Film titles but with synonyms

Film titles but with synonyms
>Arnold Schwarzenegger in...
>Absolute Recollection

so just an even more retarded version of "famous movie lines", fuck right off.

My bother and I made a game out of this, except you can replace each part of the title with something in the same general category.

So you get things like:

Iron Monkey -> Bronze Orangutan
Dragon Ball Z -> Lizard Cube C

Which we throw into normal conversation so that the other has to work out what we're talking about.

does anyone know where to download Arnie's commentary on Total Recall? it sounds incredible. I rented a blu ray of it but it didn't have the commentary track

I'm doing this with my friends now and there's nothing you can do about it.

>quick and upset

>Dragon Ball Z -> Lizard Cube C

>Not Mammal Sphere X

>searching for nemo
>the spectaculars
>plaything tale
>boogeymen inc
>an insect's existence

If dragons existed, they wouldn't be mammals.

I was assuming the catagery was animal types


American Dad - Yankee Parental

The single favorite one that I came up with was 'Polishes'. It took him a while to work it out. I told him that one of the major characters on the show cleans stuff a lot.

Space Voyage > Space Battles

come at me

Great Problems at Small Cathay
Dude with Camcorder
Undressed Snack
The Dude That Could Have Ruled
The Finders
The Savage Group
Pale Star of the Wastes

Astral Conflicts: The Kingdom Punches Rearward

Arnold Schwarzenegger is... The Sprinting Guy!

Die Hard

>Upset Maximillian: Anger Path

The Arnold Schwarzenegger is:
The Apprentice!

Malicious Unalive

Helping Genital Swanson

Paybackers: The Era of Robot

The Fugitive

This is literally a game on a late night show in my country

A Thing Piloted Above the Dodo's Habitat

Back to the Future

Chiropterachap Against Greatguy

Profesor Normaldisgust in: When you started to hate and fear the gun.

Crazy Tom: Rage Freeway

The Megablocks Moving Picture

The Bleak Warrior Ascends