Korean cinema thread, gook Natalie Portman edition

Korean cinema thread, gook Natalie Portman edition

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do they fuck?

Fuck off


I can't find "Gook Leon" on imdb.


"The man from nowhere "

looks like it's this imdb.com/title/tt1527788/

I wish his 2015 film did better, probably the best korean gangster film I've seen.

says the subhuman cumskin


What the fuck?

Are you OK user?

South Korea is a small country.

50 million people is not small. Bet their benis are.

What film? A Dirty Carnival was great

Gangnam Blues.

The story is pretty complicated, maybe even convoluted compared to ADC but it's great.

> 3kb
Bad optimization


Can you make it smaller?

My bad. just quickly posted a pic.

Really like the zombies in this one. Also reminded me of "the flu"movie.


It's not gook Leon
It's gook Man on Fire

It's better than both.

Does anyone have a torrent for Age of Shadows or is it not out yet?

the knife fight at the end was unexpectedly brutal


gangnam blues was like a mish mash of every possible gangster convention in one film but it was well executed so ended up being enjoyable anyway

I was definitely confused by the political intrigue going on the first time I watched it though

dat ending


Never seen the word "cunt" so many times.

Pretty good, but not as good as I hoped.


the ending was depressing though



Time for non depressing shit



This is kino

This movie was SHIT


best movie ITT

how about part 2?


this as well


Sounds good.

korean actresses have pretty much a 100% hotness rate going on

Agreed, now that I think of it I haven't really seen many ugly women in their kinos

korean actresses have pretty much a 100% plastic rate going on

Agreed, now that I think of it I haven't really seen many natural women in their kinos



I need to know if this is good


I know this a korean movie thread but I just watched world of kanako and it was pretty shit
I don't like seeing movies where no characters are likable
can someone recommend me a korean (or japanese) movie where the characters are very likable/memorable?

literally every movie the main character is in is in

The thieves (Korean)

I hear silmido is good also.

Did you guys hear about the underrated gem Old Boy?

world of kananko was pretty brutal

another japanese film but I'd recommend watching koreeda's 'our little sister'. it's heart-warming but doesn't even come close to being overly sentimental

that josh brolin movie?

The whole film is bleak as fuck

Title? Google image search is not being helpful.



just learned it isnt out on dvd yet
try pic related aswell as its just as good and its out

Old, but kinda relevant.

1\3 of thes moves are complete garbage

How is this? I have it downloaded, don't remember why.

typical melodramatic garbage
dont bother

this is true western kino


third act is a bit messy but it works. i really enjoyed it

Do gooks have an equivalent to wuxia?

Revenge films/gangster films/serial killer films/revenge gangster serial killer films.

The Chaser is the ultimate Korean film

I don't think so, thank god.

Pure kino.

if memories of the sword counts as wuxia is was probably one of the worst attempts at it I've seen

This was pretty good.

It's called Man on High Heels if anyone cares.

I also recently saw No Tears for the Dead, A Hard Day, The Wailing, The Handmaiden, The Priests and A Company Man.

All of them are good-to-great, with the exception of A Company Man. That one is a bit of a bore.


watch this its pretty fun, like korean oceans 11