Anyone got a recent picture of either of these faggots?

Anyone got a recent picture of either of these faggots?

Attached: Jon-Venables-and-Robert-Thompson-1255365.jpg (590x393, 47K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Ones back inside for cp, tothers had the good sense to keep his head down. I doubt recent pics exist of him.

Hello page 10

Sorry I can't say or post their adult pics. Its illegal to dox them in the UK.

Venables keeps getting busted for CP.

doubt that's the full story

most of the shit people write in news is all bullshit

are you retarded?

They should both be brutally murdered and the fact they have not shows what a cuck place the UK is

These are the sick fucks that beat a kid to death for no reason right?

are you?

Attached: qu3cdMQ.gif (500x281, 988K)

Answering a question with a question...You are certainly psychologically handicapped.

What kind of paranoid moron do you have to be to think the news is lying to you about that

news pappers lie all the time and latter write a rebuttle

it happens all the time mate

post a throw away email & i'll send you them. I have both these fuckers & Thompsons new name

also news pappers are not there to tell the truth or to do any good they are there to make money remember the phone haccking and milley dowling

your the retard thinking news pappers are right all the time

i am not paranoid I am not a child that thinks everything i read is correct

[email protected]

Oh man, I hope you're dyslexic, because being this bad at grammar is only excusable if something you can't help is wrong with you.

will mail you tonight

So you think they've been lying for years about him possessing child porn?

Don't breed, in the off chance you ever meet a girl.

Here’s Jonny

Attached: 3B7E31B4-DAA0-4215-A0CE-24DEC0A2B878.png (452x279, 206K)

signing u up for newsletters etc...


he looks like a spic

I have had a newspaper lie directly about me and a fight I was in so that guy isnt wrong per se, but in this case Im trying to figure out where the sensationalism is (beyond the event of kids killing a kid). I dont see it, thus I think the story is direct and accurate.

i dunno but i don't trust them news media makes sensation out of shit the court records were sold we don't know he might have raped a girl stolen some shit

what's the point of going after this guy when there are real pedo's in the parliment the news never talks off

There's a reason they needed a new identity, they're wanted menlets.

Is this the "I'm gonna correct you with an incorrect word" meme?

Here’s Robbie

Attached: 62BF7898-020D-4777-8652-37A950CF7667.jpg (1024x615, 138K)

do it

okay maybe sensationalism is a bad word to use but newspappers do lie

the court records are sealed so we will not know

this scares me how do we know it's him what if it's an innocent man like the time news of the world decided to release pictures of so called pedo's some random guy got his picture put in the pappers and he got lynched news paper are just scum for years they protected jimmy savel and other pedos

are we all in trouble now wee ween these pics?

Another fake?

who the fuck are they and why should i give a fuck about them !?


why not put it up on imgur annonymously

also are these real?

Most of the shit in newspapers are bullshit. you have two options you either kill them or get them help prisons don’t work

kidnapped, tortured & abused a 2yr old boy & got a slap on the wrists and a tax paid new identity.

They killed a kid called James Bulger, those are their mugshots after they were arrested. Don't have to care, but thats who they are.

jonny is

Actually, it's illegal to fix them in any country. Those little cunts got one of the most rare injunctions available.

You can get 2 years for posting a picture of them but venebles is a full on paedophile, drug addict who brags about what he does and only gets a few months in the clink.

Also, his latest bust had found nearly 2000 cp images and videos on his pc. 1/3rd of which are categorised as the most horrific and illegal. I.e toddler cream pies, infant anal, gangbangs and baby rape.

Make your own deviant on how to proceed.

Someone deleted it.. Could you please resend to [email protected]? Thanks

They abducted a 2 year old, threw bricks at him, made him injest paint aswell as put paint in his eyes, put batteries and stick in his ass and stamped his skull in. Then threw his rekt little body on the train tracks to cover it up.

Their parents and lawyers blamed violent TV like power rangers and the adult Chuckie movies.

What’s “another fake?”
The picture?

Articulate you fuck.

The article isn’t a fake it’s just Brit’s being classic inbred retards and accusing some random guy of being Jon Venables.

Looks nothing like him.

>thinking any other country’s laws apply to Americans

Attached: 7BB626C9-82E9-4719-AE39-B418A5FF99A3.jpg (470x470, 43K)


its not

It's a worldwide injunction. Your pool hole nation isn't exempt from the mighty empire of pedos.

Share results

Fake and gay. The guy who this is of sued the people who posted it and won. Google it.

It's your job to defend and debunk this, not ours.

If you want to win, provide evidence. If you wanna lose be lazy and just say dumb shit.


The UN can't enforce global norms on nuclear weapons or heroin, but you think everyone managed to agree on freedom of speech suppression? Please.
It's illegal in the UK because for some reason the populace here is fine with thought police. Maybe some other commonwealth countries that just go along with it. It's ridiculous to think it extends further.

[email protected]

There was a small meeting in 1776 which decided otherwise.

Stupid faggot.

Attached: DE9D31A5-5F5C-4E28-B6D6-1377C2585466.jpg (1440x953, 188K)

>Actually, it's illegal to fix them in any country

Maybe in any country that still sucks the Queen of England's dick, but not here in the U.S.

What the hell do you think we could be charged with, exactly?


Suck my balls "it's a worldwide injunction".

The courts of Britfagistan don't have the authority to make an injunction that applies in the United States.

Again, what the hell do you think we could be charged with? IS there some law on the books I don't know about applying British court orders above and beyond and in spite of the First Amendment?


Full retard
>News pappers

That was a different guy altogether,

see this for the article

I remember something about kids shoving batteries up some other kids ass. this was some decades ago?


They should have been executed. Especially the dude that is into CP still.

Never going to change a psycho's brain. Just put them in the dirt and stop wasting time, money, and energy.

you're a retard if you think news papers do not lie

they are there to make money nothing else and maybe to push political agendas

If anyone post their real names, be ready for the consequences.
I'm not threatening you, i'm only warning you.


>muh US

who are these kids? from willy wonka?

I did. It's all over fucking Google, jackass. It takes ten seconds to check - about as much effort as it takes to read this response.

>what I thought when I was 16

I smell shit, you a Pig?(:

"The attorney general’s office has launched an investigation into social media messages which may breach the worldwide legal injunction preventing identification of the convicted child killer Jon Venables.

In 1993, Venables and his co-defendant, Robert Thompson, were convicted of killing the two-year-old James Bulger in Liverpool.

Before their release on parole in 2001, Venables and Thompson were given new identities, which are supposed to be protected by a court order.

The injunction prevents the media or anyone anywhere in the world publishing photographs of them, information that could lead to their being identified or soliciting such information"

Straight from the hot press. You fucking fat invreeders think you're exempt from western law. You're not.

Fucking idiot.

>muh UK

I don't like the United States government, but one of the few good things about the law here is that freedom of speech (First Amendment) rights are pretty strong.

There are and cannot be laws against words, ranging from hate speech to posting pictures of convicted criminals.

Sweet fucking jesus you're a tard
A "worldwide injunction" means it's illegal in the UK to disclose it anywhere
But if you're not in the UK, that means jack shit
And we complain about the americans trying to be world police, fuck me.

no u

>Child Killer
>protected by court order
I’m pro resocialisation and all but goddamn, that’s weird

So injunctions don't exist in burgerland?


Anyway, you break a supreme court order of the British empire and you've commited a criminal offence that will land you years in prison. I doubt you'll get extradited but you'll never be allowed in Europe with such a warrant on your fat head.

Okay...this BS is to scare & nothing else; think about it! If you believe this then you are a retard as if they convicted anyone then by the conviction it would be validating their tax payed identity.

Fucking sage.
Leave them alone, it's none of your business faggots.

Unless either -
A. You're a country in the UN and it was made international law,.. aww fuck it, let the battle of shit swabs begin.

oh noes

Attached: 1520579300854.jpg (959x538, 129K)

Sage my arse you retard...these fuckers should not be breathing! 10 seconds is all I'd want or need with either or both of these degenerates. Would I do life for these pricks??? YES!

>prevents the media or anyone anywhere in the world

Oh, it does, does it? How exactly did it stop this thread from happening?

ISIS might declare a worldwide death sentence to anyone who doesn't adhere to Islam, but that doesn't mean ISIS law applies here.

And ISIS law is more or less as enforceable in the U.S. as UK law. Meaning, not at all.

I'm 99% sure you're trolling, but I'm posting this as reference to everyone else here.

No, that court order does not apply here, even if UK courts say it does, because the police here have no crime to charge you with for breaking it and no judge would waste time hearing anything about it.


Guess again

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Injunctions exist, broad suppression of speech does not. Stop defending our shameful thought police institutions.

I don’t know, with brexit I’m pretty sure Europe is fine

You are so delusional it's unbelievable. Is that a new meme ?

>So injunctions don't exist in burgerland?

Not for stupid shit like that, anyways. And injunctions made in other countries for any reason still don't apply here regardless.

They'd also have to discover my identity using legal means in order to get a warrant, and no legal means exist, because no judge is going to issue a subpoena since U.S. law hasn't been broken.

Even if they got an IP address or something, or I directly posted both pictures on my personal Facebook account, that's not enough evidence for a conviction in any civilized country since the account could have been faked or hacked, and an IP address doesn't identify a person.

So, no, we can post all the pictures we want and there'll be nothing the Jew K's courts can do about it.

It's used as a punishment not some magical force stopping you.

Fucking retard. Too much Bible, burgers and bullets in your daily diet keeping you dumbest western nation.


Attached: 1ED26FAB-1ECF-491B-BAC7-0798B089E139.jpg (526x300, 64K)

Venables now living as Luke Taylor, transferred to Winsom Prison late 2017 for possession of over 1000 cp images and 'how to' books on the subject

Attached: DWexVdZW4AEWZF-.jpg (788x788, 73K)

Well played.

Okay, you have got to be trolling

Fuck the Bible, I've cut back on the burgers, and bullets are cool and you faggots should try some.

There's no punishment since the UK can't do anything about it.


Attached: Rob.jpg (724x554, 75K)

not him

this is him
look at the ears

Turns out it was that easy