Holy fucking SHIT boi

holy fucking SHIT boi

Sorry but I don't believe that dog fucker has friends

Other people that he tag-teams dogs with, obviously

He's right, you know.

>I am wholeheartedly against imprisoning those who have had non-abusive sexual relations with animals. To say that there is no such thing is incredibly ignorant and illogical. Objective reasoning matters more to me than emotional gut responses. I do not believe in putting innocent people in jail just because "Eww, gross.".

Imagine if Hillary had won

space cop wasnt good but its still a 5/10, at worst a 4/10, certainly not a completel piece of shit, same goes for the avgn movie.

It's funny, because he can't shut up about how much he hates Hillary.

>Eceleb movies aren't bad movies because they're made by ecelebs

Reddit Letter Memedia btfo.

How long before they get triggered and retaliate with "but Adam is a dogfucker :'( "

Jesus christ

they won't say anything, they'll just save up ad revenue for 2 years then hire a hitman

reddit letter media BTFO

wait is this the guy that said there is absolutely nothing wrong with fucking a dog?

Isn't this the guy that says that old movies are bad because they are old, in black and white, etc

>movie doesnt make me laugh
2/10 is like saying the movie failed at everything and you also hate it. it means no consistent story, no characters, awful acting, dialog that doesnt make sense, nothing that can even be considered a joke by anyone and overall terrible production value. a 4/10 is below average and with some changes i think you could consider it average at best.

yes, hes got all kinds of weird opinions. he also streams on twitch regularly (twitch tv /adumplaze) and its mostly pretty cringey.

He's not wrong.

I watched it with three friends, we all like RLM and we switched it off 40 minutes in.

Space Cop was fucking awful.

Do you know the 90 second skit at the beginning of each Half in the Bag episode? This is a feature length version of that. They've never been funny. and Space Cop wasn't funny. It was a decade long waste of time.

>tfw he's still salty they completely snubbed him about a crossover and call him out when they make references to shitty critics

You can tell he was never told "No" as a child. Who is so pompous that they think people actually want to watch him talk about movies, play video games, compose music, and he probably has a channel where he sniffs his own farts as well.

your irrelevant e-celebs are not Sup Forums related

furries hate hillary

>retards not understanding irony and "bad on purpose"

Hey, i think we finally got rid of the YMS spammer. You know the one, (adam johnson from YMS is a dogffucker)

These people should be in treatment at a mental institution or gassed.

Why does every e-celeb movie has be "ironically" unfunny and cringe worthy?

I chuckled a couple times during Space Cop, but it was painful to watch. Way way too many in-jokes and references that rely on you being a RLM fan and not just jokes that stand on their own. The other problem was that they relied too much on bits and gags that they've already been doing for years.

if rich evans fucked a dog bet he would love it

>in a room with a group of people

That's a cinema.

Space Cop is objectively better than anything Adam has or will make during his life

>Do you know the 90 second skit at the beginning of each Half in the Bag episode? This is a feature length version of that.
jesus fucking christ

He didn't like the scene where Rich was stripped naked, oiled up and force fucked by a boar? I couldn't believe they got Raimi to do a scene for them.

who else can't wait to see Adam try to make a movie and fail completely? he's talked about making a movie but this nigga can't even make a 30 minute review on schedule and has never even made a short film, how the fuck does he think he's going to get a feature made?

>implying Kinoremas would play Space Flop

I hope Mike and Jay learned a lot from SC, I don't think it's as bad as this edgelord is saying but they can definitely do better. They could pull off something like You're Next if they really went for it.

>when people started complaining he wasn't living up to his patreon content promises and he threw a shitfit saying nobody else is capable of the amount of research and production quality he puts out

I hope not. He improved these threads.

Be prepared to be spammed to death by angry RLM fans.

Also polite sage for off-topic Sup Forums


Is he going to try?

I honestly thought our bests hope of a "decent" feature from the current band of misfits we see as internet critics were

1. RLM
2. Cinemassacre

1. as said, RLM (who regularly bitch about bad lighting, cinematography, acting) made a feature length version of their HITB sketch. With a Cop from the future. With no jokes, nothing funny, badly lit, acted, Mike doing some weird voice for no reason. This took them like 10 fucking years.

2. Rolfe blew his giant budget on CGI(???), a humvee a bizarre story, wrote himself in as a side character and gave his wife top billing as the films writer. all the same criticism as RLM.

I thought we honestly might get something resembling clever, but they fucked up just as badly at the TGWTG movies.

They certainly know its bad if all the digs they make at it are to be interpreted right

Gotta give them props for trying though, I can't wait to see what dogfucker gives us.

funniest thing Adam will probably try to make something "artsy" because unlike RLM or James Rolfe he's an "artist" so when he inevitably fails it'll be hundred times more embarrassing

It wasn't that bad imo.
Thought feeding frenzy was boring though.

>but they fucked up just as badly at the TGWTG movies.
Nah, RLM and James both fucked up but at their films had some decent props and they looked like movies. Poorly shot movies but movies. TGWTG movies have worse acting, worse props and look like they were shot on a cellphone by a high school student.

>ad revenue for 2 years
you need more than 2 years to hire a hitman

He'll do his own score, of course.

>I hope Mike and Jay learned a lot from SC
probably not considering they've made a dozen films before space cop and all of them are the exact same level of bad

>they fucked up just as badly at the TGWTG movies.
Go watch To Boldly Flee. Half way into it you'll be calling Space Cop a masterpiece.

Because they're just like the people who worship them.

disagree, they have improved on different things on each movie, they just gotta do a movie the "real way" and get a month to shoot and hire a crew instead of shooting on weekends.

Reminder that Adam refuses to watch films from before 1970 because the special effects ruin his immersion. Reminder that Holy Mountain is the Jodorowsky film that he has seen. Even though its supposedly his favourite film he has never bothered to look into other work by the same guy.

>nobody else is capable of the amount of research and production quality he puts out
Fucking seriously? RLM are better at both than him.

>implying there is anything intrinsically wrong with this statement

They just don't know how to write jokes. They don't know how to be creative with their humor. They just write a story outline and then speak the lines in a weird, disjointed way, with unnecessary pauses and such.

Speaking weirdly isn't a joke.

Space Cop was kinda a mistake, they should've done another splatter movie, just 80 minutes of that Evil Dead skit with upped production values from Feeding Frenzy and we'd get RLM kino

his list of favorite movies look like he started watching movies last week, he's an absolute pleb

>non-abusive sexual relations with animals

I believe Adam is the next Spoony, in couple years he'll have a complete burnout when he tries to make a movie and fails

What could he POSSIBLY make a fucking film about.

Every single internet critic film I've seen just seems to be

>So we need to make a film... ummm... how about.... how about this guy.... and, he does a thing, and... then er... then, a thing, then er... how about... er...

None of them have passion, a vision or a dream. Nothing they've been putting together for years. We just get embarrassing shambles, even from alleged film "experts" It's so so sad.

he'll make a furry movie

>Sin City

Is this a meme?

satire, it has to be.

It'll be about a man on a roadtrip across the country to reunite with his long lost love Maxine.
The big twist at the end is that Maxine is the family dog.
Then the entire cast will look directly at the camera and explain in longform essay style why the relationship is healthy and natural.

kek screengrabbing and senting this to adam

Is this real?

Literally worse than Armond.

o crist dats gud


It boggles my mind that he says he wants to make a movie when he can't even regularly make and release reviews for his own Youtube channel, even when being funded through Patreon

I'd say Space Cop was eh, but RLM actually made something and has consistently been making things, YMS can just barely release 5 minute videos recycling footage of the trailer where he says a handful of generic comments about the movie.

>Bruno 8/10
>Apocalypse Now 6/10

oh jesus this cant be real


>people with barely any talent can't make a good comedy film

wow who woulda guessed

>sin city
>boondock saints

What an absolute faggot

Well done.

Didn't he also say he can't watch older movies?

basically he hasn't seen anything made before the 90's

he thinks people who enjoy older films are only pretending to like them to appeal cinephiles

>can't watch older movies because bad special effects ruin his immersion
>Likes the hobbit movies and Matrix sequels with cartoon tier CGI

>alien 7
>the village 7
>signs 8
>transformers equal to Halloween, Apocalypse now, Zodiac, Exorcist, the 2 good SW films, Ex Machina and The Fly

He's retarded isn't he? Or is he just into satire?

Wasn't it more like he has too much on his backlog already with more contemporary movies to be able to go back and watch older movies as well. I mean his favorite movie is holy mountain, that's certainly not recent.

The Cinema Snob Movie was solid though.

Not really a TGWTG movie, in reality.

>Do you know the 90 second skit at the beginning of each Half in the Bag episode? This is a feature length version of that

so you mean the movie is good? because the skits in hitb were great. WERE. as in, they were good before they stopped doing them

and no, the movie wasn't like that. because the movie wasn't funny.

Please link to a such an example.

That's no fucking excuse unless he got a job at the dog pound.



>feeding your dog Purina is the same thing as fucking it

>only noises were cringing
Sounds like Anchorman 2

Space Cop was unfunny shit and honestly deserves a 2/10. The only time I think I giggled to myself was when there was a picture of Jay in the police station on a whiteboard and someone had written "possibly a child?" underneath it

The weird thing is their earlier movies are actually better. Gorilla Interrupted has some legitimately funny moments throughout the whole thing. The problem is they've gotten stuck in a rut with HitB and think it's all people want to see, so they can't break free from it.

They've become like the guy who made Galaxy Invader that they keep making fun of for doing the exact same movie about hicks fighting off an alien in the woods. I guess having a constant production schedule gets you stuck in one state of mind and they can't move out of it

>paranormal activity is equivalent to alien and terminator 2 and better that the OT, the exorcist, the Fly, zodiac, ex machina, apocalypse now, halloween, and gremlins

jesus christ

I don't know who this guy is, but Space Cop was legitimately awful.

it's 2016 (almost 2017), there's nothing wrong with people expressing themselves

>no you see animals can't consent to ANYTHING, therefore its okay to rape them

I think he's kind of missing the point.

>The creepy dog nipple rant is cute
What did it say my dude

>watching internet critics
>watching internet critics' movies

Jesus fucking Christ, what is wrong with this generation?

>he can just recall on short notice every time in popular media something even vaguely sexual happens between a human and an animal

He doesn't know Adam "If your dog starts kickin you can stop dickin" Johnston

I'm not familiar with this dude, but I only watched the first 30 minutes myself and I didn't even get close to chuckling. They depend too much on the crutch of "it's shitty on purpose" and it's just not fun.
I usually find their sketches humorous, so I'm not sure what was up with this.

Get a load of this dogfucker

I think you're kind of missing the point

Was he pro Trump?

Why would a man defend dog fucking if he doesn't already fuck dogs?

but animals do constent to each other. males have to court the females or outright fight for her

>tfw you see Adam approaching with *that* look in his eye