FUCK 2016!

FUCK 2016!

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breaking news: le 2015 man finding it hard to cope with 2016

the memes just write themselves

Did he pull a Christine Chubbuck?

i don't curse, please don't make a meme I can't participate in guys

I can do current year but not **** 2016

>being so butthurt you blow up the year

2016 is turning out to be based as fuck.

Is this the end of CurrentYearMan's character arc? Has he finally turned his back on the almighty current year?

Is suicide inevitable?

>tfw Larry Wilmore actually got a chuckle out of me

Fuck the Cubs though.

Libcucks still raging


He's more meme than man now. Twisted and evil.

Best thing about 2016, suck my dick butthurt Southsider.

>the memes just write themselves
Well, I mean, isn't that pretty much a fact?

>It's almost not the current year

>it's a "show clips from the proven liars at the Clinton News Network while whining about how you don't want their lies to happen" episode

Where are the jokes?

>I'm salty that my candidate lost so I'll call the electoral college stupid because I don't know what a Republic is
Really makes you think

where's the camrip?

>it's alt-rightists invade Sup Forums episode

Can you guys take your half-baked conspiracy theories, echochamber news articles, fake statistics, and go to /r/the_donald or Sup Forums?

>this man will have access to the nuclear codes

okay i'm done

link for not gringos? need a good laugh at libs salt

Uhh, what is this guy talking about??? 2016 was great for me. New job with ~60% pay increase. Proposed to my gf. Bought a new house, changed my car.

The fact that two votes didn't go the way you wanted doesn't mean I have to stick to your "hurr hurr current year" bs.

Tits or gtfo

Unfortunately, it's gonna be at least four more years of this shit. I'd hoped Hillary would get elected not because of politics but just because maybe Sup Forums would stop being such shit, but no such luck. Stormfront is here to stay. Fuck this gay Earth.

wow get on my level cuck cause I got a new job with ~61% pay increase, got married to my 10/10 fiance, bought my another house and car this year

He's not wrong though. So many deaths of great people, so much BS around the world. It was a shitty year.

posts like these are the reason why I voted

d e l i c i o u s

You do realize most of these Trump supporters are just trolling the shit out of people. Liberals are so fucking easy to piss off.

>The uploader has not made this video available in your country.

Feels bad, fampai.

>current year.
>not having a VPN.


just use Tor m8

I'm glad the local car wash upgraded you to maintenance from wiping tire rims. Can't wait til you shitpost in 2017 after your gf deflates.

but that is a huge reason why he won
you can't deny that writing off a large chunk of the electorate was a mistake

Why is it that every fucking video I'm trying to see about the election are blocked in Canada? The only one I've been able to see was Bill Burr's (and it was pretty good too)

Yep, sorry you couldn't turn the country into your hugbox shithole but the rest of us aren't retards like you

>but the rest of us aren't retards like you
If you voted Trump, you literally are just as big a retard as those who voted Hillary.

tough shit

we're calling the shots on this planet

2016 is fantastic. It will forever be known as the year that progressivism was taken too far and backfired into reactionary counter-progressivism and sanity. In history books it will be written that from 2011 to 2015 a slow ramping up of leftie gobbledygook was ultimately quashed by based common sense

>idiot sexist businessman


>murdering traitor

We willingly put Bush jr in the white house for 2 terms. We can handle idiots in the white house. Clinton was a shit choice from the get go


Liberals can't into critical thinking. They spend their time believing their point of view is superior and snubbing those who don't subscribe to it all the while trying to force it on the and criticize them for refusing. They're now seeing the backlash but the funny thing is they continue to be autistic and just double down with the same autism and pretend they're the victim

we were here first, you uncultured swine

>Le both sides are stoopid maymay XD

Babby's first election how cute :3

>posting this on a Chinese cartoon image board

Oh a bernout, you fags are worse than the Clinton shills

Do you feel in charge?

Pandering to the lowest common denominator and promising them things that wont happen is arguably worse than ignoring them.

I think you need to go back to Sup Forums

>The uploader has not made this video available in your country.
He mad, lol.

Sup Forums is Sup Forums

>implying I didn't vote stein

>Idiot sexist businessman

If he was an idiot, he certainly wouldnt be a millionaire and he's certainly a sexist, that's why he had women at top spots in his campaign and businesses oh but he's not a cuck who puts them on a pedestal so he's sexist

I wish you fags would just kill yourselves already because you're a cancer

Basic Icone is impossible to enact?

I thought America was the richest country in the world?

Sup Forums is Sup Forums

Sup Forums is the nucleus of Sup Forums, all of you are suburbs and satellite cities.

>It's like finding out a wombat is the pilot of your plane
Or a woman, am I right?

Seems to have turned into that hasn't it?
I'd rather have the pedos who used to spam their cunny's 24 hours a day.

Yes, because people on the right are so enlightened and opened to the Left's points of views. Oh wait, getting triggered over people saying progressive things is how you're rationalizing voting for an idiot businessman with a track record of shady dealing to run the country. Nice.

looking at her website policy she's just as retarded as bernie

>liberals prefer pedophilia to opinions they disagree with.


This Sup Forums faggot, not Reddit. we aren't a safe space and the reality is that not everyone who disagrees with is from Sup Forums

Too bad cuck we're here to stay
Reddit is this way >>/r/eddit

>I'm so well educated that both candidates are too stupid for me, I'm just too smart to have an opinion on this
Increase the size of your cock somewhere else.

We're the richest precisely because we don't do stupid shit like that.

lol... typical alt-right. Anyone who isn't for racism is obviously liberal. Because being racist is the only way to be.

Trump isn't going to bring jobs to impoverished rural areas. Especially not with the type of people he's hiring for his cabinet. Anyone with a college degree can see that. Except his biggest voter-base was non-college educated older white males. The working class. The type of people rich industrialists regularly fuck over. Go ahead, meme at me all you want. Just want and see, user.

>Anyone with a college degree can see tha

Awe... don't like being called stupid, then don't do stupid things. It really is that simple.


Detaining and deporting immigrants is within presidential powers

Building a wall is within presidential powers

And while tariffs won't guarantee a return of manufacturing, it'll certainly make outsourcing and importing less lucrative.

Compared to Sanders and Clinton, Trump is the most grounded


>Especially not with the type of people he's hiring for his cabinet
>CNN lied the entire election but now they're telling the truth about Trump

>Awe... don't like being called stupid, then don't do stupid things. It really is that simple
Then what's the non stupid thing to do since your brain power is clearly superior to mine?

>Sup Forums is the nucleus of Sup Forums, all of you are suburbs and satellite cities.

I gotta admit this is true. Does Sup Forums even produce memes nowadays? When did Sup Forums surpass Sup Forums in popularity?

you're the only one extrapolating that

Illegal immigrants and Muslims aren't a race you fucking retard

It'll be known as the year when SJWs and Alt-rightist, mirror opposites of each other, reached peak cancer.

The point is it doesn't matter what you're "for." Telling people to not be racist on Sup Forums is literally like being a retard.

WTF, now I hate the current year.

>blowing up a giant 2016 sign at the end
Oliver has unwittingly become a slave to memes. It's only a matter of time before he acknowledges the divinity of Kek and repents his faggotry.

When your options are utter shit, then scratch your ballot. It's shows that you're willing to vote, but not for the crap they put up.

Voting for Hillary simply because she's the "lesser of two evils" shows them that you will put up with their shit.

>People with gender studies degrees have a clarity that other people done

We let people like this unironically vote

Pretty sure only one republic has an electoral college though, champ.
Unless you can name another, of course.


Almost. The problem with modern liberalism and what separates an SJW from a rational leftist is a little thing called "tact." An SJW says they want to change the world but what they actually care about is that wonderful high of feeling like they are in the right. They are addicted to self-righteousness, as much as anyone is who would unironically use the term "redpilled" to describe their point of view. It all centers around the subconscious desire to think that one is better than others for an inherent trait, whether it be beliefs or one's own sex or race. It's a form of mental and moral weakness.

A tactful liberal knows that you don't win hearts and minds by dismissing people out-of-hand, and that every heart and mind is valuable in the goal of making the world a better place. I had hoped the silver-lining of this election outcome would be that it would make the SJW cancer that has infected the left realize that their approach has been faulty. That it would force them to acknowledge the humanity of those they disagree with and to rise above petty hatred to embrace the true humanist intents behind lefitst philosophy.

But no, they all doubled down, without exception. I have never felt more alone.

> It's shows that you're willing to vote, but not for the crap they put up.
u wot? who do you think is going to care about that

Yeah I'm sure that makes the grandmas who count your vote really stop and have a ponder.

Fly the W

I wasn't telling them to not be racist, I was telling them to go to Sup Forums as that's the board for it.

Yeah. Keep telling yourself that it's their immigration status and that they're Muslim as to the reason why you hate them. No one would fucking believe you.

>Getting in a long line up to... not vote

How pretentious

The parties who each election try to get as many people to vote as possible.

>not getting the reference


and don't come back

People have always been racist on all boards. Or at least the boards that matter worth fuck.

and they will do what based on your non vote?

(((progressive))) thinking is retard, and that is a fact.
Meanwhile conservatives and traditionalists are open-minded people, and this is also a fact

The point is we temper direct democracy so one area can't dictate to the rest. The EC just happens to be how the US does it. It doesn't change the reality that we were never a democracy and always a republic

They try to win it next time.

Just further proof that acting like idiots attracts actual idiots who think they're in good company.

Which is to say, no, son, thinking the word "nigger" is funny does not mean people were literally thinking "god, anyone who isn't white is worthless."

The irony is that you're still condescending, which makes this hilarious

>jews, sjws, and cucks getting blasted at 2016
Let the tears rain