Why do Caucasians age so fast and die so young?

Why do Caucasians age so fast and die so young?

I am Asian and I notice that most Caucasian people who are 30, look 40 instead.
Many who are 20 look nearly 30.

Also many of them die very young, I have a friend from the US and his grandma died only in her 70's and even his grandpa also, he said that's normal there.
Why so short lived?

Also centenarians are people of age 100 and over, Japan has the highest rate in the world. Per capita there are 2.18x the amount of centenarians in Japan than the US.

Are you guys not made to last? You die so young and look so old even at young ages.

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it's all that fucking fish you eat

Well, something we like to tell ourselves is a flame that burns half as long, burns twice as bright. But I think this is just a cop out sadly.
It's just genetics, it doesn't matter if we age worse or die younger as living among all white people it doesn't seem like an issue since it's normal for us.
It only becomes and issue when Asians come in and judge us.

Probably has to do something with the fact that Asian women start puberty and menstruating later.

And you think that's bad? Africans, even healthy ones have a shorter life span, than Hispanics and whites but no one wants to chock it up to actual genetics.

Asians in the US also have the highest life expectancy there also, sorry but it's genetics. You are aware that things have genetic life spans right? Even different breeds of dogs have different life expectancy's.

I'm 17

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We don't age quickly. Asians have been bred for neoteny. That's not a good thing btw.

That is true, to reach a fully adult state it varies by race. Most Africans reach virtually the full adult state at only around age 17 or so. For white people at about age 19 they are properly adult and have reached their peak of development. For Asians it's around 21 or so until they stop maturing and growing.

Similarly an African baby is born more developed than a white baby, and a white baby is born more developed than an Asian baby. They come out at different states of development and they finish their development to adulthood a year or two apart from each other.

Because we can.

It's not specifically Caucasian problem so much as it is an Asian trait. Hispanics have the problem too, and so do blacks to a greater degree.

It's like saying "Why are dogs so slow? I'm a cheetah and noticed that I run way faster." without mentioning sloths and turtles.

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Western diet and exercise methods. A lot of people here that adopt eastern methods of living and stick to a regimen that doesn't bust them up in the long run (martial arts, yoga, etc.) also tend to age gracefully.

Asians historically/usually eat lighter meals which might be a factor. They also seem to be less "outdoorsy" and tend to avoid extreme physical exertion.

That neoteny is an excuse and isn't scientific, I know you will link to the wiki page. But it isn't actually scientific and many scientists have pointed that out. It's subjective based on the viewer and isn't an objective thing.

Asian people on average having shorter arms and less pronounced facial features isn't actually neotenous as they were born to start with having shorter arms than Caucasian babies and less pronounced features to start with. So the develop in accord to what they were born as. They would only be neotenous if they were born at the state of a white baby. The percentage of growth is equal, the starting positions is different. A white baby is born with a nose ridge already, it's just a trait of white people to have that.

Similar with African babies, they were born with long arms and legs, it's in their genetics to have this. Africans have to be able to run fast. Each race of baby grows up in accordance to their baby states. Neither are neotenous, they just have evolved different traits.

And last time I checked having a giant brain isn't the trait of being a baby, babies have tiny unformed brains. Having thick black hair and melanin also isn't like a baby or fetus. The very thin hair that white people have and the pink skin is very similar to a baby still in the womb in fact. African fetuses for example are still pink and the melanin only kicks in later.

if you're actually looking for a serious response, it's due to collagen levels in skin, which vary significantly by ethnicity. Note that this only affects skin tone, and NOT the internal aging of the body. That's mostly due diet and lifestyle, which is a cultural thing.

>internal aging of the body

Internal ageing does depend on genetics also. Genetically people of other racial groups have different life spans, but even within a race there are people who are just going to live longer than another person regardless if they have the same lifestyle.

All animals and sub species have different natural lifespans. To the extreme extent a mouse can only live 2-3 years. it doesn't matter what you feed it, that's just it's lifespan.

We humans are very similar to each other though, so our natural lifespans only vary biologically by about 5-6 years in fact.

Black people appear visually to age pretty well when they live in a western country, they appear much younger than their age. But genetically their lifespan is lower than white people, they may look better for their age but they will usually die 5 years earlier than a white person and 12 year earlier than an Asian person.

As for the advanced aging appearance consider that Asians stay out of the sun while white people here consider a browner tanned skin desirable. Unfortunately that ages skin faster.

OP you are right, even the Filipino's age well.
I am in my 50's and I left my white wife as she was a piece of shit.
I now have a Filipino wife and most people think she is like in her 30's, but she is actually 40.

lol, I am biracial. My father is Chinese and my mother is white and they looked fine together when young, but now that they are both in their 40's my mother looks way older than my father. Some of my friends joke about it and say that my father married a cougar or some crap, but they are the same age.

You are right, but personally I don't care if Asian get to live longer as I think I will be ready to give up on life in my 70's anyway. What kind of life is there to live at that age anyway?

yui horie

2017 40age

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You are right about that. There isn't much advantage to getting to live as a really old person for a bit longer.
But the true advantage Asians have is that they can still act like people in their 20's while they are in their 30's.
But if a white person in their 30's goes to a night club full of people in their 20's then people will laugh at them.

That's a myth.
It completely depends on each person.

The avg life expectancy for both women and men of all races is early 70s.

It's a myth, just like race and being male and female is a myth. Anything is a myth to offended snowflakes.

And if you average out the entire world you get an average IQ of all people. But that isn't the actual average IQ of people in any part of the world, stop conflating the two. lol

I always thought you cunts looked more and more like frogs past age 30. Doesn't help you all smell like fish and walk on the wrong side in supermarkets.

Also that white woman looks nearly 80. My mother is 74 and she looks a lot better than that.

And lets not forget what happens to that skin

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This is a 60+yo Asian.

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Because Caucasians live life to the fullest and burn out fast, whereas everyone else is boring as fuck.

This is stupid and I hope you have time to reflect on it.


The sun is hell on white skin.

yeah my great grandparents are still alive and lived in Afghanistan their whole lives, moved here and get Alzheimer. its the chemicals we consume everyday form our food to even just touching our furniture.

my great grantparents both died in their 90's

grandmother died of cancer sticks, grandfather still trucking along.

Why does she look like she has a man's face? Please tell me this is just Photoshop or that she's trans.

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They both look their age to me