Was Sheev ever racist?

With this revelation from the Rogue One writers saying that the Empire is a human supremacists and "Literally Hitler", was there any evidence that Sheev was a supremacist? Did he ever talk to Anakin about killing the toydarians or did he ever order the killing of someone because he wasn't human?

But his master was an alien?

And his apprentice was black.

Sheev is a Sheev-supremacist. He's so based that he alone should be ruling the galaxy. He doesn't give a shit how anyone else is ranked.


The Empire was definitely human supremacist in the old EU, partially as a backlash against the alien-dominated Separatists who (as far as everyone except Palpatine knows) were responsible for the Clone Wars. Almost the entire imperial military is human, with the exception of a handful of exceptional cases (Thrawn, for example).

I'm a little annoyed that they're cherrypicking things from the old EU to fit their political agenda, but it's not like they just made it up. But there is absolutely nothing in the EU about the Empire having a racial bias when it comes to the skin color of humans, that stuff is just bullshit from the new left-wing writers.

Ofcourse he is. Remember the scene where he quoted Hitler and called for all niggers to be gassed?

It was right before he went on a rant about le happy Wattos and their crooked, greedy tricks.

>Thrawn, for example
Thrawn was never canon you fucking nerd.

Yes he was. The entire old EU was canon, then it got wiped out when Disney bought Star Wars.

No. Other than the Empire clearly being nazis in space, aesthetically wise, there's nothing that says they're curb stomping greedos every chance they can. It's over reaching, as to be expected from "nerds" who picked up Star Wars a year ago because it's in vogue.

Caravan of Courage was more canon than anything Timothy Zahn ever wrote. Time to face facts, nerd.

>was there any evidence that Sheev was a supremacist?
He came from Naboo, where Gungans also lived. This experience alone would be enough to turn anyone racist.

Isn't thrawn in rebels now?


Yousa open yasa pockets naboosa boy


>Pleb writers dragging Sheev's good name through the mud

The old EU canon established the empire as human-supremacists. Nothing race related, I don't know how race would work across galaxy spread species but I'm sure they'll try to shoehorn it in somewhere.

other than the empire being nazis in space and consisting purely of white males that speak english?

episode 7 had niggers and spics in imperial uniforms
calm your tits

Why do you keep mentioning the old EU when it was never canon and is even less canon now? You are so fucking stupid.

does anybody have the clip from lego star wars of this part of sheev flying?

episode 7 don't count

Genocided the Geonosions

Thrawn is in Rebels now, ya dingus

wtf, an American movie had English speakers?

>Doesn't count because it proves me wrong


Now who's being racist?

Well since he was a Sith he'd be closer to a radical Islamist than "white supremascist" but we can't have any of that in our new Star Wars can we.

There are 6 gorillion races in the star trek universe. Hes bound to hate one of them.

>fucking dirty weequays


Back to Facebook with you until you turn 18 in 2022, faggot.

I meant english with a british accent

I can't believe you people are actually arguing about this. The empire have always been nazis in space, the uniforms and everything is intentionally set up that way. Why the fuck you're suddenly acting shocked that someone is saying the empire is white supremacist is beyond me because it's been established canon for 3 decades

white imperials killing white rebels

Here's your (You)

rebels were always multi culti and fat positive

dont body shame me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I think it was some knee-jerk statement caused by bitterness about Trump becoming president-elect, not the official stance of neo-star wars. I remeber distinctly that the first order in episode VII had a black female as one of the Death star operators.


As long as the plebs worked like the slaves they were and got shit done, it didn't matter to him if they were AYYYs, robots or space Mexicans