Late night feels thread, let it all out Sup Forums

Late night feels thread, let it all out Sup Forums

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Fuck I miss the relationship we had so much.

I don't understand why you had to leave me

I don't understand why I couldn't tell you what it was that I wanted

Why didn't you choose me. You said you loved me.

what happened Sup Forumsrother

I still think WAY too much about that girl

I still have no idea.

We shared things with one another that we'd never told anybody else about ourselves. Our love felt so pure and strong and indelible I ignored the signs and didn't say anything as they slipped away little by little swearing up and down that I'd always be the one for them

What happened to her?

All I can say is everything happens for a reason, there will be someone better you just have to believe that

I am so bored with life
I just snorted 350 mg of caffeine plus 20 mg of ritalin and smoked way too many cigs and im having a shitty comedown
I dont feel depressed or anything but fuck me, do I need to make that high happen again, I just realized Ive been bored for years

I guess so.

But that hole is always going to be there no matter how things change.

snorting caffeine is a thing btw
I highly reccomend it

how to fix this

id rather shitpost on Sup Forums than potentially have things go well!

yes if you're a degen at rock bottom who also thinks shitting into a bag and huffing it is fun. do real drugs, dude.

i'm also bored with life and wouldn't mind dying at any time since i don't have kids, debt, or responsibilities at the moment.

I feel you bro

you should listen to this album, it helped me

>The God and Devil are Raging Inside Me

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Quit being such a baby about it.

You got it man. Thank you. Always on the lookout for great music

>I want to date the type of person who is a total sad sack.
>The type of person who goes on Sup Forums and writes really gay little poems when he loses something.
>The type of person who feels sorry for themselves.

Would you stay with someone who was that cringey? No, you wouldn't.

no u

You'll just have to fill that hole with something else. Find a new hobby, I started to learn piano and guitar after a breakup and it's filled that hole I think

And then there's this asshole

Gtfo newfag

best way to get over it is to make new memories so you don't think about the memories you made with her.

here's another good album

>Good News for People Who Love Bad News

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but im not depressed, why would I do that. im just bored out of my mind
plus I did cocaine and it literally doesnt work on me, benzos make me sleepy and I never feel compelled to do them unless I want to feel sleepy

hallucinogens is where its at but they are hard to come by here

>When you write poems on accident
Damn I'm good kek.

I joined the army recently so we'll see where that takes me. I'm secretly praying for a war

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How do I prevent myself from feeling like I'm going nowhere?

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im aware
thats why I hate feeling bored

You're part of the only species in known existence that has the potential to design it's own purpose and systematically acquire immortality. If you believe your post, you've given up and I feel sorry for you. Find your purpose and pursue it. Stop being a lil bitch.


>rages at tough love
>would rather make this a safe space
>clearly an oldfag
okay, little guy. what are your pronouns? i don't want to further trigger you.

it was just really shittily written, vague, cringey, and has the format of a poem. if you accidentally speak like that in real life, finding another relationship is probably gonna be rough.

dude, my existence is the exact same experience. wtf haha you articulate it in a pretty decent way actually.. maybe bias cause its so relatable.

t. not sure if adderall addict or just that bored

Kill yourself

jump off a building

>i. think, they put wrong prices!!

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one of these days

>Life is decay
No one needs to tell anyone this on a daily basis. It's common sense to anyone who isn't a retard. You don't get younger as you age.
>You will always truly be alone
False. Being alone is infinitely harder to achieve than finding people to be around.
>You are expendable
Everyone is.
>Nothing happens for a reason
Idiotic statement that disagrees with scientific fact. Things happen because humans/nature makes them happen.
>You're going to die.
Everyone/Everything is. The sun will die eventually.
>You will be forgotten
How am I supposed to care about this when I'm dead?
>It will be like you never existed
Again wrong. Making an impact isn't hard. It's also not important. Either do it or don't.

>In this moment I am euphoric

>having serious feelings for some bitch you haven't seen in years

> no, because science
Dude you sound like you're in denial, and your arguments are horrible. Just accept meaninglessness

I miss my girlfriends. Not in an “I want you back” way, but in a sense that I just miss that experience. Like I’m definitely really nostalgic about both of the serious relationships I’ve had and I’m having a hard time admitting to myself that I miss them.

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Explain how nothing happens for a reason then, you sad mongoloid.

Idiots like you don't seem to realize that you're only depressed because you're stupid as fuck.

I'm so tired

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I'm gonna agree with you there.

My mom is in stage 3 kidney failure and I wanna kms. AMA

My ex messaged me out of nowhere and its thrown me for a massive loop. I keep thinking about just blocking and going full no contact but I don't know if I can do it. I would love to see her again.

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jack off and tell me if you feel the same still there sponegbob

My friends mom died a little over a year ago. He's doing alright but I hope you have people to go out for a drink with and distract you a bit.

How much longer does she have?

Really wish I did, pal. Really wish I did.

I have a girl I'm currently seeing and was thinking about my ex before, during, and after fucking. Its like a virus infecting my thoughts

>tfw probably never going to see eachother again

sounds like you just like being loved

I have only long distance girlfriends... My friends have dated more women than I have.. what's funny is that I just recently found out that my fit friend is dating a really big girl.. I mean to each is own...but why am I the only one not dating wtf

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I wouldn't know. She's a cold hard person. She came home from the doctor and just said "Well, I'm in stage three kidney failure." And has refused to talk about it since then.

girls never like me
fuck you whitey
literally every white guys wants beef withe with no prompt

The only explanation is that you're a pussy.

Maybe try to get lost in some games or the gym. Helped me get through the rougher days when I was depressed. Sleeping was always the worst though

Get fiT

Why does poo come out my bum bum.
Why cant i be like an anime

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I definitely feel like an addict but I havent found to what yet
its most likely adderall but no one will prescribe it to me
I have ritalin but im oin the 1 percent that it doesnt work on

how does it feel like Sup Forumsro?
what was it like before you took it?


hahah lost xd

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Currently 3:20 AM and I decided to come here for the first time in, god, it has to be 6 years?

Is she not going on dialysis?

We are poor as fuck. Like, 3 months behind on the light bill poor.

Welcome back good to see you

Feelings are irrational

I'm just tired.

Christ man, sorry to hear that. You'll just have to make her last time valuable

aren't we all

I used to go to omegle and try to find strangers to talk to. Yelling into the electronic wind is cathartic

what's adderall like?

longer lasting meth

The worst part is I have people to talk to and spend time with but they can't be there for me at times like this. I'm dating a school teacher who goes to sleep at 8 PM. None of my friends stay awake past midnight. Most of my life is spent isolated when I'm not with one of them. I live at home with my mom, and all I do is clean and take care of things around the house. I feel like I'm fucking losing it.

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I know, but saying it over and over provides me with an excuse to not consider myself a pos that fucks everything up

Gym might help. I'm the worst at waking up early but trying to get out of bed and do shit might help keep the mental demons at bay in the evening

if you know what i mean

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you'll never feel better about yourself if you think that way


wrong. anything over 7 stories onto concrete and you're golden.

No car. No money. Only work I do is manual labor, pays well, but it makes me want to off myself when I stand up and one of my knees gives in.

So broke I have exactly one pack of smokes I am very tempted to open right now.

no one should have to prove that they're a "good person" or have to justify that just because some cunt doesn't think you live up to her expectations

Hahaha oh god, nihilist faggots always makes me have a good chuckle; do us a favor and kill yourself, or even better, grab the same gun, do a little research about the scum of your town, and start pilling bodies: you would never feel more alive, and more scared to lose that rush of vitality.

only thing smoking that will lead to is wanting to smoke another that you don't have

u r retarded

Yeah but fucking nicotine is great.

you are a little bitch without the balls to ask even the ugly broad from your school/job for a date. If this is your life, better live dickless, because it will fall anyway just from unuse.

whats meth like? I always wondered
I legitimately am considering doing meth for therapeutic reasons

ritalin is to cocaine what adderall is to meth right? neither ritalin nor cocaine do anything for me

is it?
I smoked a lot of it and unless im high or drunk, it feels like being poisoned

feels nice, eh?


that's weird. then meth/adderall probably won't do anything for you either. they're all uppers.

adderall 1 chemical away from being literal street meth. it just makes you hyper and want to do shit. it makes doing nothing feel bad.

im sorry to hear that user
I wish you the best of luck no homo tho

shit man, being tired is not the same as being clumsy or dumb. Maybe you need some rest.

This is bait. Nobody is this stupid.

I work my job hard to avoid human contact.

I've been smoking for years. I fucking love it. The nicotine, not the smoking.

Long distance sucks. I use to be in one of those most of the time, after a while you kind of just got to admit you're probably considered quite shitty if you can't get a non-long distance relationship.
Fat girls can be surprising cool, best girls I dated were these 2 fat girls that were friends and both wanted to share me as a bf.

well, ritalin does work if im smoking but its not viable. I cant stop smoking or the high is gone

>it just makes you hyper and want to do shit. it makes doing nothing feel bad.
I felt that on my first week on ritalin. it was fucking amazing, I got shit done
it has never felt like that again tho

I did feel that on some new antidepressant to but it lasted a whole week, the best fucking week of my life. after that it also stopped working
It sucks knowing that you will never feel as happy again

Can't fall asleep unless I'm horribly drunk. If I don't drink then I'm just laying there all night. When your alarm to wake up goes off and you haven't slept a single minute, that's the worst feeling.

>tfw family thinks you're kill because you didn't answer the phone