No activity since Trump won

>No activity since Trump won

I won't lie, I'm kind of getting worried about him, is he still alive?

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Of Course he is he still has a british passport. I'm 100% sure he's done saying "It's 2016" though it has been a shit year for him even with his blood emmy.

His (((show))) doesn't scheduled yet

Anyone else see a slight resemblance to The Count from Sesame Street in John Oliver?

I hope he's dead

He couldn't handle the fact a white male is now president, he imploded and was sent to another dimension, trapped like how General Zodd is in Superman. Floating through space for all eternity while yelling "BUT IT'S 2016"

He did this live the day after the election

He stopped breathing, he stopped blinking, eventually, he stopped thinking

Inb4 he complains about how Democracies should always follow the popular vote, without realising he's said government should block Brexit

he's crying to himself trying to figure out why his calendar lied to him

It's still 2016 user, it just maybe forgot for a day

He's busy trying to write a joke.

He never said that on his show to begin with.


All I ever hear about him is about shit he never actually said. I know he actually said it all though.

what did he mean by this

>October of 2009, the worst recession in decades
>you people went out and spent $310 million on Halloween costumes for your pets

Actually pretty funny tbf

Can we now say "oh come on, it's [current year]" when somebody is shocked because of conservative things?

That's actually great for an economy in recession

To be fair some conservative beliefs are shocking. I know I was taken aback when I first learned about the jewish liberal globalist banker illuminati george soros rigged interracial breeding cabal


To be fair after 250 years you'd think people would get tired of race realism

No he's not.

He's got writers for that. Not great ones, but he does have them.

The current year actually turned out pretty great.

that was when Romney lost to Obama but won the popular vote.

What was the liberals' response to that argument back then? Remind me, I can't remember.

>won the popular vote.

Romney did not win the popular vote he got destroyed.


>but won the popular vote

Well I dunno people don't get tired of breathing