Gore thread

Gore thread

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Fuck you


Fuck you


Your dog will die just like that.


Woah be careful I might cum

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Fuck you!


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Ruined my day.

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Wish that was my daughter.

Attached: IED.webm (1280x720, 1011K)

I get gore but I guess why fags like OP jerk off to animal torture is just beyond me.

Thought about giving her the biz?, or have you already?.

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For me it's not a sexual thing

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Fuck people who would do this shit

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>easily triggered
>goes on Sup Forums
Retarded faggot


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I don't believe you. Give me one reason beyond pleasure for you watching animal abuse? Because you oppose it so very much? Fuck that. If you haven't pulled your dick out yet, just get it over with because that is the only way this will end

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Attached: BE A MAN.gif (320x198, 704K)

You must have a limited imagination.
The brain can be trained to be sexually attracted to anything; machines, robots, animal, torture, rape, death, and even shit on the face!
People like you should stick to kikebook

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This shit actually makes me so damn mad- Like I could watch anything to do with human torture but this, I don't get it.

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dogs are the most innocent beings on the planet, anyone who does shit like this should be shot in the street

Attached: cat gets rekd.webm (720x404, 1.26M)


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Sick fucks

That's pretty sad tbh

who photographs this shit

She's turning 9 this year so only about s year or two to go.

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those sheep fuckin killed those people lmaooo

Good question > pic related

For?.... Grooming i would assume.

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keep going?.

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Huh. I have the same knife

keep em coming lads. the nature shit is the best, someone post that baboon eating the deer or someshit ass first while it's still alive

Her mother (she's a step daughter) doesn't work so she's home allllllll the fucking time so me and her almost never get alone time. Fuckin sucks because her mom and I haven't had sex in nearly three years.

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That's how they eat in their culture, you insensitive racist FUCK.

Ok. Also I fucking hate the ones with animals. I only used that video because I had to start the thread off right

Why do you hate his religious beliefs? Is it your nautural bigotry?

Sucks. You got a game plan of some kind?. you willing to go through with it?

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Just because it's their culture doesn't make it right. Muslims fuck and marry children, it's their culture so that makes it ok? No.

does she consider you her dad? if so, you've already missed your shot. if not, and even if you somehow get her, she'll grow up and grow tired of you and want boys her age. might as well just beat your dick


Whys that kid got such long arms?

I want to. Giving her baths is torture because she's already got an ass that her momma gave her and her tits are coming in so it's only a matter of time until she starts getting curious.

god that's hot. only thing that would make it hotter is if a lion was pissing on that dog trash.

this dude is a boss. looks his killer right in the eyes

The growing up part I don't give a shit about. That's life. And unfortunately yes she does call me dad but only to other people not to me. To me I'm (insert first name) so there's still a disconnect I think.

None of you belong here. Sorry you tbought the Trap and Furry spam was what /b is all about, it's not.
Go back to your safe places like Pleddit and Fakebook.

idk?.... here is another dead kid.

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is she fucking retarded or something? 9 years old and cant bathe herself?

See that one has normal arms.

Dogs can be fucking trash too, not just humans. They are not more "innocent" than other animals.

This said, we should indeed shoot people who torture animals. They are the lowest of the low.

This is kinda the same as that one.
idk man.

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Edgy? What are you, dense? It's the simple truth, go somewhere else if you want rules and Normie shit and someone to protect you from seeing bad things.

No no lol she just has super thick hair and can't wash it properly so if she does it, it comes out as a partially soapy mess. Its easier to do it for her. She washes the rest of herself fine.

Killing animals for any reason is torture, meat is murder.

Dude i want to fight you in rl for posting that seriously you in cali? lets fight

fuck off newfag


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>complains about normies
>says normie shit

Sorry dude. I'm not gay

do it faggot

holy shit this is so trippy

Obviously you retarded normie

Opps. here it is.

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Animals kill each other to survive, we do the same. Sensitive faggots like you wouldn't survive a single day alone in a forest.


Why are there no more pictures of dogs being tortured (preferabbly by other animals) so I can jerk off and go to bed?

I hope you die soon

Explain then edgelord


Twat, go fucking kill yourself.

thats gay

If you really want me to post Zippocat, just ask, you don't have to be such a fag about it.

try I guess but shell probably report you and youll end up in jail. I highly suggest aborting

People that do this need to be purged

im sure you'd like to be the one that washes the rest of her though

>people who are trying to get meat to feed their family should be purged.

what about this?

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Awesome. Fuck those nigger dogs.


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I fap to dogs in pain, it's so sexy