Based Brendan /ourguy/

His family says he's being released today. What's next for his career?

Probably watch all the wrestlemanias he's missed.

He'll be pissed when he sees the streak is over

I'm legitimately glad for the guy.

He's clearly retarded and had nothing to do with any of that shit.

He's probably completely broken as a person and will end up back in jail like most people who have been to prison in America.


>What's next for his career?
I don't know.


well we all saw what happened after his uncle was released

>get out of prison
>a reality tv host is president
may as well just stay in there...

>got away with murder


Big fucking deal, OJ made murder legal ages ago. I hope this fat fucking inbred murdering piece of shit and the rest of his disgusting inbred murderer family get introduced to the rope. If President Trump really wants to make America great again he'll start by gassing that entire family and other ones like them, then go after the tumblr dykes that keep making these """"""""""""""""""documentaries""""""""""""""""""" to brainwash the retarded assholes who believe everything they watch on fake slanted documentaries.

>in Trump's America...

Great job drinking that tumblr Kool-Aid. Liberalism is literally a mental disorder.

I hope he starts a social media account so I can spam it with Wrestlemania spoilers.


>What's next for his career?
Hopefully a spin-off where we'll see him come on his own as a serial killer. He'll have to grow a personality if he wants it to take off though.

That picture of your wife's bull refutes nothing, Tucker.

Suing the State
Suing the Police force
Suing the prosecutor
Suing every member of the Police Force involved in the case

He'll be richer than Trump

The Prize has arrived.

Honestly, since he's an ex-con? Probably crime or welfare.

The sky is the limit for our boy.

Now when Steve will get released?

He'll get a reality TV show on TLC where millions of trashy rednecks will follow he and his family and hate the big bad government for doing them wrong

>Wrestlemania incoming


How did he wind up like this IN PRISON

literally dindu nuffin

eatin' ass

Who will he rape and kill next?

Yeah, and they should release Gary Ridgway and Dennis Rader while they're at it. They all dindu nuffin dey good bois dey just need money fo dem programs.

>gets out
>rapes and murders the judge

Just watch

Shut up Kratz

Semen is full of protein, prison is full of big guys

Ready for the contrarians who will want to arrest him again?

>sentenced to Life without possibility of Wrestlemania
Good end

Yuropoor here, I literally never heard of this, bring me up to speed, gaiz.

He din do nuffin, right?
And he's borderline 'tarded?

They're already all over the thread.

Just watch Making a Murderer, it's a Netflix documentary about his and his uncle's trial and conviction.

I ain't got time for that shit. Just give me a yes or a no. Did they force a false admission of guilt out of him? Did he actually do it?

If I recall correctly he was judged complicit of a murder. The videos of the police interviewing him clearly shows he's mentally challenged. Kinda heartbreaking when his parents come to his defense and have to admit their kid is a tard.

He is a retard who did infact do it, but his legal case was handed fucking poorly so that's why he is getting out.

Fuck off yurotrash, go kill yourself.

Is he retarded enough to not be punishable by reason of insanity? If so will they shove him into an institution or is he free to walk the streets?

Calm down.

just watch it for fuck sake

kill yourself


Fucking kill yourself you liberal pussy.

Steven killed her and Brenden helped her. Read the actual casefiles instead of watching some heavy handed netflix "documentary" you mongoloid white trash version of dindu faggots. If there is any justice in the world you and this fat turd will get lynched in the front yard of your trailers tonight.

he's the town retard and didn't get a fair trial

whether he did the crimes or not is irrelevant, because any even mildy competent lawyer could have gotten the cases dropped.

He did it. Picture related is the only type of person that thinks he and his murderer uncle are innocent.

Yes, they forced a false admission. He's a retarded child and they coerced a confession out of him. His legal counsel, who is supposed to represent him, actually helped coerce the confession and was removed from the case. I don't know if he's been disbarred yet.

Did he actually do it? Reasonable doubt says no. By far the confession is the best evidence they have against him. The only physical evidence appears to have been placed at the scene by the very same police force which is known to have framed the family before.

You seem like a complete faggot. Kill yourself.

He was born into a family of rednecks nobody liked. His uncle was a big retard and nobody liked him. One day he supposedly raped the wife of an influental dude. He was convicted due to sloppy or outright harmful policework despite having an alibi, contradicting evidence and mismatched descriptions from the victim and a conviced rapist who was reported being near the crime scene at the same time. Police couldn't go back on their shitty accusations and convicted him. He always said he wasn't guilty until a DNA test proved that he was indeed not guilty. Of course he sued and eventually won against the state but at the same time had another trial for killing a woman, apparently with this drooling retard with an IQ below 75. They interrogated him for hours until they got a confession which was a mix between what prosectors told him he had done and things he just made up which didn't fit any timeline. The retarded part is that the same people fucking up the first trial had their hands in the second one so nobody really knows what really happened.


is that her?

No because if the was the case he wouldn't be in prison now. I think the state can give him a new trial or just let him go.

>pic related
>you have to be a numale betafag to believe in the rule of law and rights of citizens

It doesn't matter if he did it. Your defense attorney hiring someone to get a confession out of you and telling you what to draw and what to say, especially when you're half retarded, gets you freed no matter who you killed. The fact that the initial attorney was incompetent and worked with the prosecution just cements this.

Guess what, if you believe in the rule of law you believe in the rights of defendants. There is no question he should be freed.

I've seen the show and there are more than 10 incidents where the judge is just dismissing facts and commom sense, like the police finding the key after a dozen searches fucking sterile save for a few splashes of DNA or the story how Avery killed her in the bed yet police officers are sitting on the same fucking bed summing up the crimescene, not an ounce of blood found, how a neighbourhood search team found the car in question trespassing in 10 minutes where statistically you could've spent a fortnight searching it, Avery having access to several means of disposing the car and the victim with no chance of finding her, how the police just ignored a very strong lead from the abuse ex-bf who happens to have "guessed" the password of her recorder only to delete messages at the fucking same time she was missing.

Why would he gas 90% of his voter base??

who the fuck is this? jesus christ she's perfect. she can't be real.