I also don't really like gay people who feel the need to remind me that they're gay every ten seconds. I'm comfortable with my sexuality, and that means that I don't feel uncomfortable with it on one hand, but I also don't make it the center of my life or try to make it the center of anyone else's.

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>gayest thing
Masturbate to homosexual fantasies

>why not openly bi
Because I'm going to die a virgin and there would be no point

At 12 started playing with my butt with toothbrushes and worked up to big sunscreen spraybottles and my fist by 13. Got fisted and fucked publicly in a van at 19


Stroked a dick a bunch of times.

Hell I'm stroking one now

Feels good


I like to fuck my asshole with dildos, and watch gayporn. Never had sex with a man but i wan to. I love girls tho, so i guess im bisexual eaven tho i have never had sex with a man.

This tbh