What was the appeal of Steven Seagal?

what was the appeal of Steven Seagal?


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Seagal thread? Anyone seen his latest kino?

I haven't watched a Seagal movie in like 16 years.

>hasn't seen A Good Man from beginning to end

Watched Under Siege 2 a few weeks ago
>"Who is Casey Fucking Ryback?"

so comfy

Early Seagal is pretty comfy

Shame he's a washed up fat fuck

Recommend me some golden age Seagal kino

He shills for Kalash Concern, which is a breddy great company.

I bet his post-90s movies are just a money laundering scheme

best ending in all Steven Seagal

could he give any less fucks

Is Seagal even aware of the fact that his movies are simply used to laundry dirty money?

> clickbait


actually he takes his movies very seriously

Has Seagal ever been hit or punched in a movie?

>Hangs out with biker mice from mars

Absolutely redeemed.

How does he do it?

that sun is not fucking real.

I think this is on Netflix.

by being a supreme gentleman

I watched Code of Honor

I never expected it to be a ripoff of Fight Club


No, its in his contract he cant lose

Has he ever written any of the films he's been in??

>you will never have a collection like this

Its funny because it isnt made up

Is this Seagal's own collection

How is a Seagal thread, clickbait? Are you fucking new here?

Watched it a month ago my self. It's actually comfy as fuck.

His very first movie Nico was written by him. According to Seagal the movie plot was heavily influenced by his own experience in CIA.

This fucking autist was not in the CIA...

>In Asia, you'd be amazed how many people are connected with the agency," Seagal explained one night on the film set in Chicago, where he was fighting off a migraine headache. "A lot of the American military has been over there since the occupation and they've become very connected to the intelligence community

>You can say that I lived in Asia for a long time and in Japan I became close to several CIA agents," he said, choosing his words carefully. "And you could say that I became an adviser to several CIA agents in the field and, through my friends in the CIA, met many powerful people and did special works and special favors

>Seagal declined to offer many details, refusing to cite specific missions or locales. However, when asked about the authenticity of a scene in "Above the Law" that shows an intelligence operative injecting a rival with a deadly chemical truth serum, Seagal said: "That's not made up. That's something that really happened

>However, Seagal spoke freely about his involvement in security operations for the Shah of Iran when he was deposed in 1979: "We helped set up safe houses in London and Paris so the Shah and his family could flee the country. We also were aiding members of the Shah's family, who were under the threat of death from Kakahili, Ayatollah Khomeini's killing judge.

>by being a supreme gentleman
I've heard that doesn't always work out

Why is Seagal so stiff and awkward in interviews?


First off, what are you quoting?
Secondly, nowhere in this does it say he was/is an official CIA agent, user. It is just Seagal being his regular autist self and pretending he is more important than he is.

fucking keke


Oh gawd those quotes.

His wisdom is best

That panty shot

This whole article is just Seagal being a delusional weirdo. None of the shit that he says is real.


Kek you can see the "IMAGINE" in her eyes at 0:16

Sheriff Joe Arpaio is probably the only person stupid enough to believe Seagals CIA/Yakuza stories.

I doubt even Putin believes the shit Seagal says.



>its a Seagal brings his pistol collection to the movie set episode

Who is the weirder : Steven Seagal or Dennis Rodman.

He is a true alpha male.

Seagal is mysterious with his dark violent past in the CIA and his connections to Mafia.

Rodman is just plain wierd.

I thought Seagal was a big guy?

You haven't seen Machete cabron?