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>their president can't even sell a stunner

Will President Trump declare wrassling the national sport?



>Stone Cold's body was found at approximately 6:45 PM riddled with bullet holes

I still can't believe that he won. It's like some hilariously sick joke that this man won, and I'm loving every moment of it.

I know right
it is like i'm living in a cartoon or something I fucking love it


post more vids of trump getting btfo

based the rock as secretary of sports

If you see it as meme magic then its hilarious, but the reality where he got voted in by pissed off uneducated white men fed up with the system is much less so.

>Inauguration speech
>*glass shatters*

It's between that and NASCAR since most of his votes are the number one fans.

So many bluepilled cucks in this fucking thread.

haha yea, those people with womens studies degrees and poly sci people suuuuure are smart! disregard the fact that trump supports have a higher wage than clinton supporters :P

Found the bern victim

>tfw Trump is based, humble and secure enough in himself that he allows himself to poked fun at
>tfw no progressive can say the same

Man of the people.

Why are people so triggered by people pointing out the fact that high school educated blue collar working whites won him the election.

People that never voted before found his message uplifting.

People here fucking hate non-college educated whites so much I fucking swear

I'm not american. Sanders was too optimistic about how quickly a country can change, but yeah, politically he's the one I agree with the most.

The record wasn't corrected on the 8th, it won't be corrected now.

>too optimistic
no he was a fucking retard who thought everything should be free since thats all young kiddies care about

he's a fraud, just like his entire political life and how he's never had a real job

That is pretty much the GOP completely and always has been that way.

Liberal elites and hard working blue collar GOP is pretty much how it is has always been.

It's not free, you pay for it with tax. You're talking like the system with "free" (as you refer to it) education and health care doesnt already exist in other countries.

are you fucking retarded or do you have no sense of reading comprehension

America is a fucking joke to the rest of the world. Putin here in Russia is laughing at you.


You godless commies are mentally ill, get help ffs. And if you like communist countries so much why don't you just emigrate to one?

Maybe Putin, but it's not like russians have much to laugh about



Because those same people won Obama the election twice and you never thought of bringing your racism into it.

>despite two shots to the back of his head and being found in a sealed 55 gallon drum, his death was ruled an unfortunate suicide caused by undiagnosed concussions

I already live in a country with free education. It's pretty neat.


>the media fucking hates non-college educated whites so much I fucking swear


>dat trigger discipline

Good thing the head of his cabinet is the former head of the RNC, I'm sure it'll really shake things up.

He says before Trump announces Joe Arpaio as head of ICE.


Like hell they did. SJWs aren't the same as liberals/democrats, and they don't have the pull or numbers dumbass contrarian teens on this site think they do. Obama struck in a perfect time, when people were looking for someone to change shit. It's the same now, only it won't end well. Obama was ineffectual but I fear Trump will change shit for the worst. He is the new Reagan and everybody should fear that.

Also, if he lowers taxes it'll just increase the debt and the middle-class will end up paying for it. Poorfags get tax returns and richfags have loopholes. The salesman/businessman has tricked you all, and you willingly suck his dick. The good news is you retards are already flip-flopping to something I am used to (been here since 2008 and was a strong supporter of Project Chanology). Hell, you teens are saying Israel is good.

You think the new season of the Apprentice will give a nod to the "former" Boss being the President?

Free public education aka. communist indoctrination center hellholes. By all means, keep deluding yourself.

>american camerawork


i like how you leave out bannon and completely ignore what rinsed penis has done during the campaign

almost like you're omitting critical facts to push a narrative

Nah, education is genrally good. Several universities near the top rankings in their respective fields, and PIAAC scores in literacy/numeric proficiency topping those of the United States. You literally have no idea what you're talking about.

people pay for indoctrination here

they go thousands into debt for it actually

meanwhile trade jobs are always hiring, and pay well

Serious question, has anyone ever survived the amount of shit thrown at them that Trump has? I think I could name a scandal for every single month of his campaign

Helps when they pay him a shitload of money for those self-deprecating jokes.

No. No one has manage to dodge all the shit thrown at him let alone all the times he manage to put his foot in his mouth

But he never had a scandal involving his voter base. It was always something about women, muslims, mexicans etc. The one thing that couldve gone bad was when he insulted the parents of a soldier who was killed in service. Its the same with populist parties in other countries, there are a lot of scandals, but the ones who take offense are mostly people who wouldnt vote for them regardless.

Isn't he rich? Why would he need the money.

>Isn't he rich? Why would he need the money.


>reality where he got voted in by pissed off uneducated white men

...and women.
...and blacks.
...and even latinos.

But he lost all of those demographics soundly. Not as soundly as the liberals expected, but still.

the only time i thought he might lose was the when the PUSSY comments leaked- because i know protestant inner american christians, and if theres one thing they hate hearing about it's SEX


Pretty much. If anything I thought people, especially here, would be ecstatic at the fact that white people are a voter base that you can't lose in the numbers Clinton did. You know, since there's a lot of worry here about whites losing their majority.

Trump is literally considering putting Linda McMahon in his Cabinet

>This is your country's president

What an embarrassment t b h

Trump is a man way ahead of our time

really fires up the neurons

>But he lost all of those demographics soundly.
.. what after they voted literally 5 days ago? you know that for a fact, he lost all of those people in 5 days?

because just 5 days ago all of those people voted for trump.

this trump's economic policy is the antithesis of true american values

The voterbase is shunned by the media and they will vote the person who voices their opinion. Scandals only affect to those who wouldn't vote him in the first place.

Sup Forums goes mute whenever Trump's retarded economic polices are questioned

>true american values

oh the irony...

Personally, I think it got so bad that it ended up working in his favour. It felt like every stuck up celebrity, preachy television personality and smug analyst kept shitting on him so much to the point a lot of people just got sick of it, started to think they were just being assholes and bullies and some people wanted to vote for him just to wipe the smugness off their obnoxious faces.

They threw so much shit at him that a lot of people started to think "Hold up, he can't really have done ALL of this stuff they are saying" and started to disbelieve it.

They overdid it with the shit flinging to the point it backfired and blew up in their face spectacularly.

>the only person who sells a stunner worse than Trump did

everyone is okay with justin trudeau trowing himself down stairs for the lulz but if donny does it then the world needs to stop spinning, jesus christ come on dude.

Most polls (although they've since been proven incorrect as a whole I still think the up-down trends have been accurate) showed that he lost a lot of support after that, but Clinton ending her campain with a reopening of the e-mail case probably negated that effect.

Also this to some extent. I think with politicans in general people always assume there's more dirt than can be seen. With how much visible dirt Trump has I think it made people view him as a more transperant candidate, although there's no telling how much unknown stuff is still hidden in his different business ventures etc.

Because when Trudeau loses, he wins.


Obama may pardon Hillary...

Only guilty people can be pardoned...

Really makes you... laugh!


Better than his snoozefest appearance on 60 Minutes:

Did he actually even say that? The enemies quote I mean. I actually googled it but its just memes and alt-right sites

Clinton lost because everybody was either riled up that Sanders (a supposedly GOOD politician) lost to a regular (EVIL) politician (despite all politicians being in line with lobbyists, which is why older voters weren't fazed by the accusations as were the youngfags), or were angry that she was more of the same and thus would not benefit the conservative faggots. All the people under 25 around me hated her and thought she was gonna start ww3 or should be in jail despite nothing sticking. Yeah, her being a super mastermind and basically a Bond villain is more likely than her not having done shit. The goalposts moved while she remained the same. Anyways for those above 25, they were for her or against her cause they wanted Trump to change things and didn't like Sanders. I remember the 2008 election and she didn't get this amount of shit. If it wasn't for Sanders this year she would have won.

t. The Jew York Times


None of that matters.

If Obama decides to pardon her, it amounts to an admission of guilt.

You can't pardon an innocent person.

Are you saying Sanders was aligned with lobbyists. Because he is very much against money in politics.

>very much against money in politics

See: LOL.