For I

For I....
I am the wizard of faggotville
I can tell whether you are posting from a pc or phone.

Attached: 9E72B3E0-A7C5-48AA-8A63-E2DBEC614207.jpg (434x600, 139K)

Attached: Kek.png (614x360, 8K)


Attached: 215_1000.jpg (777x800, 71K)

Is that a wizards sleeve I see?

Attached: 1363832338051.jpg (512x384, 59K)

Attached: 1513965981496.jpg (402x604, 31K)


Attached: ..png (512x512, 199K)

Wrong a smartphone.

jokes on you nigger i sometimes make my phone posts look like pc posts and vice versa just to throw you cunts off

Attached: know-your-role-and-shut-your-mouth.jpg (400x400, 96K)

Go be gay somewhere else.

Attached: 1520247756231.gif (480x292, 1.99M)


Attached: 1518715684637.webm (508x480, 1.92M)

Go for it faggola


guess me.

Nintendo DS

Haha this fuckin guy.

thats the same species as me

Try me nigga

Attached: Image.jpg (248x189, 9K)

Me! me!

Attached: 50F5A093-D07E-4E81-97F7-F6780D3ECA2B.jpg (735x770, 65K)


Guess me!
Guess me!

Attached: 1515394848756.png (2560x1440, 1.79M)

Idk. I’m guessing pc

What kind of Wizard are you?
A fucking guess?
Fuck this shit!

Attached: 90890980865655464553453.jpg (420x410, 17K)

Was I right at least?

try me