W/ Westworld Thread General

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best actress coming through


looks like a fucking hippo

What is this, Bill ?

Shitty casting.

>it's teddy is not in episode but still cucked episode

Doesn't look like anyone on the flight plan

Ugly and annoying AF

proper shrinking data

>black executive lady having sex in front of employees and talking about blood sacrifices

we're reaching levels of cringe I didn't expect

Looks like the only thing shrunk here is his dicc

Did anyone else notice that the basement of Ford's cottage is also the room 'Bernard' conducts his interviews with Dolores?

So after the preview showing william with mibs knife and now saying he wants to figure out what it all means this theory is confirmed, right?

This is a shrinkgod thread
1:1 cucks keep moving

How is this still a thing

Maeve is gonna have them code her and her host partners as human

Wyatt's gang is already coded to read like humans which is why gunfire doesn't hurt them

>As you've no doubt gathered, our tech is, in fact, a host. One that has been coded for the purposes of this simulation to read as a human.


The future is going to be so dope, what are you talking about.

Not credible one bit in the role of the stronk bizniss woman
Should have taken someone a bit older.

Yeh it was mentioned. So ol' bernard might be made in arnold's image.

shit really?

Oh shit is that a mcpoyle

>robots 30 years ago were mechanical
>we still haven't seen someone get gutted in Will's timeline, while we've seen plenty in MiB timeline
timelines confirmed
checkmate athiests

Are you implying Bernard is a recreated Arnold and that those interviews were originally between Arnold and Dolores before the William timeline even started? Because I agree.


Dolores is going to be kill and then he's going to come back again and again trying to make her remember him

Pathetic retard, I can't believe a faggot like him managed to rise to the top of a megacorp

Donnie Yen confirmed for Host

>Bernard has been intimate with Teresa for some time
>sometimes Bernard comments on Teresa's facial changes during their dialogues

Host Bernard has been gathering necessary information for Ford all this time so he could build a host Teresa which was most likely already happening in the secret base.

How deep exactly goes Ford's smugness?

that one dude exploded. I didn't see any metal parts flying everywhere

Holy shit I hadn't noticed

Tandie so WOKE!

Generals are cancer. You're all cancer.


Pretty much. Aren't there a whole bunch of short, fat, black ladies that play district attorneys they could've chosen?

didn't see any guts either
not even from the horse


>Ford probably beat his meat watching Bernard streaming fucking that milf
Truly a monster


Any other employees you guys think are hosts? Pic related.

it was a prop, dingus.
they wouldn't blow up a host if the place craves cash

The only problem with a timeline is that the Dolores in Will's timeline would be before the reveries. So why did she wander off, is she really gaining any kind of consciousness? Otherwise, she'll be lobotomized and put back on the ranch for 30 years for guests to kill or fuck her, meaning the endpoint of her story with Will is irrelevant.

> Feminist propaganda

Yes, user. Yes, you are right.

so what kind of tweest would make you guys go 'fuk this shiet'

>which was most likely already happening
that's the WIP bot we see in his secret basement

talulahbot VR experience when

I just played honey select with a vive and it was so cool

What I don't get is, where is that women who found the signal? Didnt she also say there was a signal coming from arnold messing with hosts?
Also when bernard met with now dead lady he got interrupted by that phone call, why would ford risk this. bernard could have exposed her right there and it would have went straight to the board instead of bein underground in secret.
I just don't get that Ford has told all hosts what to do.

so 30 years went by, William became old, but Ford is the same? Host confirmed?

Why do you make these threads still? What else do you have to discuss?


>Bernard and Ford are gay lovers

That's enough.

>shrinking data
Looks pretty big for me desu.

multiple timelines

I hate editing tricks and dishonest writing desu

I would be pleased with Ford being an host. It would destroy his bullshit comment on this stupid bicameralism theory.

Desperately need a crying wojak edit of this webm. reeing pepe will do too

Dolores 30-years-ago fuckup is probably the result of some Arnold shenanigans.

We have not seen Ford in the william story yet. Or have we?

memes 2bh

Did Ford imply that the board is also hosts?


Her behavior is still pay off her programming, and her going off loop is acceptable to the staff because she's with William, a guest. It's all a red herring to show how deeply involved the world can get you in its reality while still remaining a total fabrication. Hence pay of why William will return for the next 30 years.

No we haven't. They don't even mention him.

Everyone in the show is a cyborg except for Ford

She's saying that a voice in her head is telling her she needs Will. Literally Arnold's test.

I don't remember, why is it Teddy isn't with her in the William timeline again?
Is it the one where some guests just went "oh look it's Teddy, he's like a guide here" and snatched him from the storyline?

Sorta got the same idea because of the 'blood sacrifice' line. If not the board just the black chick.

wtf how long have they been on this quest? I thought guests were supposed to leave at the end of the day.

they can stay up to 28 days

She's a host, dumbass.

They didn't have to make her so cringey


>Arnold and Ford both died but Arnold became Ford.
maybe too convoluted and stupid.

when was this stated?

maybe like 3 days

Will has been there for more than 3

Is he shooting at God??

My new theory is that everything, including day-to-day technology like phones and handless bidet attachments, have slowly been replaced with host devices by Ford over the years. This is unbeknownst to the general population, and so when they begin objection to host integration with the public (Ford's master plan all along), Ford snaps his fingers and demonstrates that everything is now a host, even your electric toothbrush.

I don't get why the board gives a shit about the shitty storylines more than the hosts. What's their endgame?

>post yfw "It doesn't look like anything to me"


at this point, I'd believe that everyone is a host…
>Solipsism intensifies

what the hell is wrong with Will

how can he be a VP and marry a rich girl when he's such a fag? literally wants to run away with his robo waifu

>I rather earn a woman's affection than pay for it
doesn't this idiot know it's the same fucking thing but cheaper?

They need to get rid off Maeve. She brings down the whole show.

noticed what?
it only shows musculature and below

But Arnold was already dead by then


>what door

his "what door?" already gave it away

She says 'something inside me', not 'a voice in my head'. The writers are using the ambiguity.

It's not clear, but yeah, there are a ton of scenarios where Teddy would be drawn off his Dolores loop.

The park is just that good.

>not yfw he said what door?

Reminder that if this show was on any other network it would be ignored for being the dull as fuck, uninspired show that it was and cancelled midway through its run.

Why is this piece of shit becoming HBO's next memeshow?



On the website.

>noticed what?
What are words?

see also:

dont get me wrong I love this show and I think it manages to do mystery while at least appearing to know where it's going, which no show has ever done

but goddam every single thing that doesnt involve teddy, william, dolores, ford, or mib is ABSOLUTE SHIT

all the corporate, behind the scenes plots are total shit, maybe with the exception of bernard

Who knows? Maybe weaponization? Maybe Delos is a weapons manufacturer.

Why are you posting here if you don't like the show?

Doesn't look like a big guy to me.

Friendly reminder that season 2 is going to be a GoT crossover. West(eros)world.