"Why are they here?"

>"Why are they here?"
>Literally just one throwaway line about that

Other urls found in this thread:


To make backwards "Gravity" with aliens.

they're there to teach humans their language, to give them the gift on non-linear perception of time so we could help them in 3000 years. Did you even see the motherfucking film you twat

How about instead of rehashing Stuckmann's shitty opinion you actually watch the film and realize the whole movie is about why they are here you fucking imbecile.

Can someone spoil this movie for me

Much better tagline would be "There is no time"

Just don't respond to bait like this. I got back from seeing it just now, thought it was really good.

>that poster

every goddamn time


Oh god, please don't tell me Stuckmann goes full on autism about the sci fi and misses the entire point of the film

amy adams learns alien language, as she learns it she discovers aliens experience time differently, in a non linear fashion. As she learns it she also perceives time differently, based on a theory that if you learn a new language you also view the world differently. anyways, the chinese get too frustrated with lack of progress so they threaten war, and at the very end adams calls chinese general and tells him his wifes dying words because he tells those words to adams 18 months later at a dinner celebrating world peace and cooperation after the aliens left

And what about the ayys?

go watch the movie

No, i was massively dissapointed by Interstellar and this looks similar or worse

What were your issues with interstellar?

The aliens weren't the point. Her understanding her grief and then understanding that the journey was what mattered, not the destination, was the point. It was a meaning of life thing.

[spoilers] One of the main ayys dies but he knew he was going to die anyway so its a very bittersweet scene. the ayys look like octopusses with bones and dark leathery skin, but big upper bodies that look like faceless and armless torsos. the end game for the ayys is to teach humans their language and to come together to cooperate as a single human race and planet so that the humans can help the ayys in 3000 years when an unnamed threat threatens the ayys, you should see it its really good. [spoilers] but i like interstellar and you say you didnt so I cant promise youll enjoy this one

He criticizes how the point of the aliens arriving to earth is not fully explored (even though that's the whole point of the third act) and that the second half is rushed. You can tell he's holding back on his criticisms (he gives it an A- or some shit) to not go against his fellow critic buddies but in reality he didn't enjoy the film that much.

What can you expect from a plebeian like him anyways.

That's a legitimately great tagline, user. Good job..

>I saw it Monday
>But I had to absorb it for a few days before my review
>I totally didn't read IMDB message boards and actual critics first to figure it out first
>I need to see it again

He's a decent dude. He actually lives like a half hour from me and I've run into him before at the theater. Sometimes he feels the need to fit in you can tell but he's not always off.

This time he is. He also hated the part with the secret bomb mission, not realizing that was the catalyst for the other alien to just give reasoning to Amy Adam's alone

Speaking as someone who was also disappointed in Interstellar I enjoyed this movie quite a lot. It's actually a very different movie. It does have sentimental shit like Interstellar but serves as an important part of the story rather than some out of place schmaltz. My major gripe with Arrival is the logical problems with the time travel shit but those problems are found in nearly every time travel shit story. Give this one a chance it's actually breddy good.

It's not time travel if she's experiencing all time at once.

It's still a classic causality loop though.

Yeah but that wasn't the point of the movie. The point of the movie was her learning what that meant, and why the ending didn't matter, but the journey did. It was like her coming to terms with her grief.

So, isn't every single action here going against the whole "seeing in the future thing"?

I mean, if the aliens know that humans saved them 3000 years in the future, why are they giving them the gift now.

Some have said that the gift is to thank them, others have said that the gift is actually so that the humans will help them 3000 years down the line.

Ultimately, the whole cause and effect thing is messed up.

If Amy saw the future where there was world peace with the general, she shouldn't have had to make this split decision to tell the current general that phrase. This is because if past, present, and future are one, then if Amy sees the future where there is world peace, then there is world peace and she doesn't need to tell the general anything because she hasn't told him anything yet.

>tl;dr: The fact that she hasn't told him anything yet, but still sees the future where there is peace, means that telling him anything did nothing.


>be scientist dude
>work together with linguist chick to comunicate with ayys, so fucking cool!
>ayys leave and you decide to start a family with her
>get her pregnant and have a daughter
>sometime while she's toddler aged your wife tells you that your daughter is gonna die of cancer in her late teens, she knew this would happen even before you got her pregnant but decided not to warn you
>overwhelmed with grief you cut all ties not wanting to get attached to something you know is doomed to a short life

Amy Adams was such a fucking selfish cunt

I just haven't the slightest idea of what the fuck your talking about Lil buddy

I assume that Amy Adams told the general over the phone what to do at that party when he saw her

She was capable of processing it, he wasn't. There is no right answer there. Just perspective.

Is it online yet?

Go see it. It's definitely worth your time, and the price..don't be cheap when it comes to excellent films, or else they won't have an incentive to make more!



Is it interstellar "good" or actually good?

i dont like leaving my house and havent seen the inside of a theatre in over 10 years

also only perverts who jerk off and bother girls go to the cinema alone

I really, honestly thought it was bad/badly executed.

And I'm a massive sci-fi fan. Hell, even an Amy Adams fan.

The whole movie seemed to build up to one thing, then end on a similar but completely separate note. The payoff was something so elementary and ambiguous it felt lazy.

It just missed the mark completely in what it was trying to do. And this is like the first time I'm in the huge minority with my opinion so maybe I'm wrong.

There's a theater minutes from my job so I'll head up to the area early and see something alone then head into work.

The "going to movies alone" meme has kinda run its course.

Those look fucking delicious. I love artificial banana flavor.

what time do you work? i start at 6am

The main theme from it wasn't really the concept of unifying as a human race, but more about how we need to all look at our selves as being constantly in the middle of our own time loop, and appreciate the journey.

I think for some they would have preferred it to be that all of the daughter stuff was in the past so it's Amy Adam's moving on. When that's revealed to not be the case it turned some people off because they just wanted her to be happy.

She knows what her future holds and knows she can't fight it. She'd rather take the small amount of happiness then take the bad instead of avoiding it altogether.

Nice quads.

I'm on second shift. Usually 6 or 7 PM.

6AM would make things harder, but at least you'd have matinee prices.

All these abstract or philosophical/moral what have yous, seem so disassociated with what was actually trying to be conveyed in my opinion.

Anyone also think that it was the humans 3000 years in the future that make a mess of the heptapods?

They go to a time where they can alter human thinking to reduce the possibility of humans behaving like the regular asshole humans we usually are today?

Eh...I considered it.

But if this is about a constant loop then having alternate timelines don't really make sense. The only thing to indicate your theory would be the bomb going off, and the one alien accepting its fate which made them realize that they need to intervene.

guys when will the torrent be released?

HC chinese shit even

Well I'm not here to call you an idiot or anything.

The concept of language being used as a tool and not a weapon could be a more suitable answer. Also supported by the soundtrack that's full of alien noises slowed down and human acapella.

The movie can be seen as a metaphor for re-watching movies or rereading books. Even if you know it ends sadly you watch it anyway. Just because you know what happens doesn't diminish your enjoyment of it and how it all fits together. I'd actually recommend people read the short story beforehand because I think the true theme isn't truly appreciated until you are in Louise's shoes.

what did the chink general's wife say to him?

>I'd actually recommend people read the short story beforehand because I think the true theme isn't truly appreciated until you are in Louise's shoes.

i read the story before going in, and while it spoils the "twist" i agree that it gives you a better appreciation and understanding of what louise is feeling.

slept through it. another bad villeneuve

Interstellar was a massive disappointment to me too. I gave it a 6 and I give this an 8.

The shortcomings of this movie were much less detrimental to the suspension of disbelief than Interstellar, because of the relevance to the plot and subtext. Not to mention the emphasis on being 'as scientifically accurate as possible' that even permeated into the ad campaign of Interstellar.

Link to story?

He probably insisted on knowing when she slips out mentioning they will never have grandchildren, or something. But it is all a matter of perspective. She can see the totality of it while he only sees the linearity of it. On the other hand, it is incredibly unfair to not let him know before he creates a child with her.

It's actually good. Any handwavy non-science science is muted to the point of believability. It won't pull you out of the movie and be a fucking mess when it tries to tie it all up.


I wish I knew heptapod so I could see how shit this movie was before I paid for it

If I could fault the movie is that it may be too reliant on having read the story. They left out a few parts which explain the whys and hows better but overall I think it was a great adaptation. I think it is a movie that deserves a rewatch if you hadn't read "Story of Your Life".

Holy shit never link to your shitty YouTube page again.

Also if you're ready to record a live reaction have conversation points ready in your mind and keep the flow going.

was was the ayy's "gift/weapon the understanding of their language, that only amy adams received?

Because they see all of time. They know they succeeded and know she will educate the rest.

it's in a compilation called "Stories of Your Life and Others" by ted chiang. i found on mobilism. story itself is "Story of your Life"

yeah, that criticism is valid. the people that saw it with me had no problem following the plot at least.

or she could get hit by a bus after they leave :)

also, knowing all time knowing the future prevents the exercise of free will or making any choices. abbott and castello were con artists from spaaaaaace!

hi denis

did anyone see trailers for this in theaters?

i was surprised by it coming out, i only saw one by chance on the internet.

but apparently i needed to hear about passengers coming out like 4 times, because they needed to make quadruple sure they convinced me to not see it.

What is so unique about humans that they need our help in 3000 years?