Anyone have a girlfriend that just let's you use her?

Anyone have a girlfriend that just let's you use her?

My girlfriend let's me spit on her face and slap her while I'm fucking her. I know she doesn't enjoy either of those things.

Sometimes I pressure her into letting me fuck her in the ass even though she hates it.

She's so ugly and useless she knows I'll leave her if she doesn't bend to my will.

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unironically the key to a happy relationship.

Why do you waste your time with someone you neither respect nor love?!

Dubs gets more nudes of the useless sex doll

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Her asshole is tight warm and available

Been with my gf for 8 years since freshman highschool. We broke up and both regret it and cant go back to each other. But i only regret it when im with her. When im apart i just wanna fuck every half decent female i see.

Just my dick talking or do i really not love her?

Pls help

Roll 4 more

Chicken dinner! Or should I say pussy, or ass?

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I have no clue what you are trying to ask me

He thinks wanting to hump her means he's in love

someone should make a virgin/chad meme with these two posts.

What even is love man

shes a keeper


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How do you get them to that point?

Find the ones that have daddy issues.

Any easy indicators?

Just ask. Honestly u will be surprised by what a girl does for u once shes into u.

That's true!

whats the point of spitting on her face? rolling. what else have you done to her lol so far its hilarious

I had a girlfriend that just played with my dick the entire time I played zelda, and now I think I'm gay because I was looking at link the whole time my pickle was getting picked.

you're an asshole and your gf is a dumbass. neither of you deserve to be in a "relationship", because that isn't what you have.

my ex wanted to fall asleep with my dick in her mouth..she got under the sheets and put it in her mouth and tried to sleep that way.


You both sound insecure and pathetic and both don't even care about each other lol. Waste of time.

Their family lifes suck u idiot

If a girl loves you she will do everything in the world for you.

>bragging about fucking his ugly girlfriend.

im sitll waiting for some nudes here, fuck what these other haters are saying bro theyre probably virigns

You sound weak.

that's overcompensating
got any photos of her getting a facial?

Spotted the old dude. Go to bed grampa

rolling for the nudes
send the nudes

fkn OP dude.. deliver

Lol 20/20 vision

My gf always has to hold it in her hand. Shell play with it til she falls asleep

My gf's the same way

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Dick talking. If you know it'd hurt her if she knew, would you still do it? That's how you know

I can't cum unless she's in pain