Oh look it's another nazi episode

>oh look it's another nazi episode
>conveniently after trump's win too

yeah but the episode was written, filmed, and edited weeks even months ago.


Who's the bad guy in this show? I dropped it somewhere around the beginning of The Darkness season.

Fuck this show they made God gay, I hope the jews that made this are boiled in a vat of hot acid for 10 billion years.

Literally a show for millennial white girls.


Father Anderson from Hellsing

Why do you think all the angels are dudes. God loves sucking all kinds of dick

There have been a shitload of female angels you tard.

>literally still watching supernatural after it jumped the shark years ago.

Really, hmm

So first the big bad was Satan then after they defeated Satan the show writers came up with an even bigger baddy called The Darkness and now that The Darkness is gone the big bad is Nazis. It's extremely obvious that they've run out of ideas and are making shit up as they go along. At this rate the next big bad will be some internet meme.

>KEK will be the next evil god

I think they brought the Thule back just for this episode. The big bad for this season is still British nerds I believe.

this show still exists?

Men of Letters are not Nazis they are just an organization that wants to learn as much supernatural shit as possible.

>This show continued after they killed the demon that murdered their mom.

Bad choice. Up until then it was a perfect little show, now it's just total shit.

It was still alright until after the apocalypse, that really is where it should have ended

the thules are the nazis

What's happening in this show now? I dropped it around S5.

British hunters are dicks, their mother got resurrected, general monster of the week fair

>Mary comes back
>She does nothing interesting for 3 episodes and then leaves

Fuck this

>Will it ever end?


I saw you in another thread, whats the guys real name in the show?

Hhey man I don't want no problem. You got no proof that was me

>they made God gay

>Still watching that show
I dropped it last season and just pretended that god burring the hatchet with his sister was a fitting end to things.

I actually can't remember

Thats also what Himmler wanted