Beauty and the Beast 2017

Holy shit Watson is like the opposite of midas
Also that beast what the fuck

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>no a race bender version in the year 2017
no thanks

>opposite of midas
as in midas has a dick and she has a pussy?
you fucking pussy

kys, it's gonna be awesome

emma will do wonderfully.

seems like a 1 : 1 movie.

wtf if they're going to remake an animated film they should at least make the remake live action

Welcome to [CURRENT YEAR] Satan.

Beast looks awful, and good grief, Emma doesn't match Belle at all.

I do like how the servants look, though.



they tried so hard to make him look handsome.

what television show is this from?

>Watson is like the opposite of midas

what did he mean by this?

It's not just me that saw a resemblance?

Give him back his tusks, ffs. He's supposed to be a monstrous beast.

Everything she touches turns to shit. Not gold.

Watching this trailer just made me want to rewatch the original film.

>it's yet another disney interracial propaganda movie

>Implying Perks isn't phenomenal

oh please you are just pissy at feminism.

Why couldn't they just let the Beast be a Beast.

When is the Kingdom Hearts Disney Cinematic Universe being announced?

>All the live action movies lead into an "avengers" style of movie

how fucking hilarious would that be.

How do you go to THAT from THIS?

>that casting
>copy paste plot and music
It looks shit

They tried to make a Kingdom Hearts show in the early 2000s, it didn't work out.

I doubt they'll try to make a movie.

It would be a good way to properly combine all the films together. Though the Final Fantasy cameos will probably be dropped and they'll need to fine a direct who can emulate the game's convoluted plot

The Mickeyverse characters better be 2D or I ain't seeing shit. But they probably will be lazy CGI so they can fit more CGI characters in like Baymax and Olaf for more modern Disney pandering.

looks so fucking uncanny

>This is Gaston

Confirmed trash.

this x100000000

>emma watson

>thinking emma cares about what's up top

it's below the waist that counts

Little girls from the 90s are now woman, and still love Beauty & the Beast as adults.

Females who were teewns when Twilight came out are now woman as well.
Twilight was a popular story about a Handsome yet "monstrous" Vampire who seduces a young brunette girl. Ring any Belles yet??

In short Disney wanted to create a good looking beast that woman could get wet for just like they got wet for the handsome, and ripped Wolf/Vampire "monsters" in Twilight.

So live action beast has no lower over bight or long fangs. Hes just a brown good looking guy with some facial hair, and demonic long horns.

>emma watson as emma watson
>luke evans as luke evans
jesus christ

Looks like Norm MacDonald

Belle should've been Alicia Vikander.
Henry Cavill should've been Gaston.
Ewan McGregor's French accent isn't good.
The furniture/dishes look too realistic.

Will be watching for Dan Stevens.


>trailer starts with softly played piano note

I hope this movie makes fuckloads of money just to see you rage some more.

don't care got to watch it for the music alone

it will

>Bell isn't a pure white women trying to find a true man, being hunted by a beast(Gaston)
>Gaston isn't an evil white man

Jesus, Watson is such a shit actress and seems so out of place as Belle.

This shit will fail miserably.

>Dat fucking dog
Nice touch.

Actually they did do a race swap. They made the french feather duster black. Enjoy that, and get fucked.

Cant wait

she will

wow Sup Forums truly knows what they are talking about....oh wait shes grossed 600 million post potter doing indie movies. perks bling ring, noah and colonia are all solid

They will still meme because emma watson triggers every little fagboi bitch




>watson reddit sperg is here
jesus christ

dude what the fuck why are you dragging MEW into this
we've never done anything to you man

Hey man I'm using an example ill use Kstew next time okay?

emma bro here, leave mew alone.

But nobody better try to imply this emma isn't by far the best emma and best girl.

He looks like the Beast.

Also the Beast always had kind eyes. It is a major plot point.


Fair enough, i should have just targeted the horse and frogger. And kstew.

that explains why worst emma got the role too
thanks Sup Forums

Not even memeing I thought that was Robbie Rotten at first.

dude lmao 4 more months of postproduction

>worst emma
>inferiority complex best worst emma meme
loving every laugh

I really want to look forward to this, Beauty and the Beast is my favourite Disney musical, but I just really fucking hate Emma Watson.

I mean, don't get me wrong she is perfect for Belle. She looks like Belle and we know she can do a convincing empowered, intellectual woman that don't need no man, but I just really, really fucking hate her.

stop being so boring shes QT as fuck and the QT will sing

>He looks like the Beast.
No, user. Just no.

She's an insane feminist on par with Sarkeesian.

It just looks like a shot for shot remake of the animated version. Who cares?

hi emma

You're a fucking sperg on Sup Forums. I voted Trump, shes not insane you insecure fellow white man

That's more or less what I would want.

He doesn't have fangs, or rather he doesn't have pronounced fangs. That is literally it.

All I want to know is if they will add best song.


>Mrs Pots is just a teapot with an animated face texture
this is honestly disgusting

What's the point of this? Are they saying we don't need animation anymore?

did someone say QT

Are you living in a bubble, Disney has wanted to do a live action BATB for a long time, its been at the top of their list likely.

so is the person you're replying to

It's nice to see what would happen if they chose a different medium. If there's nothing wrong with the original then nothing much needs changed. If you change it to much it gets to the point where it may as well be a different story and you're just trying to cash in on the brand name.

The Jungle Book was successful. Naturally they are going to remake every Disney movie now except Aladdin because they would probably get blown up by fans of Robin Williams.

Nice emmabro I voted for trump too

>shows the entire fucking film
>looks terrible

can someone tell me why they didn't cast pic related since she can actually act, is way more attractive and isn't an insufferable cunt?

>What's the point of this?
Heres a list

Reminder that Sup Forums turned her into a feminist.

Call me crazy but i dont care about the cartoon like a weeb or a woman.

You just got 3/3 predictable insults all on one. Great job sir, great job. literal who is terrible...and you should feel bad but wont.

Emma is a great actress, loving her choices so far, this is gonna do a shitton of money.

except the part where she isn't remotely that. As "crazy" as she gets is wage gap which exists but its mostly not due to sexism. I'd imagine if I sat down and had a discussion with her about it I could make shift her to focusing on why it happens pretty easily.

forever the QTest.

Its gonna do 1.3 billion

Because besides skins she is pretty much a who still. And they want to make as much bank as possible

>anything good is good but not because of emma
>anything bad is bad because of emma

Emma would be disappointed.

>your literal who is terrible
>your literal who
Get the fuck out of my Sup Forums if you don't know who Kaya Scodelario is

>implying watson isn't box-office poison

have you not paid attention to the twitter shitfests? emma merely encouraged people to vote she didnt #IMWITHHER

same thing with brexit. she encouraged people to vote, and encouraged them again. didnt get salty and whine on twitter afterwards.

>what is the maze runner?

>>implying watson isn't box-office poison
I didn't say she wasn't, big boy. I'm just explaining why she and most of the others didn't get picked.
>Emma Watson has celebrated that the United States could soon have a female president.

>he thinks he knows anything
I know who she is pal, shes a literal who and you are delusional

>her choosing indie movies is box office poison
Its like you are purposefully being a dumbfuck, yea the germam film festival entry only grossed $2.5 million in german and italy where it was distributed, the RT cucks 20 of them mostly didnt like it, making me think. Kaya is a who


>it's another Gaston is the bad guy episode

Literally sick of this. He did nothing wrong.
>Emma Watson: Today, I Am Going to Fight Even Harder for Women's Rights
>Her message: Do not give up, even if the future for women looks bleak in the America under Trump.
>"The next president will be able to make decisions about women, about their bodies, about how they are treated at work, on university campuses and at school, about how men treat women and about their rights as citizens," she wrote. "These decisions affect how young people form their ideas of gender. These decisions will affect whether we believe equality is an idea that matters."

I can't wait for someone to do this with the Live Action footage.

consider me (i'm this guy ) triggered then

Yea she was stating the obvious, you really dont know the difference between speaking openly or shilling is do you? Again i voted for trump. Stay mad i hope you dont like one of the many who bitched and moaned on twitter

Hey fagboi thats a headline, look how triggered you are. Her tweet was nothing bad. She said she was going to work harder for what she believes in. Holy shit you are so triggered by emma watson and as a conservative im telling you youre acting like a tumblr girl

christ, i really want to like this but it looks fucking appalling.

only good reboot so far is/was jungle book

>he justifies having a shit-tier waifu because she's not jewish
You know she's mentally insane?
You know she stands against literally ever Sup Forums rhetoric you regurgitate? She wants to empower females over men, complain men are too weak, and bring millions of refugees over

I still think they made him look like a good looking guy with facial hair in order to appeal to female views

>I want to know is if they will add best song.
The Beast sang that song from his balcony in the live broadway show. The trailer shows the Best chilling in his balcony so the odds are pretty good.

Emma's liberal, a feminist and well-read the chances of her ever supporting Trump are non-existent.

She was disappointed in the Brexit and she's disappointed in this. But she's adult enough to not be throwing a hissy fit. AKA why I stand by her not being one of the crazy feminists.

Why do they keep saying we like they were the majority?