Did a fucking spaceship/ufo crash in the walking dead?

Did the aliens cause the zombie virus? Now that Negan took all of Rick's weapons, will they somehow use this new alien technology in the war against Negan???

didn't watch last night episode.

what this?

burned mattresses

pardon, burned cgi mattresses

swamp gas

they couldnt just burn real mattresses lmao

Weather balloon


was this in the comic?
this seems extremely petty
I mean it's not like a HUGE loss if they don't have mattresses, it's just an annoyance

the cost for those cgi matresses would have been several hundred times more expensive then finding some old matresses and putting them on fire.
Holly shit, wtf happend to practical effects in media

they have money to create cgi mattresses instead of using real ones, but cannot afford to put some meat on main bad guy. fucking priorities, amc

I wouldn't worry about it

It's hard to make gains during an apocalypse.

getting permits and firefighters on standby to start a real fire on the edge of the woods probably makes it cost more.

JDM is the skinniest guy in the whole saviors gang.
who is eating all them juicy pigs they got from the kingdom?

That's good protein, that keeps him lean. But how much can he do without milk?

Yeah, I'm surprised. I always thought of him as a bulky built dude after seeing him in Watchmen and Supernatural but he must've just stopped lifting entirely.

If you look closely, it's actually the Millennium Falcon.

that's seriously the first thing I thought too first, lal

>either have to buy new mattresses and old them up which is expensive and takes time, or 'just find' some old mattresses laying around (no you can't just take them from dumps, as with anything left there it's not just up for grabs, don't be stupid), bearing in mind the scene is reliant on having them so you've got immediate sourcing issues, then you have to actually get the heavy fucking things on site
>as already mentioned the necessary fire safety precautions, not to mention if somehow something did go terrible wrong and one of your stars got injured you're looking a major logistical headache, scrapping entire episodes etc.
>CGI fires light up when you want them to, stay lit and go out when you want them to, real fires do what they want and hopefully you'll get the shot you're after, but maybe not
>the environmental cost of actually burning several mattresses should also be considered
>bu-but back in the day they had people jump through real fires and shot movies on nuclear test sites, what happened to the art of the thing
>times have changed, and TWD had no artistic merit in the first place
All in all it makes sense, you should be complaining that they put about $5 into the CGI mattresses, not that they CGI'd them in the first place

>What's the worst thing to test a bazooka on?

I swear to god at least half of Negan's followers must have wanted to shoot that fucking moron right then and there right?

holy shit i didnt notice this before