Ash vs evil dead thread

could ruby be ash's mom? its a random thought i had yesterday and im looking for evidence to either prove or disprove it. ashs dad said he had something important to tell him before he died ruby was immortal, so she could have met him around the time ash was concieved. they didnt act like they knew each other though, which is the the strongest evidence against my case. since ruby revealed herself to have written the book in season 1 and to be a dark one, i figured it would give credence to why ash is the chosen one.

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it run through my mind too, but even if Ash dont remembers on her mom, his dad and Ruby should've.

but yeah, his mom could be a dark one, but not Ruby

i figured his dad was in denial about demons and ruby wanted to keep it a secret from ash. any other theories as to what ashs dad wanted to tell him?

He isn't his real dad.

thats probably what it was. i was hoping for something a bit more juicy

but they were so alike.

i hope thats not the case, because of i hope it's something other, like did you liked ep.7? i did.
That creepy endsong foreshadows again something?
When Ash looked out the window a saw Pablo and the others coming was that a dream?

Is this Phantasmagoria 2?

Is this shit any good?

i liked season 1 more. season 2 has a bit too much 3 stooges humor, and while i know camp has been part of the series, it feels excessive.

Thanks, lad.

this puppet episode was GOAT

>dat hot dirty kelly
I agree, one of best episode so far

filthy and fine


it's a shame how this show and its threads are treated


Stan Against Evil is funnier and feels less desperate to be funny. Plus, McGinley is just better than Campbell.

didn't Ash try to hit on her? groce

you must be joking. or you play opposite-day


Nope. AvED is just way too try-hard and dumb. It's more cringey than funny.

you're just trolling. Stan just wants to ride the waves AvED made, a cheap copy, weak monster-of-the-week story, cheap effects, cringey acting. It's mildly enjoyable, though, i watched the 4 episodes too, but not comparable with the high quality and legend of AvED.
McGinley also just brings the same old Dr Cox.. but now as a retired-sherif. And his goatsey thing, or under-moustache, or whtever the fuck is that under his mouth is disgusting, almost as much as his daughter.

fuckin bump

That was hardcore

But AvED isn't funny. At all. And it's just trying to cash in on a trend too, so that criticism is BS.

>AvED isn't funny.
we can agree, that you have no sense of humor

but thanks for the bump

is this good tv show?

fuck no

but it is very fun

the best

The show is trying desperately to be funny in the same way as the movies, but it's just not. It's trying way too hard to do something that was already done, so it's poorly written and pointless to boot. There's a reason why plebs love it so much, and it's because they now get to pretend that they were always big fans of the wacky cult film series.