I can hear my parents fucking since our bedrooms are side by side

I can hear my parents fucking since our bedrooms are side by side.

Whatdo Sup Forums

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Join them

moan louder

Fap to the moans of your mother and imagine you are your dad

If under 18, gtfo underage
If adult and still living with your parents, shut the fuck up. It's their house and they can do whatever they want, including have loud sex. Get off your ass, move out, and stop being a burden to them if you don't want to hear it.

jump up and down on the bed to imitate some hardcore fucking and just start going "OH YEAH, OH FUCK YEAH _______" and yell out your sister's name if you have one. if not, just make up a name. keep doing that until they get the hint and shut up.

Op post pic of mom pls need fap material

don't be a pussy ass bitch and record some for us

>Parents fucking
Do you own a copy of Kirby's pinball?

Get naked and full boned, and walk into your parents room and say "I've got next". then just stand there waiting for your dad to finish.

better yet, go full butt nekkid, only leave socks, get a raging boner and go to your parents bedroom, open the door and just stare at them without saying a word with your ding dong about to explode of boner-itis

under rated post

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Attached: ANON GET OUT.jpg (1200x915, 125K)

walk in say you had a nightmare and want to sleep with them

Scream "SHOTGUN!!" and dive into bed next to them while fapping furiously.

Kick open the door and screech Player 3 has entered the game.

One of three things will happen.

Move out, lil beta bitch


Fuckers thinking young adults living with parents while they save up money and make sure they're actually able to live as an adult while still having a safety net for when they fail isn't a smart idea.

Join them

Start to fap with the rage of a thunder god

Don't you have anything better to do than sit here all day calling people who live at home burdens?

Push your mom off then hop on your dads cock screeching uncontrollably

Record audio and post herr

go in and tap your dad on the shoulder and say Im taggin in!

And your a kid

>rage of a thunder god


Report your parents to your "special" middle school instructor.