Why didn't they just kill him...

Why didn't they just kill him? Seems kinda unrealistic that they would let him live after him witnessing them massacring the entire village.

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It is usual USSR WW2 propaganda movie.
So german soldiers must to be animals and torture people just for fun. They also must to be stupid.

>So german soldiers must to be animals and torture people just for fun
>what is Dirlewanger Brigade
I'm sorry the nazis weren't the righteous fighters against the bolshevism that Sup Forums infograph pictures want you to believe

Show me one good german soldier from ussr movies.
Hell, most of photos of those days - soviet photoshop.

>soviet photoshop
kek, is this what stormfags believe?

sadly, yes
Will anyone actually answer the fucking OP question without derailing this thread with pol faggotry


Just google this shit. It was very common.

no one takes these pictures seriously you dumb idiot
I bet it's Sup Forums who actually photoshopped them

>no one takes these pictures seriously
It was propaganda pictures for ussr people m8.
And those movies too, just propaganda. About great USSR and devil germans. Nothing real in them just fairytails.

Why not, the Germs are naturally evil and cruel. Remember, they wanted to exterminate or enslave Poles, Russians and Ukrainians.

Fun fact: Dirlewanger was cruel, but equally cruel were Russian and Ukrainian Nazi soldiers. RONA and SS Galizien weren't better than Dirlewanger and his psychos.

Yeah, but they didn't get to go to town on Warsaw with all the rape, murder and alleged necrophilia that came with it


>In 1944 Kaminsky took part in the crushing of the Warsaw Uprising, in the Ochota area, where R.O.N.A. committed many war crimes (murder, rape and robbery). According to respected views, the soldiers committed almost 700 murders though numbering only 1% of German forces at the time of the Warsaw uprising.[5] Kaminski thought himself to have direct authority from the SS commander Heinrich Himmler and he didn't want to accept orders from general SS Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski, who was in charge of German forces in Warsaw.[6]

>Kaminski allegedly gave his men permission to loot [7] — and many did. Kaminski's brigade soon lost any combat worthiness and Kaminski himself focused entirely on collecting valuables stolen from civilian homes.[8] Perhaps 10,000 residents of Warsaw were killed in the Ochota massacre, most murdered by Kaminski's men.[9]

Wołyń is 100% historically accurate. Watch it instead.

>/ss/ comes to your country
>warrior-fanatics of the third reich, believing that non-germans are genetically inferior and undeserving of life or dignity
>led by maniacs who thrive in the slaughter
>they commit horrible acts against the locals
>soviets finally beat them by hurling millions of people at them and relying on the weather
>soviets are pissed
>proceed to rape and exterminate germans all the way to berlin

no sasha, you are the demons now

They fed them propaganda about revenge and then couldn't turn the tap off, I honestly wonder how the Soviet command thought that it would end any differently than it did

>proceed to rape and exterminate germans all the way to berlin
This is exaggerated. Yes, it was pretty bad, but the Germans were worse in every way.

>implying the Holocaust happened

It happened. But Jewish Holocaust isn't the only crime committed by Germans.

>>/ss/ comes to your country
>>warrior-fanatics of the third reich, believing that non-germans are genetically inferior and undeserving of life or dignity
>>led by maniacs who thrive in the slaughter
>>they commit horrible acts against the locals
> muh overblown fanfiction


I'm from Poland. We also hate the Nazis.

The nazis were actually the good guys in WW2, they invaded Poland to defend the germans that were getting killed in there.
Also Hitler let the british go in a battle because he thought by showing mercy they would stop waging the jews war, Hitler never wanted to go to war against fellow white men.

The SS soldiers in Come and See were Ukrainians and Russians under Dirlewagners command user.

The movie is about the Massacre of Khatyn

Online anywhere already?

>It was propaganda pictures for ussr people m8.

No it wasnt. It was literally photoshopped in the early 2000s by stormfags themselves so they could make fake faked photos and point out "see how bad they are! nazis dindu nuffin!"

Welcome to every single war in the history of mankind

They did it because partisans were reckless. It's only natural and russians/allies wouldnt do any different if germans had a lot of partisan activity (they didnt because they were civilised)

>they invaded Poland to defend the germans that were getting killed in there.

they invaded Poland because Poland first wouldnt join the anti-comintern pact (which would have made them give Germany a bunch of their land and be completely defendant on Germany for resources)

Then because they wouldnt allow Germany parts of Poland to connect Germany to Danzig and invaded them under the pretext of the Gleiwitz incident, which was a false flag attack by the SS on German radio towers and then framed the Polish for it. The massacre of Germanys you speak of was "Bloody Sunday" and greatly exaggerated by the nazi government for propaganda purposes and most importantly, happened 3 days AFTER the germans had invaded Poland

>Also Hitler let the british go in a battle because he thought by showing mercy they would stop waging the jews war

The Battle you are referring to is Dunkirk, and this is completely retarded theory stormfags come up with. The Germans stopped their attack only because Rundstedt tanks got fucked up by the French and they needed time to regroup and reinforce themselves. This allowed the British and French to move back to the beaches of Dunkirk and prepare for a massive evacuation. And they werent "let go" the French fought a bloody and fierce battle against the Germans to secure the British retreat, and the only reason the Luftwaffe failed at shooting their boats was because there was a heavy overcast that day.

>muh white men

This is not at all what WW2 is about.

Thanks for illustrating just how stupid the average stormfag is and making a complete ass out of not only yourself, but everyone else in your cult. Now go back to jerking off to "le epic" nazi uniforms and stop pretending you know anything about history

Don't forget those SS guys eating lobster



I've never seen a thread this derailed in my whole life

When you say greatly exaggerated what do you mean? Because I was always led to believe that there could have been 40 or 50 thousand ethnic Germans killed by the poles

>a brigade of criminals did terrible things

In Bromberg? Few hundred at most. Overall in 1939 maybe few thousand, but a lot of them were from Selbstschutz.

This is pretty on topic anyway.

>I was always led to believe that there could have been 40 or 50 thousand ethnic Germans killed by the poles

utterly ridiculous. Even by Goebbels own numbers and nazi proppaganda, they said around 5,000 Germans died.

The event is so misrepresented by naziboos. They fail to mention that it was in reaction to Werhmacht soldiers executing Polish soldiers who had surrendered and the massacre of Polish Jews and Polish civilians in the area (Operation Tannenberg)

In reality, maybe 200 Germans died compared to the thousands of Poles that were massacred in that 1 area alone. Naziboo bullshit to switch the victim and perpetrator roles. Even though it was the Nazis who invaded them in the first place.

It's a great film, but it can be a bit confusing for someone not knowledgeable about the events. In some ways it's like a lesson of history. Everything mentioned in Polish diaries or memoirs from WW2 is there.


have you got any more Sup Forums smileys like that