Is there enough ghost for this shell?

Is there enough ghost for this shell?

dont you mean to ask "is there enough shell for this ghost?," you fucking failure


Pretty sure he meant your dick is a ghost


He's right though. The body is the shell. Did you even watch the anime?

more like ghost in the taco bell


We need to go back

You stole this from the last thread

>Stealing jokes


Why didn't they choose Chloe Moretz for this role, she has the perfect physique for the job.


It's ok mate i think i get what you're referencing

Why is this allowed?

Last I've checked Motoko doesn't have a man's body.

Oh no what a horrible mistake

its a meme

please make a long running meme of fridge in the taco bell


please do it


more like roast in the belly

I can't tell if your pic is photoshoped or not, please add Pablo if it is.

want my dick in that fatty.

'y-your body is fully functional you say?'
'care to find out?'
'another time.'

>being low test


>gook moot's servers take half a minute to enlarge picture


>Not casting Rinko Kikuchi

Niggas literally had one job and they fucked it up

>not casting Rinkorimu Kikujurisakomotojiru-san

>Casting a gook for a role of a woman that looks like a doll
Just hire the woman who played Faora on Man of Memes.

>i want to shoehorn my meme actress in every movie

Scarlet Johansen works for me. She's just as robotic in real life as the Major ever was.

She looks fucking ugly, fuck off

this tbqh

Kettle, Pot.


Why not just cast a good-looking, talented nobody for a tenth of the price?

Because Hollywood is all about pull, and giving your friends jobs. It's nepotism dialed to 11.

>implying gooks don't look like dolls

not just me then.

A different kind of doll.
The major looks like those porcelain dolls with big eyes.

Are...are you anons seriously body-shaming Scarlett Johansson? Scarlett "Dat Black Widow Ass" Johansson?

That takes gall on a almost universal level.

will she become in the ghost without shell?






dear god

So where does scarjew fit in?

She looks like a dopey faced monkey.

Why even bother doing a live-action if you're just going to CGI her body into oblivion?

This is only encouraging female actresses to get fatter. Soon there will be legislation outlawing denying work on the basis of fatness, and CGI will be used to work around this absurd state of affairs.

she looks so short

Man what an absolute misscast. I hate this fucking industry that US film is so much.

Fuck this

Are you fucking kidding me


some video games have better looking graphics than this shit

So he didn't even bother shaving his GoT beard?

Same potato nose. At least scar jo can act

they could have used a makeup
but nooooooo
lets use cgi fucking everywhere

only images and webms on is.Sup
I was glad when I found out it wasn't just me


i though i was the only one
wth happened?

tostada in the crunchy shell

the best actress would have been the dutch one from Man of Steel

someone posted a shop where she looked just like Major with muscles and all

They aren't even facing the correct direction

holy shit it's her
she looks perfect for the role

here's antje apparently working out (possibly after a deadlift)



*tips Eden apple*

only plebs care about this overrated anime

enlightened ones please leave

Since Kuze is confirmed to be the antagonist who wants to guess the plot of the movie?


its almost a full second, really fucking annoying.



so like her mind was copied into a cyborg but there are still human she and like
are cyborg human too lol?
and then stuff happens
the end

His face better not move a fucking inch the whole movie unless it's a flashback.

muh dick

it only started a month ago at the earliest.

it seemed to coincide with me putting my good comp in the shop which threw me off, i thought it was my slow-ass backup rig.

don't worry she's a pro at that

just did a little test, it looks like it correlates to adblock being turned on/off.

To skinny

what was the point of this

so he's deliberately throttling connections with adblock

wow, he's gone full jew. you won't get my shekels, hiroshimoot.

Wow, the light!

They put the light in the wrong direction!!



Arnie copypasta for this when?

Possibly. Its not really a scientific test, it may have just decided to respond a little quicker for those images I tested with. No real reason to think there's anything sinister going on, its equally possible they just deployed some pajeet tier code.

showing her determination surpassed her robotic reasoning.

So that she could kill the guys inside piloting the tank

no, he's not

my images load slow as shit too and I don't use adblock due to being more afraid of my information being stolen by them

I want my 2006 ScarJo back :'(

Pretty sure that's her sexy as fuck Russian body double. Scarjo ain't got tits anymore, pal.

like somebody else said in the other thread, that's her best pic ever. so fucking hot


i was wondering how much was cgi - i didn't though it was literally hulk tier

if she had a huge fat ass at least it could be a katja kassin style thing

prefer fat scarlett desu

2000 to late 2009 is the best scarjo.