White people be like this

>white people be like this
>black people be like that
>muh islamophobia
>muh niggers are oppressed and shit

Is this washed up hack finally done for? and what the fuck is wrong with his voice?


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you mad whitey

t. white virgin loser

You do know he's only parroting what his white writer says? Because Dave himself isn't funny.

his white writer wrote jokes that use the word nigger? that's very problematic

Literally the only incorrect thing he said was "obama dindu nuffin".

Niggers are oppressed and shit tbf, and white people do be like this

It's okay when a nigger calls niggers nigger because reasons. But when a non-nigger calls a nigger a nigger everyone chimps out. Crazy.

>do be like this
Why does ebonics sound so funny?

>comedian pushes my agenda and talks about my experiences
Finally an unbiased comedian, super funny too.
>comedian pushes another agenda and talks about the experiences of a minority
Disgusting, why cant they make jokes for tge average person, total hack.

Because I imagine a nigger making a grotesque face while saying the words in a grotesque accent.

>Sup Forums cucks getting triggered by le evil black man

Because you don't think it be like it is but it do

Also if a half-nigger with light skin uses the word nigger everyone freaks out unless he can prove his blackness.

White cucks like are give a bad name to your race.

>"Im going to give Donald Trump a chance"

So how long until Chapelle is disowned by the black community for not being a retarded nigger?

He's already disowned by a large majority of niggers since he became successful and rich.

Thia board really is nothing but triggered faggots

He meant obama literally didnt do anything during his 2 terms.

Not to mention, he bought a farm out in Ohio, surrounded by white folks.

Nobody likes him anymore because he's an Uncle Tom desparately trying to stay relevant. His audiences consist of suburbian non-blacks who can finally laugh at someone poking fun at niggers.

>Republicans stop Obama from doing anything

>what?! Obama did nothing!!

Fucking retards and if I'm saying you're fucking retarded I also know you're too fucking retarded to get this

You either don't know what literally means or you're a liar.


Or he's retarded (I'm betting on that one).

>Dave Chappelle used to make fun of celebrities giving their political opinion "WHERES JA?"
>Now does it like the hypocritical faggot he is

he wasn't bad at all you autistic faggot

what are you talking about, the shit chappelle was in at the beginning of the show (not including that shit cold open) was mostly making fun of liberal crybabies

it wasn't until weekend update that snl's writers took over and threw their anti-trump tantrum

How many white girls were BLACKED at that White House party?

thought it was alrighty

Just one, Bradley Cooper.

I'm a minority winner who has had sex and also found the monologue disappointing.

Wasn't the "Where's Ja?" joke about how some news channel asked him about 9/11 or something? Comedians talking about politics during a set isn't exactly new or controversial (unless you're shit at it, like that fat joke-stealing cunt Schumer)

[citation needed]

Fuckin what? Plenty of people do.

Dave Chappelles opinion is just as relevant as Ja Rules

Insane liberals though think of it as some like spiritual pow wow when their celebrities talk to them


dude negros lmao

Comedians always talk about politics, dude.

>black male acts like a decent upstanding human being

Oh black people what the fuck is wrong with you?

I thought so, too. He is entering Richard Pryor levels of JUST.

I just realized its his high squeaky voice that makes him funny

Seeing him with that really low pitch is really off

WTF I love Dave Chappele now.

>Dave Chappelles opinion is just as relevant as Ja Rules

But the joke wasn't about celebrities having valid opinions, it was about the media treating their opinions seriously.

I'm sure Chappelle would be fine with Ja Rule voicing his opinion. He would just think it would be ridiculous if the news covered it.

Can't repel the Chappelle triggered cunt

This video contains content from NBC Universal, who has blocked it on copyright grounds.

Hint faggot: Liberals are the media and you retards lost hard


>rubs stomach

>whites continuously flee blacks ruining their cities and neighborhoods from Baltimore to Chicago to Oakland
>whites begin speaking about blacks inability to create functional societies, inability to better their neighborhoods, inability to keep their language from devolving into a simple, barbaric string of sounds
>da evul white man be mean to us

Blacks are just beginning to reap what they have sown, you can't destroy half of the industrial cities in America while promoting a garbage tier "culture" and not expect fallout.

Poor white people are just as shitty as poor black people. I wish we could kill all poorfags.

Except even middle class and rich blacks are garbage.

Statistically not true

I still don't like you. I don't like going into your dirty neighborhoods. I don't like stopping in your shitty little towns when I'm driving across the country. I don't like your fast food or your diners or your cheap watered down beer. I don't like the way you talk. I don't like the way you can't read. I don't like anything about poor people, and the world would be a much better place without you around. Elites are elite for a reason, and pathetic, uneducated poorfags live in squalor for a reason. I can't wait until robots make you wastes of oxygen completely obsolete.

>o shit dave is back
>the skits are all unfunny shit
>can't even watch beyond the first 30 minutes

Nope chapelle's still dead

>monologue was hilarious
>so was the sketch that consisted entirely of Dave Chappelle and Donnell Rawlings
Dave's still funny, but even he can't redeem the terrible people they have on SNL.

You sound like my brother after he graduated in Boston. Also turned into a Vegan. WTF is wrong with you liberals.

I'm not a liberal, dumbass.

>Poor white people are just as shitty as poor black people.


Poor whites aren't the violent scum that blacks are, regardless of their income.

lol. You must not live around poor whites.

That has nothing to do with the point I was making.

And considering we won the popular vote, I'm going to call bullshit on that "lost hard" argument.

>he's an Uncle Tom desparately trying to stay relevant.


He's been enjoying himself in the comedy scene. If what you're saying is true, he'd be desperately working with TV networks to make deals happen to remain in the national spotlight.

Jesus, learn to shut the fuck up with shit you don't know about.

Take a shower, poory.

>I missed the joke

Celebs are expected to have opinions. The whole bit is how the news acts desperate to get their shit opinions.

God this board is dumb as hell

lol. You must not know about the FBI's uniform crime reporting system.

>And considering we won the popular vote,

>illegal aliens
>popular vote

Choose one.


As if I'd believe anything the FBI makes public.

Calm down Rudolf.

Like it or not, poorfags are almost universally stupid, violent, and insufferable. Let me guess: you're some piece of shit who barely makes 5 figures and thinks that just because he's white he's somehow above all of the niggers and spics that he acts just like.

Weebs are even worse than poorfags. I cannot wait until God-Emperor Trump bans anime, sends all the NEETs to work camps, and drops more nukes on Japan.

>mfw that walking dead sketch with his old characters

Can't wait until the Cyborg Bern kills Drumpf, Mike "AC/DC the LGBT" Pence, his Shockers army and the Alex Jones clones


fuck off phoneposter

Never gonna happen. Trump will abolish term limits, and eventually elections. Democracy, like anything that gives power to the filthy commoners, was a mistake.

>poorfags are almost universally stupid, violent, and insufferable


That doesn't change the fact that poor blacks have higher homicide and violent crime rates than poor whites....and pretty much every other ethnic group in the nation.

It's not the poverty, as the liberals would have us believe, it's the garbage black ghetto culture.

My hatred of niggers doesn't make me hate poorfags any less. The fact that so many dumb trailertrash whites emulate nigger culture makes them even more loathsome than the niggers themselves. Niggers are born stupid and lazy. There's no excuse for being poor and white.

How does it feel to lose to these "virgin white losers"?

>That doesn't change the fact that poor blacks have higher homicide and violent crime rates

among other poor blacks. Poor whites are just as shit.

>nearly nothing between 2006 and 2013
>then again nothing until 2016
I don't know how his routine is right now but it was stale in '03 and didn't improve much.
Made a few "political" comments so people are interested again. That's really it. I mean he's 43 now at he's getting paid to say nigger on national TV.

Dude rednecks are just as bad. Don't be a biased piece of shit.

Let's call this what it is. Poor people are retarded and can't function. That's why they're poor.

>cuse for being poor and white
Schultz go to bed. You're tired.

I'd rather live near an upper middle class, college educated black family than a bunch of white trash popping retards, that's for sure.

I can't believe he made excuses for the san bernandino killer. Lost a little respect for him there.

hes making a shit ton of money and you poorfags are trying to insult him kek

white trash pill* popping retards.
I don't even know what you're talking about. Also, it's the middle of the day in the civilized world.

This was the best thing 11 minutes of television in about a decade. God, why are Drumpfkins so butthurt? You fucking one, shitbags.

>among other poor blacks
So you mean 80% of blacks

While you can meme about rednecks the facts are they have far more peaceful areas than any black place in America period, even poor european dumps are safer than fucking Baltimore or East St Louis.

The only ones who lost are you cucks because you put a liberal in office.

Itt mad and jealous crackers

Nigger neighborhoods are only dangerous for other niggers. You're clearly blinded by your allegiance to fellow lower class scumbags, but make no mistake: you people are no fun to live around.

Sounds like he triggered you perfectly. Reminding you that you've been done for your whole life and nothing will change that.

I grew up on the Chapelle show and SNL, and I hate Trump... but dude this shit was so unfunny and miles away from any sort of poignancy.

You serious?

This is a liberal rationalization in an attempt to remove race a factor to a negative traits they always do this, yet have no issue going "trailer trash redeck" which implies white being a racial link to the negative trait. What hypocrites.

>Also, it's the middle of the day in the civilized world
>forgetting China, Japan, Australia, Taiwan, New Zealand
I forgot you stormfags have the IQ of rocks

What's with you Amerifats and your obsession with late night comedians and their shitty show? They literally don't exist where I come from, no one gives a shit about comedians.

>but make no mistake: you people are no fun to live around.
How are poor white people bad company? They dont cause anywhere the amount of trouble blacks cause. The majority of white people even were poor back then yet had peaceful countries YOU CANT EXPLAIN THAT LIBERAL SHIT.

I hate niggers. I hate white trash. I hate spics. If you aren't rich, white, and educated, I hate you. It has nothing to do with liberals and everything to do with poor people being nothing but a drain on the economy and a blight on our country's beautiful rural areas.

Die in a fire, cuck.

>Sup Forums loves dave chappele and his old skits
>he makes a speech about the election and how it shouldnt split us up
>angry white kids are calling him a cuck and using memes

you guys are so predictable its great keep up the good work

inb4 the replies to this post upset at me

>yet had peaceful countries

How can you be this retarded.

because he's poor. If he weren't retarded, he wouldn't be poor.