I'm depressed as fuck

Any good movies that can help?

Any ones that might change ones perspective on life, albeit for a short period of time?

Any where you can get comfy with your feels, with a few beers in hand?

Synecdoche, New York
Dancer in the Dark
Grave of the Fireflies

Wild Strawberries and The Sacrifice are what I watch when I feel like shit.

I'm not for wallowing in self-loathing I try to fix my problems and I feel those films, at the very least put into perspective things for me.

>Synecdoche, New York
Thanks, user. Been meaning to watch this for a long time.

Batman Vs Superman: Dawn Of Justice

lol XP

honestly, Forrest Gump

mr nobody

these are definitely not comfy

Wallowing is the best though. Although to be fair I haven't known real sorrow in my life

Wallowing sucks. I'd give anything to stop being sad/empty all the fucking time for no reason and just get on with my life.

The Sunset Limited

leaving las vegas, at the end everything is fine

if you want something to change your perspective on life get into literature senpai

if you wanna fight depression don't be passive and sit on your ass watching movies, be active go out, exercise and set some goals; build / repair something.

>finally get around to starting a book
>get into it, read for a couple h
>put it down
>never pick it up again
fuck me

Any recommendations?

Thanks, I am making plans for that sort of stuff. Keeping busy at work and meeting friends etc. Trying not to drink too heavily and that. I love films though, so watch them whenever I can.

Awakenings. Penny Marshall films in general.


because it directly asks you - what are you going to do other than bitch at the world?


The man is on the brink!

Zorba the Greek kinda worked on me for a bit

Gonna have to rewatch it though, it wore off

If you like comic books, check out SLOTH.
First book to make me cry after reading it.

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty is pretty good.


Mishima: A Life In Four Chapters

Castaway on the moon, kino & comfy