Made some improvements to my car this weekend, what does Sup Forums think ?

made some improvements to my car this weekend, what does Sup Forums think ?

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you deserve to die

The shocker that's pure class.

I hope you end up wrapping that piece of shit around a tree

how many 12 year old girls can you run to McD's in that bad boy ?

Sick whip g

kek.. nice 1.2 bro

It's still a Corsa.

You should of changed the whole car for some thing else less chavy.

Cool corsa


But the Corsa life chose OP

Twin port? Rattle?


not the reply i was hoping for. i am pretty proud with what i have done, i did the window tints and the stickers today

>Owning a Vauxhall Corsa

I'd rather walk

nice dubs but you're still a chav faggot

You're proud of a shocker sticker? I can understand a sort of perverse irony, but pride? You do realize that it makes you look like an idiot and a tool right?

looks like a mega whip to me fam
had one similar to this as my first car, full milltek and all, stickerbombed both bumpers and it transformed it

that shocker sticker is so fucking dumb. why are pricks still rolling with that shit. also your wing sucks. also also boring shit tier color scheme.

why do it so much, yes its only a 1.2 but it gets plenty of attention

I bought one of these last year. Its a 1.8 turbo. It came with a GTI sticker from the factory and the red calipers the youngsters seem to like. Ive not done anything to it.. Because Im not a bellend.

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this is now a faggot bread

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It needs the three strips of the Adidas then it doesn’t matter what you have under the hood, that blin will be going fast

why do you hate it so much*

It's still an ugly car, sorry bro, save money for a better one instead...

shocker sticker? that screams desperate fag trying to score any way possible.

actually your whole car screams that. you'll be sexless for a long time. cops will fuck with you too when they pull you over.

Because only wankers drive a corsa

Should have got a real car

bit feminine m8

Bet I'd get more 12 year olds in it than corsa boy

Yup. It still sucks. Keep going, OP. You’ll get it soon enough.

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Wrong site and board. Try /r/Shitty_Car_Mods

>I blacked out my taillights so they don't work
>put shocker sticker on the paint

get a buddy to rev that piece of shit with your mouth firmly taped to the tailpipe

well i like it a lot and spend a lot of time on it, dont care what you think. got a pretty good sound system. nothing better than driving and listening to some tunes

my buddies are big corsa fans too, they would not want to damage the car

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i see. a pack of faggots

liking it bro!
this is an edit i did of my old car, where abouts are you from? do you go to any meets?

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jesus you professional fucking cum gargler get a miata or something if you want a small fun car.
Corsas are some of the unworthiest hunks of metal to be called a car period

We're getting there boys.

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thats ace mate, i am from chester, how about you? ive been to a couple of meets but not much local.

too much money going in to a fucking corsa

actually corsas are pretty cool cars (my 2nd car) you would be impressed how good the car sounds. love revving it a bit around town

yes mate local, think i might have seen you at the old stockport meets before they got shut down?

It looks like shit, everybody will think you're shit and you should never mention that you own one

would own one of these over my vw golf 1.4tsi any day, much more fun to drive.

nah wasn't me mate, ive only been to meets in north wales

Fucking hell
Never knew cars could be this bad u fucking weirdo

I have gotten a lot of feedback from people in real life when i have shown it to them. knew it would be a bad idea posting here

jamie! never knew you used Sup Forums mate
mega car, see it on corsa-c all the time, you coming down to the gloucester show in april?

sorry who are you? yeah i lurk on here mainly.

got the matte white c14 mate

Yes yes yes

now I feel kinda bad...
but I just can't over how much I hate this car, just get something better user

>knew it would be a bad idea posting here
then why post u flaming homo unless u want attention u faggot

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yeah I'd like to take back my comment here I was a bit too harsh.

Good on you mate. If you're happy with it then fuck everyone else.

thanks guys