How do you eat you steak Sup Forums?

how do you eat you steak Sup Forums?
>pro tip: if you eat it more cooked than pic related you are a fag

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30 seconds in a pan each side.

thats pretty extreme desu, how thick are your steaks?

id say about an inch max, usually less but it varies. Poorfag over here has to buy cheap steaks,

That's overcooked, you fucking faggot.

blue and bloody

Bleu like a boss.

anything bluer than this is okay, fag

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If you don't take bites out of live cows then you are a faggot.

There isn't a lot of meat people can eat raw. Why waste the opportunity


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It IS raw. You just have to kill whatever is on the surface

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Fuck you sjw faggots. Well done or sent back until the illegals in the kitchen learn how to cook it right.

And yes, with ketchup.

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Worcestershire sauce (or nothin), minced garlic, ground pepper, sea salt, and a little Cayenne pepper.
Other times a flank/skirt steak with bell peppers, ground pepper, onions and lime.
Medium rare at most either way.

question. Are there any health benefits to eating steak undercooked?

Well done

That's a matter of taste you liberal fuckup.

You discuste me, GO VEGAN !!

>calling someone a liberal kike just because they like their steak rare
you should learn to enjoy a steak you faggots

not really

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You eat what my food eats