
>shitty cinematography with no color and nothing but ugly desaturated grey-blue underlighting
>scarlett "i can't act, but i fucked a hack" johansson
>2 hours of scarlett johansson lowering her brows and pouting
>batou is some skinny hollywood half-nigger with ugly spiked hair instead of the flat-top or ponytail he had in the other adaptations
>kuze is some stripped down Evil Cyborg Man
>dub dub dub dub DEOOOOO soundtrack
>retarded maisie williams on crack geishas
>shitty CGI

hollyjew does it again friendos! hope youre ready for Ghostbusters: Answer the Call 2!

Other urls found in this thread:

>ends up being good
>Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and Sup Forums BTFO forever

It's not even as bad as Ghostbusters. I haven't heard of anyone saying there's a sexist agenda against the movie

idk ill still probably see it desu

>trying too hard: the post

simmah down now

>GitS was ever good
Jesus Sup Forums fuck off already

they're gonna shill feminism real hard in the next few months i bet. as if the original 1995 GITS wasnt feminist because that werent the white woman

>scarlett "i can't act, but i fucked a hack" johansson

That is literally how the casting for the main actress of the director's only previous movie went.

> films tries to pay homage to the anime, people bash it
> film tries to do its own thing, people still bash it


damnit :(

Why are we pretending to love this series so much?

>M-muh source material!

You are pure cancer. Eliminate yourself

What did she see in him?

does this flick really need an R rating

here's your (You)

it makes them feel good about themselves

>these plebs dont know kino, cucks cucks, hahahah..h-ha.......

He's a handsome HUNKA HUNKA

I rewatched the original yesterday. I'm 29 and off the anime for years. Holy shit, what an actual cinema. Would recommend anyone (not just any anime fan) to watch it and ignore this pointless (((remake))).

> Hasn't seen it
> "Trust me. It's shit"

What is it user?

I wasn't a fan of this getting a movie but now I honestly want the movie to be good just to see all this fuckers eat shit and die a gruesome death in their basements.

There already is a movie, fucktard. It's where they're copying the whole sequences from.

>all that cgi
>still can't make her nose small

hows that shilling job for disney going?
Are they worrried that Nippon anime is gonna destroy the years of Star wars and capeshit planning?

where can I buy this poster?

No because they'll buy up IPs and put them out too you fucking Sup Forumseddit iqlet
I mean do you not know how many pockets these j*ws(disney) have their hands in?


Not really, they already are planning the demise of capeshit. They know everything has a limited shelf life.

You have to start the trends now to get them ready in the next 10 years

can't wait for this and the Death Note movie

kinome is on the horizon

>that green bomber jacket

/fa/ cringe thread?

>Hollywood starts exploiting animoo
>turns out there are like 20 good animoos
>they have to adapt K-On and Himouto to stay afloat

why would they make her nose so big?

>turns out there are like 20 good animoos
the day I learned this was very disappointing. There's like 20 good ones as you said then hundreds of schoolgirl series that people say are 'good'

Guess didn't see these retards already complaining about the interracial cyborg "sex-scene", did you?

There are more then twenty, Macross alone covers at least six between tv series and ova.

Yeah guys only Evangelion and Cowboy Bebop and Berserk and JoJo are good

Everything else is schoolgirl anime!

are we talking good or manchild who still has nostalgia for dragon ball z "good"

>>Sup Forums
>>Finding anything good

wew lad

I've just seent\ the anime GiTS from 95

anything else from this series worth checkng out?

It completely ruins the suspension of disbelief. Why would a cyborg choose to have a wonky puddy nose?

Disney is making GitS you tard. ((Spielberg)) owns the rights


>adaptations should be an exact copy of the source material
just watch the anime

The sequel, Innocence, and Stand Alone Complex. Manga is fine but it's a lot more lighthearted and different.

Avoid everything else.

It's where her various antennas are kept for optimal connectivity while deep in the field.


GITS 2 is also great, although it isn't a fan-pleasing sequel.
SAC is pretty decent, but doesn't have the mesmerizing quality of the movies.
Arise/the 2015 movie are okay, some of the first Arise episodes are pretty bad though.

innocence is the sequel to GiTS 95?

Production Companies

DreamWorks SKG
Grosvenor Park Productions
Paramount Pictures
Reliance Entertainment
Seaside Entertainment

Paramount Pictures

>you fighting hard for that paycheck bro

Man, there is so much great anime that they could make shitty adaptations for the next 50 years.

Gundam is ripe for AAA Blockbuster Transformers-style explosion-fests

Galaxy Express 999 could be a contender for Star Wars, especially with the Captain Harlock stuff.

Berserk, Record of Lodoss War, Akira, Nausicaa, Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Castle in the Sky, ALL THE MACROSS STUFF, Patlabor, Saint Seiya (would be HUGE in the Latin market.), Dirty Pair (SJWs would lap it up due to rainbow haired female leads), Captain Tsubasa, Barefoot Gen could be series Oscar bait, Vampire Hunter D, Escaflowne, Rurouni Kenshin could be adapted into a fucking WESTERN about a wandering gunfighter who only fights with non-lethal ammo.

There's no limit the the amount of bullshit you can milk out of anime if you have no soul!


That's right. And Stand Alone Complex is an anime series, a different adaptation of the manga, so it's unrelated from the movies, but it's still fantastic. A lot more action packed and less philosophical, tho.

I've never watched innocence, the CGI seems really jarring. Is the whole movie like this?

Yawn. Another "I'm from Sup Forums and I hate everything" thread.

Yeah. It was Mamoru Oshii's first money loser. Fun film if you can get past it.


Maybe the first series, because its more culture shock. everything else is the power of music.

Now don't get me wrong I love macross, fuck i love akb0048 and symphogear, but i don't see it getting an american remake.


yeah, looks like a hollowed out movie stealing shots from the original movie but making them normie tier.

the cgi is really distracting

your waifu a shit

Nothing. Just watch film like black rain, johnny mnemonic and stuff instead


>Captain Harlock
Man, I would love to see a properly-handled big budget remake of Arcadia Of My Youth.

>retarded maisie williams on crack geishas

fuck you, you made me laugh

That's because the SJW audience hates it for "white washing" motoko who never looked asian in the first place.
I have more of an issue with scarjo being an awful actress who could never carry a movie by herself

This thread is pointless.

You're never gonna get a true to the source material GITS movie because it's never been about appealing to normies, and studios will never cough up the money for a movie they no only a few people will be interested in.

>>retarded maisie williams on crack geishas
4real tho they look like maisie williams

>4real tho
This isn't the government cheese line, Jamal. Get back to WorldStar.

Thanks mane, DLing them right now

The GitS movie director.



I'ma pleb who wants an uncanny valley full cgi KLK movie,


Begins and ends here.

Surprised Hollywood are such cucks about making R movies still, considering they love a bandwagon and Deadpool made a bundle.

I'm more upset at the synopsis of the movie desu

where CAN i BUY the POOSTER?

The 1995 GITS was rated R. Shit was animated. To be true to the source? Yeah, maybe.

Truth is, rated R movies don't make as much profit as anything below R.


you leave gundam and studio ghibli away from money grubbing hollywood jew hands they'd fucking ruin it

That being said, there is a live action gundam so it's not like hollywood could do worse than this

not a negro that's who

what is happening here

I'm assuming she's a neurotic germophobe or something but that .webm is hilarious nonetheless.

kstew showing us why she is the best waifu


>Vampire Hunter D
I would love a live action Bloodlust movie.

if the motive is to make shekels, they shouldn't make this movie.

>G Saviour
thank you for reminding me why I skipped it during my viewings of the series

GITS was terrible anyway,only the visuals were good.

is this true?

I guess it's too bad for this movie since they can't even get the visuals right.

We sure LOVE some Saint Seiya and Dragon Ball.

The original being the 1995 version? I wasthinking about watching it for the first time.

Post the image of the ghost in taco bell

And Ghost in the Shell is not a family action movie

We can only hope it bombs so hard that Hollywood never tries to make a live action Anime movie ever again.

>GITS 2 is also great, although it isn't a fan-pleasing sequel.
That's funny because I remember many, many people saying they prefer it to the original

Fortunately Motoko is awful at acting human and routinely fails at carrying herself in social situations that don't involve leveraging either her perfect female robot body or her authority over people.

>I will not touch that until someone has cleaned the nigger off it.

Wow, how could she say something like that.