"How the fuck can white people sing the blues? What do white people have to be blue about, anyway...

>"How the fuck can white people sing the blues? What do white people have to be blue about, anyway? They went down to Banana Republic and found they were out of khakis?"
-George Carlin

How many nigger cocks do you think Carlin is smoking in hell right now?

Other urls found in this thread:



What a dumb piece of shit

he was raised by a single mom

It's a fucking joke

It hurts you because it's true faggot.

well its a stupid joke

There are no good white true blues singers. There are a handful of good white blues instrumentalists but they mostly do their own more personal thing in a true blues context instead of emulating the black blues giants.

No it's the most funny joke ever made.

Country and Emo are two white genres of the same emotional subject matter as The Blues. Sad Country can be okay but most of it is pretty shit.

fuck off

George Carlin was always a faggot. Only edgy Sup Forums fags liked him

Why don't you go cry about it on reddit

His audience is white middle class liberals, so yeah they have nothing to be blue about except the last election results lmao

Who are the people making these threads

At least hes dead

The only "joke" Carlin said that was true was this one

Modern comedians have injected so much political bullshit that this board has become suspicious of literally every joke told by anyone

>blatant racial commentary

>Blacks get the highest office in America
>Still act like they're disenfranchised and downtrodden

Fuck niggers. I'm tired of their crybaby bullshit.

Oh shut up if he said one thing about the africans and semites there would be a shitstorm.

>alt-rightards think they're incomparable to SJWs
>both get triggered at the same frequency
Kill selves.

>triggered by responses in thread.
>pretends to be better than everyone.

wtf I have white people now

that's honestly the one smashing white people deserve, I love the blues and white people fucking suck at it. even bluesbreakers era clapton didn't have the soul of people like leadbelly or freddie

also these threads seem to attract the most insufferable shitposters on this board. like they cannot fathom that everyone else doesn't think carlin was a massive hack

Blacks rarely suffer from depression they arent oppressed they are just nuts.

Did he trigger you cuck?

You're basically just a SJW -- offended and triggered by a simple joke.

Remember when white people could take a joke without getting butthurt and starting a political cult to defend themselves with? Neither do i lol.

Triggered right wingers errywhere.


>White people have no place playing the blues! They don't belong on stage in a blues concert. They belong in a cramped train carriage with a one way ticket to the almighty Interracial Breeding Grounds! Am I right?! Who's with me??


kek, you lost cuck. get over it.

A joke is a joke until you take it too far and do it too many times

Even my friend can only handle so many nigger jokes

Thanks for showing everyone ITT you were triggered. What up, stormblr.

>Remember when black people could take a joke without getting butthurt

Oh wait they cant, every prank video on youtube with a light racial joke leads to blacks trying to violently beat the guy to death.

Guys, it was the 90's. It was different back then.

And I didn't find it funny.
OP is a bit of a minge for being a baby about it.

Remember when Eric Clapton wrote Tears In Heaven after he couldn't find any tan polo shirts in his size?

>they do it too, but we'z still better than them cuz we wuz born white!

The joke is sooooo fucking mild. You'd have to be a literal right-wing buttercuck to get offended by it. Your average Sup Forums race jokes are usually much worse.

Which was one of the only jokes liberals relied on was

>Dude white people amirite?

They need to get new material

>Your average Sup Forums race jokes are usually much worse.

Call me when I see them in mainstream media

I don't have a small penis so this joke doesn't trigger me.

You still have a small penis, you're also just a cuck

>we iz historically oppressed, so even the mildest joke about our race triggers us

Tell me more, stormblr.

>One black person becomes president
>All black people should pretend racism doesn't exist

Sometimes going outside is not a bad thing, user.



Not so fun when you're, as you say, "on the wrong side of history", is it cuck?

when did racists get so sensitive?

So nothing will please you niggers

Either get hanged or go back to Africa, where you have warring tribes of niggers who hate other niggers

No blacks are just racist fucks who cant stand the idea of a non black talking bad about them.

You cant reason with blacks they are crazy they live in their own world where we whites are evil devils out to get them.

Why do you make these threads Sup Forums? Seriously, what is it that you want?

Talk about problematic baby boomers

I want the nigger baby boomers that keep spreading the idea of whites out to get blacks to go away already

Racewar? Concentration camps? Day of the Rope? It's not a big secret what Sup Forums really wants

>Sup Forums echo chamber
Fuck off. Try going outside instead of repeating what rednecks say just because you think being ironically retarded is funny. If you hate people who prosecute white people, try imagining how it is to be prosecuted in a much larger scale, historically and actually having consequences to be prosecuted, instead of just being offended that an SJW criticized something you like.

Janis Joplin was a great blues singer and a white female

Fuck off nigger.

>"Rich old white man complains about rich old white men" the """""comedian"""""

>people are desperately trying to paint Carlin as SJW
>meanwhile he literally has part of a routine that is "rape is funny"

Janis Joplin was a great blues singer and was a white female

What happens when you go outside user? Do you get harrassed by hordes of KKK members?

Bahahahaha. Look at the thread you're posting in. OP is literally butthurt over a mild babby race joke.

Honestly, the alt-right are just butthurt they never had a comedian as legendary and well-respected as Carlin.

I want to know that too, being a foreign neet, I'm curious about the extent and specific repercusions of all this institutionalized racism. or whatever you are calling it this days, cause from my viewpoint it doesn't looks so bad and dumb whites are insulted more often than blacks in here, precisely for acting white and racist, I should know, cause I do it all the time.

>it's a joke meme
Be prepared to deal with the criticism if you're going to be political and stop hiding behind the "it's a joke" or "I'm a comedian" garbage. You fucking moron.