Like last week’s opening show...

>Like last week’s opening show, Planet Earth II left Sir David Attenborough looking not so much the saint we’d always thought he was but a heartless sadist.

>Not a TV God or English gent, but well a total bastard intent on making us all suffer.

>Certainly so far it has been torture with the great man preying on viewers' nerves as ruthlessly as the predators he was showing us.

95% chance this is from the Guardian.

2% chance Telegraph

Well la-dee-da look at Mr Highbrow
It's from the Mail

>what is tongue-in-cheek writing

Watch Sup Forums get triggered by this

I don't get it.

Americucks are overly sensitive faggots

But what did Attenborough do? Narrate with appropriate but not overblown enthusiasm?

I know about him and his programs but don't follow them much. What did he do?

Seriously though. Did she get raped?

You know fuck all about British journalism mate, its obviously the mail and the Guardian is the last place that would publish this shit; they love Attenborough

He worked for (or more importantly paid by) the BBC. Which is up there with murder and being openly gay when the Daily Mail are involved.

can animals get raped? it looked a little violent to us but leopards could be really into that kinky shit. Surely if they were in heat and acting through instinct it was a means to an ends, attaching human values to animal encounters is fucking ridiculous. are people going to start getting triggered when people use inanimate objects next? OMG DNT PUT URE TRASH IN BIN IT HAS FEELINGZ OMFG

Sure, animals can be raped, ducks have evolved corkscrew penises and maze vaginas in a fucking arms race.

The leopard wasn't, though. Honestly, the cub wasn't in any real danger, an almost fully grown female isn't worth picking a fight with when you'll probably be fucking that pussy in a year anyway.


Boy someone is salty the snakes didn't catch that cheeky iguana man

Is the torrent out yet?

In this shitty 2016, Iguana and the snakes was the best kinography to come out.

Did you even look?

No desu.


please leave pleb

Cool meme bro

Meme? The iguana and snakes thing was so obviously cgi'd it made me drop the episode...

literally me

rabbit looks comfy as fuck

Your meme needs work and a lot of public support if it's going to succeed. I would just abandon it and work on the next one if I were you.