So I have no where else to go, maybe my Sup Forumsrothers can help in some way...

So I have no where else to go, maybe my Sup Forumsrothers can help in some way. My friend has been missing since August 2017. She went missing in California her husband/roommate says she just left and left all her things behind. He's now married hasn't tried to even help looked for her. Let's find her please.

Attached: FB_IMG_1520835759215.jpg (540x960, 47K)

Other urls found in this thread:

This is the last note they found from her.

Attached: FB_IMG_1520835931259.jpg (960x778, 70K)

She is NOT 90 lbs with that face.
Maybe dont lie and people would have helped, also a reward makes things happen

Oh, wow. Is she super short? I saw someone with that exact face last week around Korea Town. Probs not her but maybe.

A few more pictures of her. I would offer reward but I myself am poor and don't have the power to do such.

Attached: FB_IMG_1520836062627.jpg (540x960, 70K)

Yes she's 4'9


Yeah, oh my Jesus Christ.

I was going to ask if she liked to wear dreadlocks. I promise you I saw her with dreadlocks around Korea Town last week. I thought she was ugly that's why I remember her. You know what?

Attached: FB_IMG_1520836443292.jpg (946x960, 63K)

Yup, that's her. She had a wife beater on though.

Korea Town, friend. Look. Also, you know what?


I'm lying and chicken butt.

Where abouts in Korea town I'm not familiar with the area just so I know where to start looking and putting flyers

i haven't seen her. good luck you you, but i didn't do it. swear to god

You didn't reply to OP, and I am still not OP, but you're a piece of shit. Really. Not just for Sup Forums, but just in general. Some day you will die of old age, and look back on a life of mediocrity, and you'll fade away, unremarkable, lamenting your wasted existence.

>why, those have $0!!?

Attached: 9ustsc8o44avy3tr2022586000000.jpg (394x626, 26K)

None of this note other than divorce and restraining order make sense to me

I had my hopes up, I was about to message her mother and tell her I may have found a lead. This is fucked already I'm torn up about this shit. I was hoping Sup Forums could pull together and help like they have done in the past.

Op what does her husband do as a profession?

What was the line of work does Leah do?

This was the guy she married too and now has a wife and when I messaged her about if she knew that her husband's wife went missing she blocked immediately.

Attached: FB_IMG_1520837195500.jpg (1320x750, 57K)

She probably helped in killing her. Sorry about your friend OP.

He's a musician and so was she that's how they met he actually used to be in Marilyn manson. He is much older than her.

But did you hear me, OP?
I said chicken booty.

hahaha hahaha

Sunny Isles, these people have money. I hope she ends up ok. Maybe she doesn't want to be found or something worse has happen. Have you tried hiring a private investigator?

I know her mother hired a private investigator

white trash trying to act black with her dreads.

cultural appropriation. Hope she got slaughtered like the pig she is.

I'm really sorry, OP. I'm just a dumbass far, far away from this, but I'd help if I could. This sort of thing isn't okay. I don't know what I'd do if I was living through it. I hope you find a peaceful answer soon.

You're fucked

Thank you I'm hoping some one can help in some way

Post some nudes of the dead bitch when the police find her wherever her husband and his new wife buried her.

Also, moralfagging is pathetic.

Lol cry more you cringey fuck.

came here to say she's ugly af

Carry on

user, if her husband truly loved her an he's trying to succeed in the music industry it is quite possible she was sacrificed in order for her husband to attain riches. She has 9 letters in her name she was 27 2+7 = 9 she was 90 pounds this all combined equals 666 this can all be indicators of a sacrifice. Just my thesis.

user, if her husband truly loved her an he's trying to succeed in the music industry it is quite possible she was sacrificed in order for her husband to attain riches. She has 9 letters in her name she was 27 2+7 = 9 she was 90 pounds this all combined equals 666 this can all be indicators of a sacrifice. Just my thesis.

OP I saw her.

She kissed my dong when I took off her thong while I sang her a song after she told me she wanted to go to Hong Kong as she smoked her bong as she rode my long dick the size of a thick stick.

*puts on detective hat and smokes pipe*

OP was a beta male orbiter of some 3/10 poon, got jealous that some D-list musician who used to play in a shit band was laying pipe to her on a regular while all he got was a pity handjob at a party one night ten years ago. OP killed her and is now embedding himself in the investigation to sabotage any efforts at finding her corpse.

Case Closed.

> Husband/Roomate
Which ine is it?
>He's now married
Less than six months later

I hope you get raped

anyone questioned taylor about it? she went full retard about 6 hours ago

Look into BAMN


OP did you hear me?

I said she kissed my dong when I took off her thong while I sang her a song after she told me she wanted to go to Hong Kong as she smoked her bong as she rode my long dick the size of a thick stick.

I'm regretting coming here for this

Both she was in the process of divorce, yeah got married very fast

It was worth a shot OP.

*puffs pipe*

You knew coming here would be fruitless. But it looks good to her technology-deficit family, doesn't it? You get to keep up appearances of putting in a serious effort but in the back of your mind you're chuckling at how easy it all was and how they'll never find that poor fat girl's remains.

You're sick, OP.

P.S. Post her tits so I can fap.

Listen to me. Please. I'm begging you guys.

I said I saw her over yonder eating a pear with a bear while I a Mexican man was pulling her hair dicking her down while she was yelling in ecstasy with her frown upside down.


your rhyming is garbage, i hope you are not black, because that would just be embarrassing for the species

transfer to FL

She's probably been kidnapped an taken to some sort of retreat and will be brainwashed and forced to pleasure rich men until she gets too old and they reintroduce her into society as a crack head. I mean she's 4'9 she's somebody's slave locked up somewhere.

Florida is where all her family lives

Nothing of value is lost. If anything, it's a good thing she's gone. I bet she stank of hair grease products, weed, and cigarettes. I hope they get you next, op.

they only do that with attractive women though...

OP, be honest here for a sec. Did you do it? I know it was you. Where is she OP!?!?

yeah it's pretty clear OP is feeling the heat and is trying to make an internet history that looks innocent

It's clear to see that you guys are losers, including her husband, and she fucking bounced on you bitches. Maybe if you weren't such a loser, she wouldn't have been planning to run away.

This... OP tell us and get it over with

Is this a ylyl? So many kek worthy replies.

I feel like Meg from family guy went missing. No one is really that worried about it, and it's more of a joke, than problem.

WOAH. I shit you not OP I saw her a few weeks ago when I was flying from Dallas to LA.

they meant 90 kg

Where did you see her?

in my friends rape dungeon

Yeah I'm 99% sure that was her. I noticed her because she was sitting in first class and I thought it was strange since most of the people in 1st class are dressed relatively nice most of the time. She was with an older guy who was dressed nicer than she was (still not business professional) but the dude had dark hair and he looked like he needed a shave.

she isn't in my rape dungeon, i don't keep goblins down there

Unfortunately, I know what happens to these types of people. They end up dead or as bookers, or just sex slaves in a basement. How do I know this? I know this because where I live all the murdered people end up found in the hills in the Bay Area. Good luck though. I reccomend looking for her on the streets as she may be being used as a prostitute.

My reply

Where was she heading?

OP I haven't jacked off this hard since Madeleine McCann. Show us some pictures of this bitch locked in your torture trailer.

Attached: 1506259899550.jpg (500x375, 58K)

She was headed to LA from Dallas


Pretty sure they got an Uber or a Lyft, but I remember after they got their bags they stood where the pickup area is. I don't fly to LA very often so I'm not 100% on the set up at the airport so they could've gotten picked up by someone they knew.

Attached: FB_IMG_1520840389492.jpg (614x721, 41K)

Thank you so much

dont trust anything from here user

You know he's shitting you, right?

All I can do is have some sort of hope

Hope? What are you 4?

>autistic people don't understand emotions
Oh I'm on Sup Forums again aren't I.

Don't listen to these shit pickles. I tried to see if I could pull the flight number up but it's too far back. If it helps, try looking up all flights from Dallas to LA on January 24th, 1st half of the day. I don't know how you'd do that but I hope this helps!

If I find her, can I keep her?

Shhhhh OP will do what he says and throw off the search party.

That's her?
If you're lucky, she's dead somewhere.

I absolutely Will! Thank you so much

This looks like notes taken as if the person making this was talking to someone on the phone and writing it down. Or listening to someone talking at least. Not necessarily a plan you write out yourself.

note the "xfer", that's not something you write if you have at least a little time. also note how it's pretty slap-dash. It makes sense following someone giving instructions. It will make sense if you were the one to read it later because you were the one that wrote it and it will jog your memory. But it will look like 90% nonsense to someone that wasn't there.

There's someone else involved. At least with this note. That doesn't necessarily mean they're involved with the disappearance.

Unfortunately finding out if she was on that flight would be quite difficult. None of that information is accessible to the public.

OP secretly is trying to lure us into finding her body.

Everybody drop everything and search for this ugly white bitch.

Some facts:

OP is female (tits or gtfo bitch)

Leah was estranged from her husband for years (lol of fucking course he doesn't wanna help).

This isn't the first time the precious princess has cut contact with her family. Her own fucking mother said it in the group. Why is it being posted in images how strange this is?

What's is your involvement with her?


I've been one of her friends for almost 12 years, we grew up together

Tits or gtfo

Not your personal army.


underrated post

Damn OP you're not kidding:

Yeah I wasn't fucking with you the guys a piece of shit

Another thing.

Because "Katrine 4117" is clearly a phone extension, doing a search for "Los Angeles extension 4117" Brings up an old OCR scan of a LA Times article where 4117 was the extension for some other dept at the LA Times.

Well looking up where the LA times is located, It's on Hill and 1st Ave. Newspaper is also written on this so Willing to bet Katrine works at the LA times and 4117 is her extension.

He is also 20 years older than her