Pitch to me your dream Batman show

Pitch to me your dream Batman show

It's Batman of the future but not cancelled.

CIA: Origins

there is already 2

Literally just BTAS with maybe just a little bit of updated animation

Batman Beyond.

Batman series focused on crime stories that could span over the course of one or two episodes. I want to see Batman actually doing detective and crime solving shit. And I'd love for the supervillains to be used sparingly to give them more impact. Also Batman works alone, we dont need a sidekick, Alfred is plenty.

very Sin City on its aesthetic, but not as outlandish or silly. features detective guy that does real detective shit, no cape, no mask, but hes still "the batman", bassies shit their pants at his sole mention.

Batman Brave and the Bold Season 4

Bane: The Fire Rises


>batman fights crime in gotham

Spiritual successor to The Animated Series. Different continuity, but clear inspiration in terms of art direction and tone

Make it a serial that follows a strong episode-to-episode continuity instead of unconnected episodes like most Batman shows
A tad darker than the animated series. Don't be afraid do show death on-screen

Incorporate famous Batman storys into its continuity. Something like an 3 episode arc adapting The Killing Joke, or stories like A Death in the Family. Maybe an arc adapting Arkem Asylum. Also light incorporation of other DC heroes. Don't make it intrusive, but an adaptation of The Dark Knight Returns or Flashpoint seen from Batman's perspective could work.

Huge batfamily presence. Idealy the show would go on for quite a few seasons. Over that time introduce the batfamily and have it change and adapt as appropriate.

Dark blue for Batman. I'm getting sick of Batman only wearing black. Time to bring back the blue

Morrison Bat epic

>no cape, no mask
Fuck you deconstruction fags. Your shtick of stripping everything down is as tiresome and clichéd as the cape and mask ever could be. At least they're iconic compared to gritty guy no.845.

Like Gotham except batman is an adult and Fish Mooney isn't in it.

Batman is fat val kilmer or brendan fraser doing random drunk loser stuff and people say "gee what happened to batman, he really let himself go". Alfred is dead.

Damian Wayne as Batman in that nasty alternate future

Exactly how they handled Daredevil, minus the origin story. One big bad to over-arc the season, peppered with a couple of smaller murder mysteries, etc. One-hour episodes, with a two-hour finale.

BTAS with a bigger budget and bigger arcs.

haruhi suzumiya

R Rated Batman TAS with copious amounts of gun violence, knifing, bone breaking, etc. Basically a TV show with The Dark Knight Returns Films feel.

So everyone just wants a more focused BTAS with more violence and a bigger budget.

Live action series that streamlines most of the comics history, with Batman first fighting petty crooks and mob bosses who gradually become more outlandish. "Big" villains get their appearances in special arcs or finales. The show ends when Bruce Wayne retires.

want a live action with grownup bats.

jasol siegal a batman
blac chyna as robin


A live action Court of Owls adaptation.

It's already airing

basically they should adapt the Animated Series dark style and characters into a live action show with new stories.


Kermit the frog is... Batman!

Bruce Wayne fucks grils and acts like shit towards Alfred constantly making him watch while he fucks models and firing him for fun.

Then he has a near death experience - as Batman - and is in a coma for 4 years in which Gotham burns to the ground and Alfred was the only one who took care of him during that time.

He wakes up, has a deep conversation with Alfred, gets updated on everything that has been happening, and then start to develop feeling for Alfred

That's the premise of the show.

>not Nightwing in Blüdhaven

This would become boring cause they'd write the episodes with this in mind. You'd know nothing would happen the first episode then it would just get resolved in the second and forgotten about.
I'd like it if the episodes were each tv movies like Columbo or Tatort.... So you have enough time to actually see the detective work and all the research he does.


Basically the early seasons of Arrow-without CW dialouge and romantic sub plots.

Morrison's Batman and Robin. The colour and absurdness of the 60's show with inventive dramatic story's. Centered around an odd couple dynamic duo, no more brooding loner shit.