Go to kitchen

>Go to kitchen
>See this
Wat do?

Attached: Kitchen.jpg (1024x681, 137K)

Calle the police because a strange woman is in my house?

turn 360 degrees turn off rebuild and watch NGE

Attached: , ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,.jpg (1440x1080, 591K)

Why is there a bad trap with a shitty wig in my apartment?

Depends. What is she cooking?

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??? it's 180 degres



Fair point. I'll have to do the Crocodile Dundee check

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I mean that wouldn't stop me but you need to know whats coming

lol'd. Pragmatic

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Why is shirogane sama so beautiful

Ask her if she's lost, and if she doesn't leave then call the cops. Don't want to risk getting cooties.


Offer her a chefs knife and a better cutting board, and give her more carrots to chop.

shoot my self

Call the police and say someone broke in and infested my house with cooties and she possibly wanted to steal my virginity which I'm saving for mommy

Tell her to hurry the fuck up and cook something, I'm hungry.

if you do a 360 you still face her idiot..

This gon be good. I would be genuinely suprised this kitchen invader can prepare a dish better than me

Why would a girl be in my kitchen, I just washed all the dirty dishes last night.

"all" of them. Most of them.

Live target practice.

Attached: Shooting Practice.jpg (768x768, 174K)

why would you only do half a job

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Ask her what part of the sandwich requires a ladle

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