Pervert's Guide to Ideology

What do you think of this movie?

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I like it and thought it was decent.

I wish there were more threads about Zizek on this board.

he probably regrets doing them because it made him a circus freak that normies would flock to based on his demeanor instead of his ideas.

He also admitted multiple times that he doesn't watch the entire movie most of the time and just riffs on whatever he sees going on.


desu he's kind of unintelligable. Not because of his accent. I know what he's saying but I have nno idea what the fuck he means. Do I have to be a philosophy major to get him or what?

I only watched the They Live part and thought it was accurate. I should watch the rest

Sargon of Akkad is better.

>the God of /lit/ makes a movie with the wife of Sup Forums's God
The ultimate meme film

And so on and so on


well that's awkward considering he has a kid.

it's pretty much common sense

you kind of have to have an interest in that stuff yeah, but you don't need a degree.

These films are him just being entertaining. He's a Lacanian philosopher and sociopolitical critic first and foremost.

philosophy major here, lots of us look down on him for one reason or another (self plagiarism, plagiarizing from white supremacists, nationalist racism, etc). the stuff he says that you can understand is good, if it seems too complicated to follow he's probably making shit up

>philosophy major here, lots of us look down on him for one reason or another
r/philosophy is leaking again

>the wife of Sup Forums's God
I can't find anything on Google about her being married at all, let alone to Jeff Magnum or Brian Wilson

*sniffs nose*

I just watched opening with They Live fight because I liked the opening credits and music.

>unintelligible babble

it was okay

>philosophy major here

I don't know why I was so surprised to find out all three of them are related.

ask your friends in academia what they tend to think about Zizek these days. it's mostly negative.

Man, that's Foucault and then some.

Yes, they don't like him cause he's against SJWs and immigration.

>academic philosophers

I don't watch films featuring fat people. Nobody should respect a fat person, because that fat person doesn't respect themselves.

Because he's one of the only living leftist philosophers who's adamantly against SJWs and neo-liberalism. The vast majority of people who are currently in academia blindly drink the identity politics koolaid.

he's not against immigration you reductive simpleton.

He's against politically correct solutions to the complex problems of immigration, which includes ignoring its dangers.

He's not saying stop immigration altogether.

I liked it, but I think a good philosophical film should leave you with more questions than answers, kinda like Waking life. I guess it can't be helped considering the film's naming, if it is a guide it must lead somewhere


Listen... *sniff*, some eh, eh, critics they say this *sniff* this filem is trash and so on *sniff* but here, I totally disagree! *sniff* My gott, *sniff* I claim that *sniff* this is precisely why eh, eh, *sniff* ideology and politics matter.