Really, Spielberg?

Other urls found in this thread:


She's really going to miss them.

>Truly we have become Schindler's List ™

Really Spielberg?

>A whole story arc about a German Officer sexually dominating his Jewish maid
Bravo Spielberg!

wtf i hate polish children now

Hitler didn't really care for Jews. He thought they were a bit much

>what is typhus

>this film is dedicated to all the brave men who died fighting international Jewry

C'mon Spielberg leave your politics out of your movies. I don't go to Cinemark to get preached

We should cage you!
No, just fuck off to Sup Forums!

>boo hoo, hate facts destroy my piddly narrative, you belong in a cage!

again, what is typhus
try harder or enlighten yourself kiddo

based redpills

Don't forget that Raimi has a credit as screenwriter in this one.

Not again

>Sup Forums shills

Someone ought to break every bone in your body

How triggered are you, kike?

wew lad

>Triggered by the most pro-jew candidate winning

Poor dumb goy, you really thought you were in control.

Fuck off, lying jews.

Yup. The jews have long been masterful at play acting and making up stories, and the very fact that lying to "the goyim" is very much a part of the jewish religion itself gives every jew absolutely no credibility, no matter what they claim.

I can't wait til you all get what you deserve for all your lies, and all the evil you've done.

And here's the whole thread for pic related:


>Sup Forums shill calling anyone else a liar

your tears are delicious

Sup Forums is always right.

Get used to it, pathetic whiners.