So. How is this situation going to develop?

So. How is this situation going to develop?

What did he mean by this?

one more time

Carl is gonna continue the family cuck business

cucky carl

I'm guessing this might be where we shall see how Negan deals with rapists

say it again little girl

fan service for Sup Forums

There's a TWD general. Could you please post there instead of vomiting 1000 threads?


tfw she will never sit on your face


idk she gets raped and carl shoots him and becomes negans lil baby boy?


Something bad gon happen

That girl is too fucking old for that

holy shit I was diamonds during this scene

was it rape?

I like her lips, she looks like a younger version of a girl I wanted to dick, used to make her laugh too, made me feel a bit more like a normal person.


What's this actresses name? I want to look up more of her if you know what I mean...

Say that to the hundreds of trump threads faggot

Can someone explain to me the balloons?

They were condoms mate

Why did she need the balloons so badly?

What does he do?
I only watch the tv show cause im a pleb.

Was hoping he took it further desu

I honestly thought WE DON'T RAPE was gonna happen there and then or at least negan was gonna sock him in front of everybody

its not. negan is against rape. if he tries anything, negan will shove a knife up his dickhole.

if negan wasn't against rape, the show would be a whole lot darker, because realistically, all the women would be raped pretty much constantly.

Isn't the "against rape" thing kind of dumb in lilght of the fact that he marries all the women and basically has them "consent" in an atmosphere of fear and threats?

bro, you're misunderstanding him bro, because if the girl said 'no', then the answer obviously is 'no'.
But the thing is she's not gonna say 'no', she would never say 'no', because of the implication.

yeah man this bugged the shit out of me too

out of every possible useful thing, balloons

and they don't even show why later

it's not just a subjugation thing though, in the comics he seems to genuinely care which is odd since it suggests he lacks the clarity of thought to see that he is essentially a rapist himself

Didnt here and glenn use the balloons when the horde passed by alexandria to let them know they were safe? I might be remembering wrong but i thought they used em for something like that before

They were used as a signal that Enid and Glenn were alive before the tower collapsed into a wall.

that one flew right by you, didn't it?

substitute for condoms dude

Is it possible to use a balloon as a condom? I mean if you absolutely had to

You're correct. The balloons where a center piece for the whole episode with her & Glenn.

This needs to be mashed up with the Nathan for you skit from smokers only "again"

Saviors arn't allowed to rape, and Negan enforces it with his fists and possible Lucille
Once again proving Negan ain't that bad

I'd unspeakable things to her ass

You and me both. She has such a weird face, but it just makes me dick harder. I would plunder her holes with glee.

just thinking about it..

They should've kept Emily Kinney's character alive for this scene.

Really good scene desu
