I'm going to the cinema by myself tomorrow

I'm going to the cinema by myself tomorrow.

what should I know?

You'll be turned away at the door due to the no singles policy.

Get there early and sit in the very back row

Even if that was a thing they could easily just get their ticket at self serve

Don't forget your trench coat and assault rifle, bring plenty of extra mags

When you walk in, stay close to other groups and you should be fine

The cinema is dark dude no one notices

Don't make eye contact during the penis inspection. Otherwise they'll think you are gay and you'll get hosed down.


I went to the cinema alone many times.
I went to restaurants alone many time.
And I was never mistreated.

What's up with you fags and all that social anxiety?

Bring your anime pillow waifu.

No one cares about you.

fuck off
that's not true

I feel it's a legit worry to have when you go and watch a movie by yourself. I've never done it so I'm obviously nervous.


here's some helpful tips
1. go on a weekday between 10am and 2pm. There will only be a scattering of retirees and people on disability present.
2. buy your ticket via the automated kiosk to avoid having to say the dreaded phrase "one for..." to an actual human
3. some suggest arriving extra early-- but I disagree. time you entry to coincide with the dimming of the lights. The previews (which you can see online) can give you up to 15 minutes of safety zone in your arrival time.
4. Act generally like you've just dropped out of the office to unwind for a while. Your role is "Don Draper at the movies." Dressing up with a shirt and tie and even a briefcase can reinforce this illusion.
5. Sit on the side near the middle, NOT at the back. If by some chance some couple is going to make out in the theater they'll do so in the back. Avoid this problematic area.
6. Leave just as the movie ends like there's business you have to attend to. Do not hang around like a moron waiting for after-credits sequences. This is the price you pay for being a friendless autist.

that's all I have but I've used those rules for a good decade now and they've never failed me.


>Your role is "Don Draper at the movies." Dressing up with a shirt and tie and even a briefcase can reinforce this illusion.

This meme doesn't work in post-trump America, get a new one.

You should probably just ask a guy to go with you.
Usually fags use grindr. try that

I'm a woman, not a fag.

aim for center of mass, not the head

Not true. OP is a faggot. You are OP. Therefore logic dictates that you are a faggot.

Golden post and nice digits.


If a man sits next to you and rubs your leg and tells you to go to the restroom with him, don't do it.

What is it with assholes always putting their feet up on people's chairs?


beware of the singles!

I go see a movie by myself during the day on Tuesday. It's $5 day and I never work on Tuesdays as I work weekends generally.

Nobody will be there. I have never had more than 15 people in a theater despite it being the latest Marvel movie or whatever. Wear a jacket, put some candy and a bottle of water in the jacket pockets. My theater assigns seating because all the seats are recliners but no one ever abides by it.

Aim for middle of the top area.

this post is frighteningly detailed and humorless

i'm sorry mane

>go to movie alone
>find comfy seats
>exert my dominance so people won't side to the sides of me
>take off shoes and use jacket as a blanky
>super comfy
>enjoy movie