I'm calling bullshit

I'm calling bullshit.

Everyone knows Hollywood is filled with pedos or fags.

sinead oconnor aged horribly too

based lel

is she the epitome of JUST?

Feminism, not even once.

If I saw that head, I'd rape it, too.

Maybe they raped her because they thought she's a dude.

literally who?

Is she the female JUST?

To be fair, she suffered brain damage from a near-fatal automobile accident and wasn't intelligent in the first place. I'd be making silly accusations like that, also.

>head rape
Why has god left us

It was harvey weinstein


These stupid feminist cunts are so brain-washed they dream of being raped.

She means a studio head raped her, not a studio head raped her

>literally threads every 10 minutes about how an user wants to rape someone
>can't believe someone with actual power and influence would do it in the real world

are you guys just dumb or what

Nobody here wants to rape anybody. Where do you think we are?

i just dont care if she got raped or not. feminism has made me not care about rapes because i just assume they had consensual sex and she changed her mind or something like that. even if it was a real rape i still dont care

to be somewhat fair she was in a car accident

And yet another woman waits decades after her sell-by date has passed before speaking up.

I'm not victim blaming (if it actually happened) to suggest that if a drunk driver injures you that if you don't call the cops and turn them in, the drunk driver then ends up hitting some other person as well, you end up shouldering at least a portion of the responsibility for their actions in that you could have stopped them.

"but it could have ended her career!" i hear her defenders saying. First, so? Was protecting her fellow women more important than money? I'd think you'd say so but apparently not.

Second, we know how it played out - she of her own free will agreed to the sexual encounter despite not being interested in having sex with the guy. she consented. oh, it might not have been desired sex but non-desired sex rape in the exact same way me working 40 hours a day isn't slavery. i'm working for the paycheck, i don't want to work but i want the benefits more than i don't want them. she wanted the acting job more than she didn't want to have sex with the guy, so she consented. we all do things we dont want to do to get through the day, and doing those things happens not because of being forced to do so, its being an adult and making the conscious decision to do things we don't like because they need to be done for whatever reason, from the nine-to-five job to brushing you teeth, i dont wanna do any of that shit but i don't want the consequences of not doing it more, i make the adult choice.

feminism infantiles women by removing their ability to make adult decisions for themselves.

More like a studio raped her head amirite fellas??

Man. I remembered it took a friend of mine nearly 6 years and in a crying confession to tell me she got raped. Even then, I was the only person that knows. To this day, I am the only one that knows. She doesn't blurt it out or wear it as a ornament on her sleeve. Not sure why most of these people do and act like it's part of their identity.

Who? Lol

>dresses like a slut
>take degenerate drugs
>dates marilyn manson
Raped? She was basically falling on his cock.

Was it autism?

If I were feeling like an amateur psychoanalyst, I might suppose that cognitive dissonance plays a role. As pointed out, all of us do things we find distasteful to accomplish our goals. For women, trading sex for favor is often an option, and many women do it. However later, if the benefit fails to materialize, or has long since run its course, or you're just older and have a different opinion about fucking someone to get what you want, all you're left with is the fact that you sold your body for a fleeting benefit. Or a benefit you never really got at all.

So what do you do? You can't unfuck someone. You CAN, however, rewrite the narrative in your head so that you were actually raped and are not responsible for making a bad choice that you later came to regret.

What makes it double tricky is that memory is fucking unreliable as hell and it is entirely possible to come to truly believe things happened differently than they did. Again especially so if you have some motive for wishing it had gone differently.