Well, Sup Forums? Scared?

Well, Sup Forums? Scared?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Im literally shaking in my troubleglasses


Link because OP is a faggot

Just shat me shatters

"lol u r a cunt"
> arrested

tbh theres nothing to be afraid of, unless you live in the uk where they'll probably execute you if you say something even slightly offensive

sounds like a challenge.

>Sup Forums used to be epic
>this is at least the fourth thread started about it, and yet "Sup Forums" didn't move. everyone is busy at fapping to gay fur pics.

Charge your battery and turn off your Bluetooth you fucking degenerate.

Who is this cunt?

Why would we care about her to begin with? Who is she?

Jamon Holmgren is lying through his teeth.

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Someone give the tl;dr version, please.

Who got?

her nudes and number were posted on here and she's upset about it.
that's it.

Let's see those nudes

roll trips

fuck off post'em

those aren't trips

these are tho

We don't care about western white garbage around here, whether female or male. She is free to fail.


you motherfucker, i was going to drag this out and make them roll trips.
i also didn't have the nudes in the first place.


Hard to tell if here..

But either way..

You Sir, are a Scholar and a Gentleman.. and a fag, but in a good way..

Oh boy, we really done goofed now... She works in tech.

...Which I'm guessing is the reason her pictures are saf... Oh, right.

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I want the nudes, I will make it a personal mission to troll her until the end of time

Wow, nice tits

finna true

oh, nice

someone pls post this link in these reddit... threads? (do they call them threads over there?)

i know, i know...
but the point isn't to hook up redditors, the point is that she was personally participating in those threads and was being very bitchy and self-righteous about it. Having the links posted there will piss her off



How unfortunate


we need a hero

You don't care so much you opened the thread and replied just to let everyone know how much you don't care? Right.

Sup Forums just got served yo

Maybe 10-12 years ago this would have been fun. These days being rude is literally rape, so I don't chance it.

The cyberpolice have broken your spirit. Sad!

>white knighting this hard

Huge tits! Were there more?

Lmao where is this Sup Forums

This chick is fucking retarded.

As much as I want to sympathize with her, I just can't. You can't just send nudes to somebody nowadays and expect them to stay with that one person. If you do, you're naive and dumb as fuck. What did she expect?

And who is this bitch anyway? I read her little story and still have no idea who tf she is

e-celeb gamergrrl

and the especially dumb part is she doesn't even blame the person that leaked them, she blames some other guy that reposted them


>"The reckoning is upon them"


damn, i wanna tweet "reckon THIS my.mixtape.moe/qtdceq.jpg" as a reply to her, but my twitter is under my real name

God. How annoying

tits or gtfo

post the nudes


people troll her by calling her veiny teats an atlas

fuck that twitter is pretty much becoming the new tumblr

scroll up, dumbass.



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It's just an attention whore being an attention whore. They love this shit because all it does it get them more attention.

so give her the attention that she craves.

post pics of ourselves blowing loads to her tits.

We don't care so much that she can attempt whatever shit she wants, western garbage including herself will end up raped and thrown in some ditch here.