
>comedy shouldn't be comedy
>comedy should be liberal approved talking points

What an insufferable faggot.

good riddance
also, who?

oh poors jews, such perpetual victims even though they control everything.

If it's aimed at an underprivileged group it's not really comedy, it's just bullying.

the assblast is real

>don't know the name so google who he is
>says on twitter that the alt-right have their very own show while talking about mde

What a fucking pussy

Is it really so hard for the people complaining about the lack of women in Adult Swim to understand that it's more than likely that women don't pitch things to Adult Swim, the stuff that are pitched aren't very good and that most women hate Adult Swim?

Adult Swim is very very good at reaching the black audience and have many many black musicians, comedians and writers on staff.

They'd rather Adult Swim just force out some unfunny shit cooked up by a gaggle of hens so they could sit around patting each other on the back about how progressive their employer is.

Who is this guy and what has he done? I've literally never heard of him. Is Sam the Cuckslayer?

It was cause of Adult Swim I got into Meme Grips, MF Doom and Flying Lotus

I'm glad you've defined what comedy is to me, snowflake.

jews in entertainment are the most entitled, rude, offensive group of cunts I've ever met

i worked a show with TLC and the production team was almost all jews - they were fucking incompetent, had no fucking idea what professionalism was, and were sometimes just plain fucking cowardly. they weren't alone, some non-jews also acted like that, but fuck me is the entertainment business one of the least professional work environments i've ever had the displeasure of working in

even when i was working hard fucking labor nobody acted this fucking childish

He literally played a cuck in a movie (The Other Guys).

He played it far too convincingly as well.

>Who is this guy and what has he done?
He's done a lot of shows for Adult Swim.

Women are generally less funny than men.

Oh come on Tim, please.
I mean come on, Women watch one show on Adult Swim and that's Rick and Morty.

I thought it was supposed to be only Sup Forums who acted like whiney babies

Bret Gelman is the guy who's leaving adult swim because of MDE.
I say good riddance.

This shit could actually get MDE off Adult Swim.

>women have several channels devoted to them
>men can't even have an 8 hour block

Women-pitched or "woman main character" shows like Snake n' Bacon keeps dying in pilot stage at Adult Swim.

That's why there's accusation of bias now.

>literally played a cuck in The Other Guys

oh shit, that fucking idiot? And nothing of value was loss. Every show I saw him in on [as] was super tryhard "DUDE COMEDY ISNT THIS FUNNY" tier shit like Eaglehart and NTSDSUVCDU

I liked Eagle Heart


>I'm going to challenge Trumpism thru my usual brand of painfully unfunny, forced and awkward "satire" and absurdism
>on a late night television program block that primarily caters to stoners in the 14-29 age group

solid use of your time, effort, and "talent"

Is he just buttstrated that Sam was funnier in six, fifteen minute episodes than Tim and Eric ever were cumulatively across all the numerous shows they've made?

>(((Bernstein))) replied to this tweet and directed Gelman to DM him

I wonder what kind of jewish kikery they're talking over

If you like World Peace I'm not really sure how you could fucking hate T&E without letting the fact that Tim is an annoying neolib get in the way

The weird editing, trippy visual/audio stuff is generally the least funny aspect of the show. And that's about all that's owed to T&E.

Also, MDE actually has jokes and a point of view.

I love Tim and Eric and World Peace, but I just hope Tim doesn't end up being a big bitch and leave Adult Swim.

This. World Peace is a less accomplished Tim and Eric Show

I never liked Tim and Eric, first time I watched one of their shows years back it was so off putting LOL XD DUDE RANDUMB ISNT THIS ABSURD!?. Eric Andre is equally shitty, never liked him either. Wasn't even much of a fan of Sam Hyde or MDE until the first few episodes of World Peace.

But they're redpilled as fuck and that has to be respected. And the show was just so edgy and different.

No problem, simpleton.

I like both shows. Didn't know Tim was that much of an sjw, though.

Did Tim's ama on Sup Forums ever pan out?

>sips tea while watching le current year man

Comedy isn't about your feelings, faggot.

I honestly can't tell if it's just Tim doing a bit or something.

I never said it was, simpleton.

Anyone else can't believe that Adult swim would let this sickening, racist tripe on their websitE?

How dare they.

Alt right politics are pretty laughable but I respect Sam a lot for getting a time slot on AS and using it for actual artistic satisfaction and not just tired stoner aesthetics.

2017 will be the year of MDE

Why are Alt Right politics laughable? they are exactly that of Israel and African nations but for whites.

Dude nationalism is only bad when applied to whites. Jews are aloud to have nationalist tendencies, in fact its encouraged. In fact its encouraged so much that their nationalism, branded Zionism, has spread to pollute the entire planet. Black nationalism is fine, yellow nationalism is fine, brown, red, green, etc. etc.

I know you're baiting but people actually believe this and it always amazes me.

Honestly so sad to see what Tim has become

Then why would comedy aimed at "an underprivileged" group not be comedy if it's not about hurt feelings.

Also, who get's to decide who is underprivileged? What if a homeless man kills someone. Is he still a victim? Is he protected from criticism still?

Explain yourself, simpleton.

I still not get what is MDE about. I've seen some clips and they seem the same LOL SO RANDUM XD humor kids today like.

where is the racist shit you guys talking about? can I get a link please?

Who wants Arnie Palmy's???

It's apparently so edgy and controversial nobody got triggered.
They have like a few references to Sup Forums memes and the kids lose their god damn minds over it.



It's mostly absurdism but a lot of people don't get the satire behind it, Sam's stuff nails a lot of different stuff that's going on with politics. It's not LE EDGY ALT RIGHT SHOW like people claim, they mostly just mock retards.
If you have some free time watch An Inconvenient Anime for Sam at his best, then Moms for the group dynamic. I'd say those are their funniest moments.

>nobody got triggered
>some fag literally quit his job over the show

Did you even read the thread, retard?

I find it funny when they rag on the actors that they hire but mom's is just them being absolute cock suckers for no reason.

It has some funny moments but shitting on people for doing a job, let alone a job you hired them for, isn't really funny to me.

The editing isn't really THAT similar, Joel has a very different aesthetic than whoever does T&E, his is kind of collage-esque/music video-like, as can be seen in his two very good documentaries.

Yes, didn't you read the article? MDE wasn't the primary reason he severed ties with AS.

Literally nobody cared when it aired except that one buzzfeed article.

I didn't think it was anything more than heavy banter, they apologized when that one woman started crying and there were pictures of them all smiling together from afterwards.
The only times I think they went too far were when Sam freaked out on that RT interviewer. I used to think his treatment of that Buzzfeed guy was inappropriate but after seeing his reaction, fuck him.

>nobody got triggered.
>obscure 15 minute show late at night seen by relatively speaking few people
>caused some buzzfeed fag to have a public meltdown for over a month
>caused heidecker to go insane and get obsessed with cucking
>just caused some other jewish fag to literally quit his job

>muh punching up comedy.

Please go watch your amy schumer DVD cuck.

>when that one woman started crying
That was the funniest part though
>She starts crying
>those horrified faces from the other moms

Citing the content of a comedy show as ANY reason for quitting a job is pretty fucking lame.

That's next level triggering and you know it.

will ameritards ever learn the meaning of the words they use? Tim Heidecker is a neoliberal? He supports laissez-faire economic policy? you never cease to amaze me

>mfw sam won't get a second season
>not even with Trump as president

Be delusional and over inflate the influence of MDE.
The journalist and Heidecker was/are spammed by all you 12-year olds with anime twitter accounts. Has little to do with the show itself.
The show was pretty harmless.

Please tell me this libcuck bullshit that Tim is pulling is just an act.

Sure, but we are talking about a handful of reactions.
The show in itself was barely controversial. They are reacting to Sam Hyde and what he stands for really.

Probably telling him that the show isnt going to get a second season so he needs to calm the fuck down and stop acting like an autist.

Seriously, it probably wont get a second seasom, especially if Tim is against it.

Why can't people leave without talking shit about were they used to work, it's fucking pathetic.

Good, hopefully this suggests a shift in tone or possibly even management at Adult Swim to stop them from having 80% of their broadcast be devoted to reruns of Seth Macfarlane comedies and no-budget, unfunny live action shit

Not only that but World Peace got better ratings than T&E ever did.

He literally said it was an obscure show you fucking retard

>implying it needs a second season in a world where Trump was elected POTUS

Sam's mindset is onward and upward, not keep doing the same thing and stagnate on [as] like Tim and Eric. Besides they'd be retarded not to cancel the show with the ratings it got. Blew Andre season 1 out of the water and was better than anything TIm Heidecker has ever done. It seems like this election may have broken him anyway. Dude's under so many layers of irony he doesn't even know which way is up, suicide imminent.

>Explain yourself, simpleton.
think for yourself

episode 5 of world peace is literally the best original content [as] has ever broadcast

is season 2 definitely confirmed?

Is there any reason to call women an underprivileged group besides muh wage gap? They're not even a minority, there are more of them out there then men

Women don't seem to have any idea how to make comedy which is funny regardless of your gender, they always end up being comedians for women. It's interesting when you compare them to black comedians, where everyone finds guys like Eddie Murphy or Dave Chapelle hilarious, even if they're white

I used to agree, but I've been watching absolutely fabulous recently and it was stellar.

you a big faggot

1/2 (you)'s
try again, simple...ton

that was the best vieo ever that buzzfeed reporter deserved it. Same with the rt bitch

Mike Lazzo really fucking needs to send Sam Hyde to the Correspondents' Dinner. Everyone else there will just shit on Trump, but Sam can actually send a positive message.. or, if that doesn't match his style, he can just shit on all the other speakers.

fagbig fag who is a huge fag faggot

Now I really want a World Peace season 2 just for the butthurt it'll cause.

Yeah, there are definitely good female comedic actors out there, I'm just thinking of stand up comics more specifically

>there's ONE right-wing show on TV
>leave because of this

O boy

They say the bias isn't real

>liberal estrogen males unironically support affirmative action and not success based on merit

What a surprise

Thanks for the 2020 Trump win you stupid morons.

Yes yes, the point of comedy isn't to actually be funny, it's to piss people off and push your political agenda.

On a completely unrelated topic, I wonder why people have stopped watching tv in record numbers?

>it's to piss people off and push your political agenda
In our current political climate that in and of itself is funny.

Tim seriously needs a hobby or something.

MDE will never top Ideas Man t b h

wtf happened to you Tim

ok I agree on stand-ups, but saunders wrote the show as well so its clearly not the case that women can't come up with universally funny material

That's some amazing ((((((satire)))))) right there

>it's to piss people off and push your political agenda.

that is funny though

i got more laughs over the last week from liberal butthurt than I have anything on adult swim so far, except maybe ATHF

abfab was written by men

whiny fuck

Then you don't want a comedy show, all you want is a confirmation of your political beliefs and a sense of moral and intellectual superiority.

I'd like a comedy show.

>episode 5 of world peace is literally the best original content [as] has ever broadcast
That's not Moral Orel.

what the FUCK is that art style

How can you lurk Sup Forums and not understand MDE? Baffling.

nope, saunders wrote it

RT interview?

nah the RT "interview" is just major league stupid and hilarious

love the recurring joe rogan jokes in their stuff