I want to create a sect

I want to create a sect
I want to create a sect to make money. I am unemployed. I can not find a job in my specialty, but I do not want to work as a salesman. As far as I know, a sect is a profitable business. Sun Myung Moon became a billionaire. The head of the sect can collect money from his adherents. Some leaders even have free sex with adepts.
1)Where to begin?
2)What kind of knowledge, skills and personal qualities are needed for this?
3)What are the chances of success?
4) How much time will it take for the sect to start making a profit that is larger than the average wage?
5) How big and profitable can a sect be created by a person who does not have the talent for this business?
6) How stable will the income be?
7) How difficult is it to be a religious leader?
8) Is it safe?
9)What problems can there be?

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You wanta make real money, you gotta start a religion!
Ronald Hubbard

Attached: L-ron-hubbard.jpg (300x272, 15K)

Sun Myung Moon

Attached: 24119.jpg (312x312, 38K)

Pycня дeтeктeд

Mother Fotinya

Attached: title.jpg (360x235, 49K)

bump im also interested

Swami Vishnu Dev Valeriy Mintsev

Attached: Vishnu-Dev-1(1).jpg (480x640, 175K)

Sunday Adelaja

Attached: Sunday-Adelaja.png (438x300, 220K)

Maria Devi Christos

Attached: m_1990.jpg (500x656, 72K)

Anton LaVey

Attached: Anton-LaVey_1860515c.jpg (460x287, 31K)

Li Hongzhi

Attached: Li_Hongzhi_1.jpg (640x890, 64K)


Hogen Fukunaga

Attached: be94b67f00503a2a5fcf748af41edfad.jpg (1280x720, 101K)

Fumihiro Joyu

Attached: Screenshot (12).png (492x277, 116K)


Why would you want to be one of the worst human parasites out there?
Heck selling your body on the street would be more respectable than this.

Learn how to make people experience emotions. Specialness, belonging, connectedness, vindication, euphoria.

That's it, the entire game. Everything else is fluff and you don't need to worry about it. People will come throwing themselves and their money at you.


If you have to ask these questions you are not smart enough / possess the confidence required.

Easiest way I've discussed with people would be to attract people with drugs / hedonism and then slowly escalate once you've attracted enough vulnerable / dependent people.




Are you the op?