My neighbors are niggers...

My neighbors are niggers. I hate living next to them thinking they're going to start some crime or bring ghetto shit over. I live in a nice neighborhood. Ask me anything. Advice for how to kick them out or call the cops on them welcome.

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i had that problem till some other somalian shot him in the face


Its been that way for a while. Niggers moving to my neighborhood bringing their nigger ghetto shit over here.

The white flight could not be more cucked. I want them out of this neighborhood there's plenty of places to live.

>saying the n-word
not in front of me
I'll go to jail for the rest of my life just to see you suffer

you'll be lucky if some people don't kill your entire family for calling the cops on them. only a matter of time OP

Im not gonna move. I don't have to move. I've got nowhere to move save the deep South and farms in the Midwest. There are 60s neighborhoods and old buildings for them to move here where its a hidden obscure less known location. Its a really hidden neighborhood too you think they'd take the hint.

You hit like the bitch you are nigger. Do it.

niggers hate spiders
buy a bunch of spiders
however you can
and make their house infested

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the south is 60 % black, stop lying to yourself

I hit like a bitch? Really?
fuck you cunt
I'll slice you riiiiight open
Yeah keep your guns faggots
It's only a good thing right?

Worthless bitch

youre not in louisiana are you?

You all are rapists, racist, pedofiles with tiny dicks. Kill yourself

racism is part of Sup Forums
leave nigger

So have they actually done anything to hurt you?


Then quit being a cowardly little bitch and go make friends with your neighbors. You and they will all be a lot happier.

hey nigger
how about you get the fuck off the site

stop wolfing

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Well, it seems to me that if you're scared of being mistreated by your neighbors, then the thing to do is to not be the kind of person they'll mistreat. Knocking off with the racist bullshit might be a good start.

You have to request those on /r/

Can creed 2 be realistic?

I don't give a shit about the right r
Die die die die die

You think people don't have a reason to be racist?
You ignorant little shit?
I have no beef with you.
But the aggressive niggers ive dealt with in my life are not you.
And i choose to hate your people.
fuck off with your speeches.
Niggers are barbarians.
And you know it.

Go tell your black neighbors what you just said. You are literally a meme. Goes out in public and is a beta male in front of blacks, then goes home and rages on Sup Forums.

kek this
he'd get shot for woofing in public.

fuck you I'll 'aggress' you right into the ground you white pussy

I can't wait to move next semester

I'm white and I'd kick your ass, then pound that boipucci and make you my little sissy bitch.

OP do you hate blacks because your girl left you for tyrone

Rekt nuff monkeys to laugh at this

Just leave them alone faggot

kek edgefag detected

just stick with the classics

scratch the word nigger in their car with a key or slash a couple of the tires on their car move up to killing their animals and spray paint nigger get out on their house

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this is a good way to get poked

I've never been racist to my neighbors. They creep me out with a lot of red flags. In not going to play soccer with someone's head in that has a gun and is a black in America. The cops are on his side and I would have reported many things already.

Get a life

I have nigger neighbors too.
Not much you can do besides fucking with them right back but harder and making their lives hell.

Doesn't sound like a nice neighborhood if you talk like that, sounds like you are the one fucking it up.

>hidden neighborhood

And snakes, they go ape shit when they see one.

I don't do shit to them the faggot is crazy.

lol pussy. As if you could do that.

sell now before they buy something across the street.
your property value is tanking. keep your equity.

They play niggerbeats, I put speakers outside on my deck and blast right back all night until they call the cops, then just say your neighbours are drug dealers that don't deserve sleep

also when you show the house, make sure they aren't home.

they're gonna steal your speakers to fix the problem

that moment when this thread has the word



in nig it.

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I do.
If i see shit or trash on my property from them, i throw it in their yard or in their car. I got their car towed for blockin me in. Etc etc. Only way. They have to learn you won't take their bullshit.

Post more of this slit

Get your nigger bot to remove them

That pussy needs some big nigger cock

he is doing something good by trying to get rid of the apes

if he has to burn them out to get rid of them they need to understand they are not wanted so they can move somewhere else and repeat the process

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you and your cohorts deserve death on a silver platter

>i. think, they put wrong prices!!

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is that a prickly boysenberry bush?

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Derek in American history x should have taken his own advice.

There is no "understand" with black people. They are all crazy and that is fuel to the fire for them to do something some faggot is going to justify. No shame no understand. Derek and people who know them call them monkeys. It literally is a wild animal and a time bomb waiting to happen. I know violence and social things are not the answer and that's what happened to Zimmermann. I got a gun and its a hassle everyday. The best thing is to convince other racists so they can get an apartheid going until that apartheid can be respected.

They "must" be everywhere and that is going to end.

Reagan tried. I don't want to live near them. I want entire societies and neighborhoods without them. I want the token black person kicked out of every group of kids.

It would be fucked up if I played soccer with his head and the crying would never stop. I have to be a father figure for the monkey and a slavemaster on top of that. I'm seriously considering reading a manual on how to deal with wild animals and treating all niggers like that from now on.

I had some ghetto niggers move in across the street from me. Of course they were renting and probably on gub't assistance as nobody ever went to work. Their cars were always there. They also painted the house this awful green color and set up security cameras everywhere. They'd have other ghetto people show up at weird hours in all different cars. They were probably selling drugs or some shit. I didn't really have to do anything about it. Eventually, they got evicted. It was only a matter of time. Nigs gotta nig. If you want to keep them away, hang a rebel flag in front of your house.

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Lot of red flags and the crazy faggot is a time bomb. They have people like sets of cars living there. They're in the army and its a broken family where the nigger that cucks the other nigger lives with them. Niglets are in age too to start commuting crimes. There is crack and an illegally bought gun in that house. I've seen him trying to break in and looking at our door.

I have a son he keeps staring at. He wants to rape my son and I can't call the fucking cops on them.

My kid is 5

Not that much bullshit is needed for a grand jury to call them a family and angels either. I live next to them I see all their shit. I know it see it and hear it.

I'm gonna claim self defense and its gonna be fucked up.

guns and crack are normal. it's hard to move out of the hood, and expensive. black people usually aren't gay though you shouldn't worry about rape.
and get your whole family killed if they can't find you? they will round up your kids.

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friend them. give them a gun to hold. theres your plant....

Burn a cross on their lawn

Give your kid a phone, it won't stop him being raped by the nigger but it may help you find him before he's chopped up.
All niggers are homosexual. Don't listen to the propaganda. That's what they are and all they are, you should know that by now. Taking advantage is what they do. Any opportunity at all. Best case scenario is your kid is just hit by some other kids.
There's a lot of things you could do, but it's more important to keep working and raising your kid. If possible pay some older kid to play with yours.
Don't be another fool that treats niggers like people. You can't afford to put your life in danger, because your kid needs a future. Disregard all nigger posts itt. Not one single nigger sees their nigger actions for what they are, they think anything they can do is a right for them. Nothing sacred at all.

No you wouldn't. You only prey upon people who don't know any better. People who see you for what you are you run from, because they're prepared. Niggers pick on girls, kids and other civilian like people. Niggers only attack when it's unexpected and they think they have no chance of losing.

>All honkies are homosexual

Fixed that for you

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>says the n-word
>doesn't give a fuck
Pray for yourself cuck because I'm coming to kill you.
You hear that Trump?

Honkies only prey upon people who don't know any better. People who see you for what you are you run from, because they're prepared. Honkies pick on girls, kids and other civilian like people. Honkies only attack when it's unexpected and they think they have no chance of losing.

All niggers try their best to make others worse.
People are easily persuaded, that's what civilisation does, it makes people more receptive to suggestion because usually everyone is working for common interests.
Niggers non stop tell people that they are or should be inferior to them. People play the game.
It's a nigger problem. People are fine without them.

>pretty upon
fuck you cunt you're the fucking bully
dominate fucking everything and then tell me im abusing my power
You're probably with those skinheads

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People have given education, food and so much help to niggers they have given up their life for it.
And without prejudice.
In return niggers have done everything they can to destroy the people who helped them.
People fight for causes, and they fight knowing they'll lose. They build. They endure.
News is by niggers for niggers. Only a nigger would appreciate intruding into someone else's private life like it's a right or is a right thing.

fuck you breitbart
Why don't you put a retard in charge and see what happens?
Oh wait...

>Be me
>Live in the ghetto with one gay couple a few white trash mexifries and one house of nignogs
>It's getting warmer faggots start to awake from winter nigger hibernation
>One nignogs has two kids with poor choice making Asian gf
>pourch monkey Dad had them for a few years... Sucks as a parent beyond belief (it's expected though nig dad's never good) mom takes kids
>Ching Chong Bing bong over there so kids can see nigger daddy
>Outbursts ensue because of course..
>Cops get call
>Niggers always calling the cops on themselves..
>SMH fucking faggots it's not even spring and they are already fucking up wish it was winter...


Nigger fuck you.. I'll blow what little brains you have out before didn't do nuttin

I'm just someone who stands up for other people. Not a thing a nigger would understand. I don't find a way to tell myself doing the wrong thing is justified.
If you want to be treated like a person then start being one.

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shit hat never happened
>Be chilling
>get attacked by a shizo faggot with a butterfly knife
>He as white
>dropped him and called the cops

Stands up for people.who bully and dominate other people
You are all literal scum
Collusion and evil is second nature to the white man, not a single honest bone in their bodies
Nigger I'll blow up your whole block

> Muh dick nigguh


Why don't you try doing something that helps others.
I don't put people in charge, I help them deserve to be in charge. It is not a nice thing to expose yourself to all that may go wrong in order to stop it from happening.
Being a 'kang' is a curse. People take up such positions because they have to. All they get in return is knowing things are better because of them. They don't get to enjoy in the spoils because too much of what they exposed themselves to is in them.
Voting is for niggers. People don't ask to do what has to be done.

Easy there niggy noggy.... Stop blaming whity for your shit tier life

I'm not impressed by your exhaustion at minor reading.

>still saying the n-word
whatever you're really nice and I agree with you
I would only bash your face in


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>$0? why??!!!?????

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You're used to people submitting and consider that good. And anything else bullying. I'm helping your nigger self. Someone should have told you early on being a nigger was a disgrace. You might have worked towards being your own person then.
Endorsing nigger behavior does not help anyone.
