Gonna lose my virginity in 9 hours, anything I should know...

Gonna lose my virginity in 9 hours, anything I should know? She knows I'm a virgin and his coming a long way to meet me so I'm not too worried

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enjoy it

Dont bust a nut in ur pants OP

>his coming

is coming*

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do it more than once.
don't skip the foreplay.
lick that pussy like its your last meal.

More pics fgt

is it a fucking guy or girl

be virgin

Put it in her asshole

Holy shit I remember sharing these pics about a year ago, glad somebody enjoyed them.

Same girl.

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plan to, she been wearing and plug and playing with it all week

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his* asshole.
OP is a gay

will you suck the feminine penis when it touches your lips?

Rub one out early, like now. You don't wanna nut too early. Eat that pussy, no, seriously, dig in. Focus on the clit when you're up by it, suck on it. Play with her breasts. Remember to pay attention to her moans and body movements as it will tell you everything you need to know if you're doing good or not and what to keep doing. When it comes to sex, don't go hog wild, start slow and pace. If you feel you're about to nut too soon, pull out and go back to focusing on her. Remember, this is as much of an experience for her as it is for you, so make sure she's satisfied as well and I promise you, you'll have a fuck buddy for life.

Having had my tongue thoroughly up that girl's asshole, I can confirm she is not a dude.

She is, however, a snake. Avoid at all costs if looking for anything other than the best sex of your life.

girls shit taste better than a guys shit.

Where are the rest?

Shes gonna suck me off on the drive back to my house so I'm not gonna rub one out yet, thanks for the advice

Wouldn't know. Despite being a sociopath, she had excellent hygiene awareness; never had any nasty surprises in that department.

She was mad for anal though.

he's coming*

Give me a minute to boot the tablet I keep them on, I'll find the others. Fun fact: That last one was taken in a Premier Inn about 5 minutes from my house where we met. Her bf was tracking her smartphone and she somehow thought that appearing to stay the night 5 minutes from mine would be better and less suspicious than appearing to actually stay at mine.

There's videos too, but I don't like watching myself lel.

is coming* alright

A few things I remember thinking while on the middle of my maiden fuck:
- the pussy canal is at a slight angle. you'll know what i mean once youre in there
- pussy feels fucking fantastic, pace yourself when fucking, make it seem like youre down with different thrusting speeds when youre actually just trying not to cum. thinking of benign objects works too - my favorite is trees
- foreplay my dude - that makes it or breaks it for the chick. take ur time before going for the puss, make her want it before u touch it

God speed user. Have fun

dude nothing wrong with being gay. It sucks at first, but then you learn to love yourself more than you ever thought you could.

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no, no word of encouragement s tae away


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Jack off 5-3 hours before she gets there so your first time isn't over in less than a minute.

Jacking off is about coming, sex is about pleasuring each other.

Once you get it in start slow and pay close attention to her breathing, make your movements match her breath. As her breath gets faster gradually increase your speed.

If you feel overly excited during sex prevent yourself from coming to early by distracting your mind. Some people think of their grandmas, others of gore, but if you put your attention on her breathing and the comfortableness of your own body it should be enough.

Don't be silent, you're not a fucking mime. You don't need to moan, just feel free to breathe heavily in a way that matches your body movements.

Fuck this, wait and cum with her. It's your first time, don't ruin it by jacking off first. You'll be so keyed up you'll be good to go again like 5 minutes after you cum. Have her suck your dick first, cum, then go down on her or finger her or something

man fuck all this jack off first talk, you'll ruin it.

We don't mind the videos ;)

>You'll be so keyed up you'll be good to go again like 5 minutes after you cum.
That depends on both of them. If OP is too nervous due to it being his first time good luck getting him going again 5 min after coming.

>Have her suck your dick first, cum, then go down on her or finger her or something
Go easy on OP. If he's a virgin he won't know how to finger or eat a girl.

lol sounds like you didn't understand a word he said hahahaha. good luck dude

Ok real talk
I'm 25 years old and a shut in because I don't know what to do outside of my house alone besides shopping or other basic crap
literally how do you meet people or even start a relationship because that's how bad I am at socializing
I'm so out of the loop I feel like I might not even be human at this point

no I understood, the drive back to my house from where I'm picking her up is only like 10 minutes. I wanna nut from her during the trip and then we can go again when we get back

is pic related her?

Not OP here, but pic related is one of my exes. I shared these two pics on here about this time last year, a few months before we broke up.

Put your thingy inside her thingy.... no, not that one... the other one.


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Eat something with hot sauce beforehand and then eat out her pussy. Chicks love it

I like to do some quick maths in my head, get some memeing in while getting my dick wet

Don't forget lube. He could hurt you.

Fucking faggot.

Quick tip; Ejaculating is not the end of it, if you come early, do about 15 minutes of foreplay and oral and try again

Boy you're really hung up on this gay thing aren't you...

user doth protest too much, methinks...

yeah, man. spit snot on her cunt to use it as lube. you know, normal saliva dries too fast. snot would take so much longer

you are gonna get robbed

Another useful hint: I'm giving you this advice on the assumption that you've watched your fair share of porn. Don't do what they do in the vids, it's not fun for either party.

Lick the back of your hand hard enough so you can feel your finger bones. Don't lick her clit harder than that unless she grabs your head. You have to work up to harder licking, start swirly, also don't suck too hard. Her clit is way more sensitive than your dick if you are a cutfag like me

anal makes you cum 10x faster than vaginal b/c it's so much tighter

moar of dis plz

Don't be silent is good advice, girls are really into sound. Don't say stupid stuff but if she know you're enjoying her body she'll enjoy it more too

Meet people at work
>Inb4 neet
Meet people at work, get work first

I work from home

Yeah if she's about to cum and you decide to change position she will hate it. Remember girls can cum multiple times, clit can get a bit tender depends on the girl. So if she cums quick, no probs

Change that or get additional job. Honestly it's the easiest way to act normal and learn about people. You might even meet friends you can go drink beer with.

I have a vid but sadly you can see both of our faces, I'll post a screenie to prove I'm not fuggin with you, I'll see if I can find a decent frame.


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moar pix are fine

And another one because I'm feeling generous and I haven't watched this vid in ages.

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If she asks you to bring skittles, condoms and lube then it's a trap, the Chris Hanson kind

Best advice I can think of: when you start, you'll be inclined to a natural rhythm with your body. Cut that rhythm in half. Then, when you feel yourself getting too aroused, cut it in half again.

You'll probably still blow your load within 2 minutes, but this is the best way of trying to get you to last as long as possible.

dont even worry about "not doing things right" or not lasting so long, its your first time after all and even females know that. Just do whats feels natural. Don't think about what you see in porn lol.

You want to date and fuck teens ?
>>Go find there -> caseygraphics.com.au/young
It's better than TINDER.

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So u cucked her dude? Hot. Who was this broad just a rando whore u met where tho? I'm tryna find rando whores n cant at work cuz I work labor so only dudes smhh

>how. they make profit? wtf!!!

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any more solo shots of her amazing body?
would love to see her ass bent over, too

I thought cucked meant the dude had consented to it? If that's the case then no this wasn't one of those, he definitely didn't consent to it. Feel kinda bad because he was a nice guy, a bit paranoid, a bit manipulative, very insecure; probably didn't deserve what happened to him.

I'd known her for years, had always been close friends, had never been any hint of romance until Autumn 2016 just before it happened. I'd had a big break up, she was being emotionally supportive. I was being naive as fuck and not realising what she actually wanted.

Went to visit her and her bf in their university town, watched Doctor Strange with them, had a nice meal, some drinks; he reluctantly went back to his place because he had a lecture the next morning. Somehow, and I don't know how, she had managed to get him to agree to let me stay at her place.

second this !
amazing body

Every fucking day for a week.

foreplay is important, neck kissing is a must, while kissing, rub her body, she will be moister than an oyster


We watched the last few episodes of Stranger Things on her bed. She'd been using the jumpscares and tense moments to push herself closer to me, and again I was thick as pigshit and didn't realise what was actually happening. After we finished the finale we kept on lying there even though the normal thing for two friends to do would be for me to move onto the inflatable mattress. Her phone was going off constantly from her bf asking what was happening, was everything okay, saying he was anxious but that he trusted her, etc.

She pretended to nod off and did the classic "pretend to adjust your body as if you're getting comfortable but actually you're just rubbing yourself against them". She kept asking me if I was okay, probably to try and spark some kind of a conversation regarding whatever the fuck was happening. I realised, "Fuck I'm actually crazy attracted to her" and started getting hard (yes, only at that point, somehow). Her right leg, which was over me, grazed my boner, and then neither of us had an excuse to not allow everything that happened next. Because she knew, and I knew, and I knew she knew, and she knew I knew she knew.

Then it was just mad kissing and rolling around on the bed struggling to get clothes off, I was playing with her ass, she said something like, "You really like my ass don't you user?", I spat out something like, "Fucking hell are you fucking kidding me it's my best friend", and then she said, and I'll never forget this: "Wait until you see it in doggie"

I've had other jobs before mostly manual labor and menial factory/warehouse work
I'd see coworkers talk about going to bars and stuff after work but I legitimately thought they were nuts after a 12 hour shift where I was sweaty and tired

Also, a famous mistake is to solely focus on the clit
You have to get there by caressing the whole area

Sucking on it is a damn nice way btw, definetely do that
But suck it like a small penis, not like you'd want to drink from a straw

Balls go in the condom too or you'll hab kids and STDs

balls go in the anus user. balls go in the anus.

>Wait until you see it in doggie

dont make me ask for it user

I have a video. It was filmed on a potato and the filesize is too large to share. If anyone can tell me how to trim a webm I will post the vid.

You are about to loose your viginity, but you have given her a rimjob before? How come you didn't smash her the first time?

No single shot of her bent over from behind? or standing? just any kind of ass?

>how to trim a webm
do pic related in VLC

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I'm the second guy, not OP.

OP's posted two pics of my ex that I shared last year.

Currently trying to post vid but 2mb upload limit is fuggin' me up the butt.

your doing god's work

just upload it to streamable dot com and post link

>actual sexual advice on Sup Forums

Blimey, what a time to be alive. Next we'll have a thread where nobody's called a faggot, nigger or cuck.

It's worth it.

Although what was really twisted was that we used one of HIS condoms, met up with him the next day, and hung out before I went home.

It wasn't until he scoured her phone that he found all the texts and pics, etc... But it was too late by then.

Holy fuck OP is about to smash a roastie and get whatever STD's she might be carrying

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OP isn't posting images of the girl he's about to nail. Just keeping the thread alive with porn, newfag.

>2mb upload


We will when Obama wins a third term

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Roastie for sure, but OP's not the one posting pics of her now, I am lel.

Yeah man. Working on it.

Could you upload the video

Not that one as our faces are in it. However... Thanks to I can show you this one


Ha ha ha ha staying alive staying alive

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lmao i love this guy

I know the pain mate, hang in there aight.

Thank you for your contribution

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What's his name


I've had a breakthrough. Found the old hard drive I saved the pics I had to, it's slow as fuck but it's pulling its weight just about. Have THIS.

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more of pic related?

Bless you user, I did what I could. The hard drive has sadly done what it can. It was a valiant effort, at least we got one half decent pic and a vid out of it.

Not OP, signing out.

have'nt had the time to DL :(