Why did they insert a quantin tarantino character into Westworld and when are they gonna stop with the "im so sure of...

Why did they insert a quantin tarantino character into Westworld and when are they gonna stop with the "im so sure of myself i open the door naked" and "look how casual sex is for me i can have meeting in the middle of it" nonsense?

Is the series going down the drain or is this a small mistake? or maybe it was never good and this is yet another ridiculous piece of writing?

stop talking about shitty television shows

I skip all William scenes cause this shit is boring af

Really hope Ford has Bernard smash her head in

and you rather watch the feminist maeve and theresa and the new leader bitch plots

but who captured fuckfu/ellie? bernard wasn't there then

Literal retards.

That scene was important, it showed her character and how people want to use the robots for pleasure even at the highest level.

William had a romping good time this episode and finally got his fuck on.

You should both be lobotomized

No. It was absolutely pointless. She could have had sex with a host, that would have been sufficient.
They decided to make her Tarantino edgy and have her invite another person in in the middle of sex and having her walk around naked..
I mean come the fuck on its a pure "im a tough bitch" nonesense...I guess this is something to admire these days? Not restraint but simply showing your cunt and tits to everyone without shame? That is what points to a superior "strong" human being?

Its pathetic and condescending at the same time.

are you that guy who keeps talking about how westworld is for """intelligent""" people?

i guess a strong women scares the shit out of you user. condolences on being such a faggot

>still missing the full point

She was trying to intimidate Theresa and show her that she is in control.

Anyone can watch a well done show and not be intelligent. You only have to be intelligent to comprehend it properly though.

yes yes, very intelligent.

>.I guess this is something to admire these days? Not restraint but simply showing your cunt and tits to everyone without shame?

No, but television has a lot to compete with these days what with microwaves cooking stuff and those webms of guys fucking horses I can watch instead.

>Sup Forums


>I skip all William scenes
oh you're that faggot who asks questions he could have answered himself by WATCHING THE FUCKING SHOW

EVP of delos has no acting skills whatsoever, her acting was see through as fuck.

At least thereĀ“s tits in those scenes.

Hopefully based Ford kills her off in the next episode and brings back relentless fucking brit.

I'd say Ford himself.

pls explain how ghetto nigger bitch became a representative of the board

immersion is fucked

>tfw women show their dominance over each other by exposing their cunts

>runs a whorehouse