Ask a girl who has no friend anything!

Ask a girl who has no friend anything!

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tits or gtfo

Post with your own words, not with borrowed ones

post your own pic, not Yozora

do you really have no friends

Do you have an upstairs?

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Tits or gtfo

Who's Yozora?

No, do you?


id like to think i have friends

why don't you have friends?

Really, actually I don't even need friends, but I don't wanna people around me to belittle me because I have none

Dunno how to make friends with people
What are friends?

its okay. friends are nice to have

tits or gtfo

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no tits. sage.

What's so nice about having friends?
They could stab you in the back

how much do you weight

i dont wanna stab u in the back

Dunno, probably like 50 kg

I'm not sure, my childhood friend left me without saying goodbye when I was a kid, so...

i know the feeling
everyone close to me has drifted away
but i want something closer than ive ever had before

Okay besides the whole "no friends" thing, interests?

wanna be friends?

Hey there, anonymous girl. I feel pretty sad for you, just know that you can reach out to people, everyone's there to help.

Right, that's partially why I don't need friends

It's kinda related to this "no friends" thing, but I actually have a imaginary friend

Not really

Write timestamp on your ass and ill be your friend

maybe you need someone closer than a friend

Why sad?
You know the worst part of not having friends is this, people like you looks down om me just because I have no friend

Do you need to have a serious conversation with someone? Are you alright? We can talk somewhere else if you want to, I'm here to help.

Right, and this imaginary friend of yours, is he/she/it meant to substitute for another person to converse/have sexual congress. I mean what is it?

I'm not looking down on you, believe me. Even I at a point in my life had no friends, but now I do, and only after having friends was I able to notice how bad my life was before that.

Who said I need friends?

You mean bf?

Not really, I don't need help, it's just I wanna talk about how this society is fucked up because of friendship things

>Who said I need friends?
You wouldnt make a thread on 4 chan if you didnt want attention and friends

bf, gf, significant other, whatever you want

I think what the lass is trying to get at is here is that why asexual or this afrienduals are not easily accepted or something.

>how. they make profit? wtf!!!

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Well, the word "friendship" has really been derogated in the society these days due to some fucktards, but having an actual real honest to god friend... it's the most beautiful feeling in the world

My imaginary friend is also a girl

How did your friends change your life then?
I'm a little bit interested in you

Completely wrong

>society is fucked up because of friendship things
How so? I used to be in a somewhat similar situation with the same beliefs but I'm curious as to what your reasons are

Humans are not asexual. Medication and undiagnosed illnesses cause asexuality

Isn't my imaginary friend enough?
she understands everything about me like those

>Completely wrong
Then why would you create a thread, claim you are female(breaking user) and say you have no friends, and then reply to everyone who posts in said thread?

You're seeking attention and this temporary friends to talk to

Well talking to my friends helps me relive stress. They help me with my work and thus my productivity has increased. They teach me new things. I play games with them which help me pass my time.

Then lose some weight and you will get friends.

I guess you have really nice friends

because people try to make superficial friends because of some pressure, like if you don't have friends in your class, then you're a failure or something like that

read this from the lass you egg.

real people are better. more fulfilling.

I do, and I don't see any point in staying in this thread longer anymore, I'm gonna go then, bye. Hope you make some friends.

I guess that's true for some people. I tend to make friends more out of boredom than anything else. It's nice to have people to talk to sometimes, even if I can't relate to them.

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No, I'm just talking about what I think about friends

This could be a harsh one, but if they don't have anything to offer, do you think you can still be friends with them?

Real people could do some harm to you, but imaginary friends don't

See ya, thanks anyway

Yes, I can be friends with them. I have one friend who doesn't "offer" me anything and I still consider him my friend.

I came back, and I answered your question as well

But that's no always the case, they could betray you when you least expect it

This has happened to me in the past. However, it has usually happened with people I didn't really care about in the first place so I'm not too hurt about it. People are shitty

anybody still here?


is no one here?

Come on someone, anyone, where are you girl?

You must be too good for your own good

I'd be really hurt and start making imaginary friends immediately though

Damn, where is everyone?

Here, what is it

Tits or gtfo

Lol, I guess I am too good. Can we talk somewhere one on one?

All of you are idiots.

Anything of value carries some risk. Of course people can hurt you. That doesn't diminish the inherent value of human relationships. Deal with it and find people who will hurt you the least.

To begin with, hurting is a part of life and a lesson. It is also only by hurting that one recognizes the value of happiness. Otherwise, you are simply complacent, and that's a garbage way to live.

Also to OP; all of these replies are mostly due to the fact that you claim to be female. No one actually gives a fuck. Either stop hiding and admit you want a human relationship or stfu. It's that simple.

unless tits + timestamp, you're just another filipino kid wanting attention.

This thread would be enough, I'm really a cautious person, so talking one on one is too scary

Man, I've not been replying coz she's claiming to be female. I'm replying coz I'm genuinely concerned. You can find good people on /b as well.

i dont wanna harm you
i might, sure
but its not like i want to

Okay cool. What do you want to talk about actually, seeing as everyone's speaking on different topics.

Show your mammaries or leave the premises

Keep telling yourself that, cuck.

The first time something like that happened to me I was pretty devastated. But it's made me realize that if someone was capable all along of hurting me and not feeling bad about it, I'm not losing anything by them not being my friend anymore. I actually had a lot of imaginary friends when I was younger. Eventually I just got bored of it and wanted stimulation from real life people

Bullshit get away from me thot

But I don't wanna be hurt, I guess

How to show I'm actually ok without friends

Fuck off man, you've lost all faith in humanity

You could post a picture of yourself smiling. People who are not ok don't smile

If you were okay with it, this thread wouldn't exist. So you are either bullshitting about everything or you care.

You will not obtain anything of value without enduring some pain. This is especially true of human relationships. Stop being a pussy.

Stimulation including even harm you mean, that'd be really tough

At first it is. After a while I got stronger emotionally and it made me feel good about myself knowing I could get over things like that and still be ok

I don't smile before anyone but my imaginary friend

Everyone does that?
Then the reason this society hates friendless people is because not having friends means they are cowards?

Then maybe I have to start with hurting my imaginary friend

No. Some people really are fine without. But they don't make threads talking about it.

How can you be so sure, I'm really ok without them

Maybe. Sometimes it is good to practice scenarios that might hurt you in your head before they actually happen, so that you feel more ready for that kind of thing in real life. For instance what would happen if someone rejected you. Idk

I'd freak out then start making another imaginary friend to back me up against original one

Yet you felt the need to make a thread about it.

It doesn't necessarily mean I need one

At what point is someone a friend instead of a acquaintance. Like a large group of people to eat with but that does not make them friends, right?

Sure. The first time something like that happens you might not be able to handle it. It takes practice, but in the long run, at least for me, it made my life a lot less boring and I met people who I could learn from/were actually more interesting than I thought. It is your decision

That's one of things that doesn't sit well with me about friendship
They're too vague

90 replies and no tits. explain yourself user

Maybe I could try it

Do you have friends?

tits or gtfo

rules are rules

I hope everything goes well. I'm glad I decided to myself. Good luck

ikr,personlly a friend is someone I can trust completely and thats hard to come by.

Do I have to follow the rule of yours when I can get all these replies without it?

Thanks, I didn't know this world can offer someone like you, maybe second best to my imaginary friend

Do you have such ideal friends?

>when I can get all these replies without it
welcome to nu/b/

No problem. If you ever want to talk more or have questions, I have discord. If not that's cool. There are a lot of good people out there, you just have to find them