Trips decides what i do with my life

>trips decides what i do with my life

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Rolling for African-American studies


Math or Physics

Rolling for Software Engineer

to become what lol
a physicist?

Do you know what you enjoy doing, or want to do for the majority of the rest of your life?

Do that.


women studies

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How old are you? Have you considered the military?

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Welp, millitary it is OP


I'm only 27 but based on what I know, there are an exceptionally large number of jobs that have a somewhat difficult barrier to entry in the god tier, but also are incredibly easy once you are in due to the increase of development of tools to make those jobs easier. IE, kind of how formulas help in math. If you know how to use the tools they make a lot of what you do sort of automated.

Work as an electrician for some years, and when you feel ready and mature, go for a degree in electrical engineering.

Dedicate your life to building a time machine and save Adolf Hitler.




Just saying, there's plenty you can do in the military. You could drive a truck, work a desk job, feel up god knows how many firearms, or even jump out of airplanes. And then get free college.

>Study ethnic studies and dispose of all morals nationwide.

Holly shit, Electrical Engineer on the top tier, boi i am happy as fuck

Fuck having your degree at the top of a Sup Forums graphic, be happy with what you're getting paid!

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21, nope haven't, thought about cyber security, intelligence ( i'm fluent in 4 languages ) or becoming a pilot but i have glasses so yeah, rip.

How much do you make?

This if you got the balls for it

any in
Ubelievable tier