What happened?

what happened?

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Other urls found in this thread:


White people just being themselves.

There are Asian, black and Latino ones too. In fact there are way more of them.

>In fact there are way more of them.


Thailand has many more traps than all of the U.S.

ther r no black ones fagoit

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White women created feminism.


Feminism is white female lesbian elitism

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The top countries for sex changes are Thailand, Iran.and brazil

Definitely not Iran, you retard

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It's all the gay frogs fam

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It is. They don't like gay sex over there, but a sex change is like a loophole.

We're talking about why white men want to be women, not about other countries. So quit with the whataboutism, and answer why white men are such sissies and cucks.

i'd still tap

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Same reason other ethnicities become girls: they are mentally ill. It's call Gender Dysphoria

That' gay af

It's called Faggotry

You're the one that brought race into this man.

Being blamed for rapes gets to you eventually I guess.

How very Scientific of you.

Why would you go from middle top to middle bottom... Like he could have had most any girl he wanted with the right attitude. Now he can't have either unless they're mentally deranged.

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Mental illness. Pretty shit one too as most attempt suicide with or without a sex change operation.

They got called the devil from birth.

>they are the devil from birth


This is not a man. Pic related is a man
Trans should just kill themselves.

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nice tushy tbh

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There's loads of them but they're all ugly.


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Nothing happened, you were always faggots.

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take it back

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the question is "What happened to American men". Not "what happened to Thai men". Nobody fucking cares about some third world country.

>Nobody fucking cares about some third world country.
Then why the fuck are people pretending to care about America?

I wonder what happen...

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american built the modern workld and all technolony
so u should be grateful everyday we shared with u
lightning, electricity, cars etc... internet too

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Posting Astolfo don't help my friend

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Astolfo is a manly warrior
cremepuffs should not fantasizing about him since he's not gay
he'll shove his lance up their ass

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Who is this chick?

Nope way too cute

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I doubt his enemies think he's cute when he cuts them down on the battlefield

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This is a astolfo thread now

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shutup he's my role model
you can be "cute" and badass too

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Chimps can't pass for girls.


Or maybe whites and Asians really are sissified races that are feminine enough to look like women

Blacks are actually about twice as likely to be gay than whites

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You misspelled true

We evolved

Into trannies

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>mfw men are better at being women than women are

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Less men is more good. Too bad we are importing millions of young Muslim men into the west.

These trap threads, always way more white faggots

Look at this gay shit.

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he still kick u ass


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Can't argue with that

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itt real americans

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actual autism detected

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>ha ha ha ha I've just been pretending to be retarded

The United States shared lightning so that all might know the glory of Thor.

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>What happened
I don't know but I love it

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they better grow out of that bullshit and impregnate some women

Why so their faggot genes can remain in the gene pool? You sound like a faggot too.

>impregnate some women
They aren't manly enough for that

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That ain't shit a person grows out of.

then I'll paddle them until they cut it out
parents probably forgot to spank them so you get this

Too late for them

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the joos are dumping estrogen into our tap waters

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And notice unsissified that black faggot is compared to white trap fags. Black men who try to be traps can't even be called traps because they just look like men, none are ever passable. But you whites and Asians make perfect sissies because you are feminine and girly.

Obama happened

Trap threads were posted long before Obama was elected. Newfag.

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*gobbles down kfc*
The only letter i know are u.s and a

i am okay with this

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I knew it, that is Yasmin Lee in the Hangover movie.

Were just better than niggers at everything.

Honestly I'd destroy his asshole, Sarina's dick is so tiny it wouldn't even be gay, although he kind of went overboard with the surgeries this is by far his hottest form