/bb/ Big Brother OTT

Previously on /bb/: HoH (Head of Household): Shelby
Veto: TBD
HoH Nominations: Jason/Danielle
America Nom: Morgan

Safety Ceremony 1: Justin, Krispy
Safety Ceremony 2: Morgan

Care Package winner: TBD

Most Likely Going Home: Danielle or Morgan

Other urls found in this thread:


>post your Justin reactions for when Kryssie cuts him because Jason told her to





There's still an ACTIVE thread here

Its dead yo

>ya dig


Punished shrimp is coming for Jason's boipucci.

Get hype.

Not until 310 which it is now.

There is no need to make a new thread or jump to the next when there is one still active ya fag

Shit was dead when I made that post yo

>ya dig

>4 unique IPs

Truly the sadest general

Post 310: 11/14/16(Mon)14:27:36
My based shrimp post: 11/14/16(Mon) 14:28:39
Your late post: 11/14/16(Mon)14:31:12

>get shrimped
>ya dig

>314 posts in thread
>4 posts after "New thread" post
>"New thread" post is post 310

Looks kosher to me

>5 browsers

>Morgan's deal to Justin and Kryssie will be to "let them" leave her on the block if either of them win Veto, and they must agree to vote out Danielle.
>Additionally, they must agree to throw next week's HOH to her. Her exact words were "hand me the HOH."

Bless her heart


they'd have to be dumb to vote out morgan now if dani or jason are still on the block

but I shouldn't be surprised anymore if they do some dumb shit.

they are very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very dumb


"I guess we all now know it actually IS rigged

I'm kind of embarassed for making fun of people saying it was rigged earlier in the season

My mistake"

Lmfao did you steal my comment from SurvivorSucks...?



voting isn't rigged
Jason has the most fans... It's not that hard to understand

why the fuck did they bring back a vet

and why the fuck did they let him win the first veto

Literally nothing we can do

Only thing I plan to do I guess is fight my addiction for OTT2.

Unfortunately Kryssie and the Misfits will have "Bragging rights" for being "Popualar" this season

On the upside, Shelby's a lawyer and Alex and Morgan are successful pretty smart girls with a future. Jason is a bagger, Dani got knocked up at 19 by an NFL player who beats her annoying ass, Kryssie is a whale, and Neely is a 21 year old who looks 49, but acts 15. Oh and Shane is a cuck.

i agree with the viewers want krispy in the f3 with jason so they can then say how shitty she is and how much jason deserves it over her

and chimpman's going to prison
and shitney won't get married, cause winson will leave her when she cheats on him by the end of the year

i feel cheated

>shelby knows the rocky theme

It's all your fault, cause you didn't deserve her

>Morgan fucked Clay and thinks Hungaria is a country

>thinks Hungaria is a country

what a dumbass

i give up

I can't wait for regular big brother so reddit/twitter/jokers leaves!

shelby should fake cry to krispy and tell her that no one in her family has ever graduated college and if she won the money she would not only put her self through but also her younger sister

its not gonna work with krispy

There was a new thread post before that

30 minutes to totally fuck my shit up?

I stole it from Reddit actually

i swear to god CBS is giving her extra stipend to protect jason at any cost. her entire game consists of snaking his asshole

I wonder if Kryssie is somehow a twist. Like Kryssie is Jason's secret pair or some shit and it will be revealed on finale night.

would it be safe to say its a true or false comp built for danielle?

will probably be a time killer comp

or a puppy killer comp

Did you guys know that Winston has a 6 year old daughter and now Whitney is a stepmom?

>he's still watching this lame ass shit

Just give up already you faggots, Jason is going to win and there's nothing you can do to stop it.

what's odd is she never once mentioned that

>i already know

have only ever watched for HUE and she will be in the house till at least the 23rd. if she goes then not a single minute will be watched after that, if she makes it through and jason wins no fucks will be given as she never had a chance but at least she entertained us unlike the rest of the shitfits

Shitney is a homewrecker, she admitted that Winston cheated on his previous girlfriend with her

shitney is cuck?



Kekkkkk for real? I could see that...


Thats why I was so surprised
Poor little girl, she'll probably be replaced by Whitney.

Post yfw Danielle wins veto and the timeline continues getting darker


Last night Misfits were saying they would vote out Dani even if Morgan is AN. Do you think they will go through with that?

Pre-veto shitposting:
Shelby - Training to become a successful lawyer

Alex - Computer animator - requires lots of patience and hard work

Morgan - Well adjusted publicist with a college education to drive her further


Whitney - Just became a proud new step-mommy

Danielle - Single mom with a NFL player who apparently gets beaten nonstop

Kryssie - Gas bag in a band that has literally only 105 subscribers on Youtube

Neeley - Is 33, says she's 28, looks 43

Justin - Louisiana State Prison

Shane - Watching Justin and Danielle on the live feeds 24/7

Jason - A literal BAG BOY.

doesnt even start till 1pm and they still have to read rules, relax

morgan pretty much dead if she gets it

it would make the most strategic sense, morgan and krispy are prime candidates to be taken to the final.

This veto is:
Howie comes to the house and rates boobies one after another.
Who'd win?

what happened to scott?


Scottie, Cornbread and Leader are the power gap

fuck these 1 at a time comps

physical comp

Kek, lets just go with that

jason 1
shelby 2
justin 3
krispy 4
danielle 5
morgan 6


Morgan will pull out Scottie, start talking to herself for like 2 hours, gain energy and destroy this shit.


looks full jennifer anistan here

Does anyone have the pic of bb18 Victor playing cards with the glasses and hat zoomed REALLY close to his face?

i never thought i would see justin and shelby high five in the SR

its some kind of bizarro alt timeline

krispy spilling it to danielle in teh SR

fuck you fat cunt

She's the most retarded person on any reality tv. EVER

>Shelby's CP didn't really benefit her at all. It just got her put on the block.
>giving Jason Co-HOH on Shelby's first HOH got one of her two closest allies evicted.
>based on the vague rules of the DE ACP it seemed there was a very good chance giving it to Morgan would get Shelby evicted from the BB house.
>morgan was AN on her second HOH.

It's pretty clear America hates Shelby. She won't win in the end.

Don't talk about me or my husband's daughter ever again

of course the most important ones have to be last.

now i'll be shitting myself for hours.

great now danielle is cornering justin


justin revealing that hes a floater

>Puppykiller whining to chimp how they were so loyal to him, even tho they threw him utb do much that it exploded



>I don't trust her

based shrimp

cant trust a big butt and a smile - justin


>I don't trust you girl
He only needs to realize Krusty is full of shit (literal shit), so he can totally flip

Is he back to being shrimpman or is he still relegated to Justin?


shrimpman is back

depends on how much he will fuck up the rest of the week


he'll officially be back when he wins the veto and takes down Morgan

he was always shrimp

>never trust big butt
but he still trusts krusty and she's the biggest....

>Justin- My trust is out the window for you (Danielle), baby. You dont have a cold chance in hell

I'll go back to Shrimp if and only if he actually evicts danielle.

or gayson


I just tuned in are they doing veto?